The cute queen of online games

Chapter 399 Dial Igloo

Chapter 399 Dial Igloo
"The rules for finding a boss are much simpler, Yuan Fang, didn't you notice what the monster said here?" Miao Miao said calmly, obviously already knowing it in her heart.

When she said this, Yuan Fang realized that the monsters he had just beaten had said some strange lines...

At what time, moment, and now, those weird lines were shouted out by the ice monster many times. Think about the monster lines that are really not very reasonable, but what does it mean?Is it really related to the boss?

Yuan Fang thought he was shrewd, but after thinking about it, he still looked puzzled.

Miao Miao didn't answer him, she purposely bought a pass, she looked at the system time and said, "It's 21:[-] p.m., come on, come with me."

The improved camouflage is good, Miao Miao commanded: "Go forward at one o'clock."

The whole team immediately walked in the direction she said. Not long after, the teleportation array appeared, and everyone was teleported again.

Before teleportation, Yuan Fang saw ice sculptures of gears and the Roman numeral one appearing next to him.

Just after the teleportation, Miao Miao spoke again: "Two o'clock direction."

Going in her direction again, when seeing the teleportation appear, Yuan Fang was surprised to find that there was an ice sculpture of Roman numeral two nearby.

He immediately understood that these ice sculptures of Roman numerals were clearly distributed in the form of dials around each teleportation point, and when he walked to the direction of the hour, he would encounter the corresponding Roman numerals.

Afterwards, she walked in the direction of ten o'clock again. After teleporting again, Miaomiao looked at the time before she spoke: "It's 24:[-], go to the direction of five o'clock."

Yuan Fang now fully understands Miaomiao's way forward, which is to use the current time number as a signpost to send it!The previous three transmissions corresponded to 1 o'clock and 20 minutes respectively, and the reason why the 24 minutes went in the direction of 5 o'clock this time was to estimate the time-consuming progress.

When the teleportation appeared, it was indeed 25:[-], and there was no mistake.

After the teleportation, they reappeared, and everyone found that the location was different this time. At this moment, they were in a huge igloo. The igloo was in the shape of a semicircle similar to an Eskimo igloo. The roof above their heads was blue and translucent. The ice quality, the surrounding area near the ice wall is full of various ice sculptures.

"This place is so special, could it be the home of a giant snowman?" Wu Qinghan looked at it and guessed wildly.

It's not that simple, Miao Miao looked down and said: "Look down."

Everyone looked down, and even the ground was made of ice, and the huge circular ice surface was depicted as a dial, and there was a circular protrusion in the center. The hour, minute, and second hands of the ice sculpture were fixed by the circular protrusion. The two pointers stretched out, pointing to different positions.

Tick, tick, tick...

When everyone was watching inexplicably, there was a sound of clocks moving in the room, and then there were a few creaks, and the three fixed hands began to move. The hour and minute hands were okay, but moved very slowly, but the second hand moved quickly. The speed of the second began to move rapidly, and the position of the three fingers was exactly the time corresponding to 26:[-] at this moment.

"Be careful to dodge." Miaomiao saw the cold glow reflected from the moving Miaozhen, and immediately felt that something was wrong, and immediately reminded the team.

The second hand has swept across the crowd. The ice pointer is slender and sharp, like a long knife. Its rotation height is higher than that of the feet. Obviously, it can cause a lot of damage, and it may be directly disabled if it is cut.

The six people happened to be standing on the outside of the five o'clock Roman numerals on the dial. The speed of the second hand sweeping towards the outer circle was a little slower. I don't want to test myself to see what kind of damage it will cause.

"It looks like this should be the place to brush the boss." Yuan Fang looked around and looked for the boss as he said.

"You don't need to look for it, the boss should automatically show up when the time passes." Ji Jing said confidently, as if he had beaten the boss before.

But looking at the strange colors of this map, I also know that the boss will not be an ordinary monster, and naturally he will not hang around in his territory like other bosses waiting for someone to find the target.

And Miaomiao didn't look for the boss from the beginning to the end after she came in. In fact, she already knew what the boss was, so she wasn't curious at all.

After estimating the potential danger, she took the initiative to act as the commander, and explained the battle assignment in the team.

"Yuanfang and Ruoshui stand on the edge of the minute hand to release the summoned beasts, to avoid being interrupted by the pointer. Qinghan Xiaomo stands behind the boss and only focuses on the violent output. Huanxi and I fight against each other."

This is just a small map boss, not the kind of super wild boss that can only be pushed by groups on big maps, so the blood volume will not be too scary, and the attack and defense will not be too outrageous. What is worrying is that the level of the boss must exceed level 75 , only Miaomiao in the team is above level 70, so the boss has a lot of pressure on everyone. With the current team configuration, it seems that only Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi can exert their strength.

Everyone listened carefully while the second hand swept over again. The three thousand girls in the team listened most seriously. It was the first time for her to fight a boss with the famous Miao Miao in the whole server. She was really scared and excited. With Chun Chun He nodded in admiration, especially obedient to the leader, for fear of slowing down the cute god.

She is not like Wu Qinghan who is used to dragging her feet. This guy clearly thinks in his heart that God is omnipotent anyway, even if he has teammates like pigs, he can still play like a god.

Before the end of the camouflage skills, Miaomiao briefly said the things to pay attention to, and finally took something from the package and handed it to Ruoshui Sanqian.

Confused, Ruo Shui Sanqian found a contract page, which stated that it was a golden guardian skill, which was a life-saving magical skill exclusively for summoning.

"It's a pity to give me such a good thing. I can't ask for it. It's too precious." Ruoshui Sanqian was flattered at once, and he was so embarrassed that he declined, and looked at Yuan Fang, "That... why don't you give it to Yuan Fang?" Fang, his skills are much better than mine, well, it’s better to give it to him.”

"Life-saving skills are of course for those who need life-saving skills." Miao Miao raised an eyebrow. Does a technical type like Yuan Fang still need life-saving skills?

Ruoshui Sanqian was a little ashamed to hold it, feeling that this was really reasonable, hesitated for a moment, and then said embarrassedly: "It's not very good to take the things of the cute god for nothing, why don't I exchange them for something? But I don't seem to have anything as valuable as this..."

Miao Miao interrupted her politeness, and said cheerfully: "Okay, this contract is for you to join the Mengsha faction."

 Sorry, it's too late to update the next chapter, and I have to put my son to sleep. Today I can only update it alone. Tomorrow, I will go out to accompany my mother and adults have something to do, so I will update it alone. Thank you Alusia for the monthly pass ~ ok.

(End of this chapter)

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