The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 136 Brother Is So Crazy

Chapter 136 Brother Is So Crazy
Is it dead or alive?

If ordinary people fall, soldiers in combat will definitely not care.But it was Lu Bu who fell, and the soldiers who had the opportunity to see all grabbed the battlements and looked down.

Suddenly, the soldiers were full of disbelief.

I saw Lu Bu clutching his back, using a painted halberd as a crutch, and disappeared after being picked up by a group of soldiers.

It's not dead?

The soldiers later discovered that Lu Bu had fallen on the corpse.

You must know that as Li Jue's army attacked the city, the city was densely covered with corpses.With the corpse as a buffer, Lu Bu escaped with his life, but it seemed that he was also thrown hard.

As Lu Bu was beaten down, the attack of Li Jue's army on the top of the city eased slightly.

Lu Bu was taken back to his own formation.

Li Jue sneered, "General Lu lost to Qin Mengjie again. It doesn't matter. Since General Lu is here to support me, how can I sit and watch the general suffer humiliation. Take a break, general, and watch me avenge the general. Qin Mengjie is powerful, but In front of me, it's nothing but the bravery of a man."

Now Lu Bu, Li Jue, and Guo Si all want to take Dong Zhuo's place, so although they are united, they are at odds with each other.

Lu Bu had blue veins popping out of his forehead, how could he fail to hear what Li Jue said.Don't pretend to be aggressive with me, Qin Mengjie is not so easy to deal with.

After all, the capture of Luoyang is also good for Lu Bu, he reminded: "General Li still needs to be careful."

Li Jue said proudly: "General Lu just wait for the good news."

So Li Jue ordered to beat the drums to attack.

The drums sounded, and Li Jue's army began its biggest offensive yet.

Although Lu Bu came down, the advantage he had opened up was still there, and with the strong attack of Li Jue's army, the advantage continued to expand.

Now, Li Jue's army is besieging two defensive towers, one on the left and one on the gate tower.

These defensive towers are similar to the structure of beacon towers on the Great Wall, and they are the game sites for both attackers and defenders.

The attacker needs to capture these defensive towers to enter the city through the stairways below the towers.Without these towers, no matter how many enemy troops came up, they would not be able to enter the city.After all, it is impossible to jump into the city from the top of the ten-story building.

At this moment, Li Jue's army is about to break through the third tower on the left side of the gate tower, and the ninth tower on the right side.

"Is the old general injured?" Qin Ye saw Huangfusong.

Huangfusong stared at Qin Ye, and was very surprised at this young man's ability to use the surrounding environment, "Thank you General Qin for your support, the old man can still hold on."

"The east gate is urgent!"

The messengers from the east gate appeared here.

Qin Ye was speechless for a moment, the emergency here has not been resolved yet, and someone called for an emergency.

The east gate is guarded by the veteran Zhu Jun. As a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, Zhu Jun has the ability. He didn't expect to be in a hurry so soon.Think about it, now, the west gate guarded by Qin Ye and the north gate guarded by Zhang Liao and others are not in emergency.

Due to the urgency of time, Qin Ye didn't say any more. He looked around and said, "Old general, immediately send heavy troops to besiege the ninth defense platform and repel the enemy troops near the defense platform. This wave of enemy attacks will be defeated." collapse."

Huangfusong originally admired Qin Ye very much, but now he looked very dissatisfied.You just looked at it casually, and you didn't even have time to breathe, so you just jumped to conclusions like this?Is there such a general?
Veteran general Huangfusong also had his own opinion about the current situation, and immediately retorted: "Siege the ninth defense tower, and the enemy will break through from all fronts."

"Do you understand tactics?" Qin Ye was straightforward, because he still had to go to the east gate for rescue, so he didn't have time to spend here with Huangfusong.

"I don't understand tactics?" Huangfusong was angry at that time. When I commanded a large-scale battle, you boy, let alone you, your parents are still babies. "You just looked at it casually, and you didn't even have time to breathe. What can you see?"

Qin Ye said: "Although I just take a casual look, it's better than you for a day."

"What? Just take a look, it's better than me for a day!!!" Huangfusong almost choked up when he heard the straightforward words.You know, Huangfusong was the No.1 general at the end of the Han Dynasty, even if Sun Wu was resurrected, he would not dare to speak to him like this, the old general still has this confidence.

And Qin Ye was so straightforward because he was in a hurry.

"Arrogant, too arrogant. Young man, don't be so arrogant." Huangfu Song said coldly.

Qin Ye said: "What does the old general mean, how should we defend?"

"The third defense building should be rescued now!" Huangfusong said firmly.

The third defense building?
Just now, Qin Ye had seen the situation of the third defense tower with his supreme eyes, and it was indeed a breakthrough point.It seemed that Huangfusong was still capable, but he still couldn't really see the situation clearly.

Qin Ye patiently explained: "Although there is also a flaw there, with the current strength of our army, it is impossible to eliminate the enemy there. The ninth defensive tower is different. Although it seems that there is no chance, the actual enemy army is weak in follow-up. It is very easy to point to area, and this wave of enemy offensives can be disintegrated."

Huangfu Song said coldly: "I'm afraid General Qin was wrong this time, the ninth defensive tower is not a flaw at all."

"The old general can't just go his own way, he must focus on the overall situation."

"I think you are determined to go your own way."

"Old general, you made a misjudgment."

I misjudged, you misjudged.I have fought more battles than you have eaten.

Huangfu Song made great achievements in battle and was never defeated, so how could he listen to a young man from Qin Ye's random command.

The soldiers looked at Huangfu Song and Qin Ye.They are more willing to believe in Huangfusong, after all, Huangfusong's life record is there.Although Qin Ye is also very strong in retreating the Eighteenth Route princes, you must know that Huangfusong can suppress the tyrannical existence of the Yellow Turban Rebellion.At that time, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were all ordinary generals under him, almost brought out by him alone.

"Is the old general determined to attack the third defense tower?"


At this time, the messenger at the east gate said anxiously: "Since the old general has found a way to defeat the enemy, please ask General Qin to save us at the east gate now."

The messenger is in a hurry.

In fact, Qin Ye was also in a hurry, so he immediately said: "Well, please let the old general attack the third defense building immediately. I believe you will be defeated soon. Since you will lose quickly, there is still time to start again." Assemble and attack the ninth defense tower."

"What!" After hearing the meaning of these words, Huangfusong really went crazy.

When the soldiers around heard it, they were all stunned.Damn, how dare he say that!
Huangfusong was already suffering from angina pectoris, and he said this as if he would really lose, "Qin Mengjie, don't be self-righteous, what if I win?"

"What if the old general loses?"

"If I lose, I will kowtow to plead guilty!"

"You don't need to kowtow to plead guilty, you just need the old general to attack according to my arrangement."

"Today, I will teach you how to behave as a young man."

"Old General, please don't talk nonsense, hurry up and lose, so that you will listen to my arrangements."


Huangfusong vomited blood, this kid is too crazy, I will win in a while, see if he is still making noise here.He shouted: "Give me an order to attack the enemy on the third defense tower with all our strength!
"Listen up. If you lose for a while, run faster and get out of contact with the enemy as soon as possible. I will prepare five hundred crossbowmen here to meet you." Qin Yeyu said earnestly.

Plop~, Huangfusong fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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