The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 137 Unbelievable Strategy

Chapter 137 Unbelievable Strategy

Huangfusong personally directed the attack on the third defensive tower.

Almost 3 minutes later.

Huangfusong's army attacking the third defensive tower was besieged by Li Jue's army on three sides and was defeated like a tide.

Since Qin Ye had deployed hundreds of archers above and below the city gate, Li Jue's army could not continue to chase down Huangfusong's defeated army on the top of the city.

"The old general was able to come back from defeat so quickly. It seems that the old general is not a person who will do his own thing."

The soldiers were terrified, and when they were defeated, they were still going their own way, so what is going on their own way, can you tell me?

It was the first time they heard such a statement, and they pulled their hair violently.

Huangfusong was about to cry.Unexpectedly, as the young man in front of him said, it was impossible to capture the third defensive tower.Fortunately, he remembered Qin Ye's words of rapid defeat, so he was able to defeat at the fastest speed.From the looks of it now, luckily the defeat was fast enough, otherwise, they would have been surrounded and annihilated.

Huangfusong's face was in burning pain, as if someone had beaten him.He originally thought that with a victory, he would teach the young man in front of him a good lesson on how to behave.Now it seems that the one who was taught a lesson was himself.

For the old general, this was more tragic than taking his life.

"Old general, attack the ninth defense tower as soon as possible. If it is later, I am afraid that the defense line will really be breached."

"My dear brother, it's the old man's mistake, so follow my virtuous brother's tactics and attack the ninth defensive tower." Huangfusong was quite ashamed.

The soldiers around were in turmoil.You must know that Huangfusong is the grandpa of Qin Ye, no matter his age or his military experience.Just now you wanted to teach him how to be a man, but in a blink of an eye, your virtuous brother called him.Can we not change so fast, can we not be so shameless, we will not be able to bear it.

No wonder Huangfusong changed, he was completely convinced by Qin Ye's commanding ability.

So, after Huangfusong changed his mind, he and Qin Ye joined forces to attack the ninth defensive tower.

And outside the city.

Li Jue smiled and said: "General Lu, what do you think. I said that Qin Ye is not my opponent at all, he is just a brave man." After he finished speaking, he turned his head away, completely looking like you are not worthy of being with me.

Lu Bu's teeth itch with hatred.He was defeated before, but now Li Jue is victorious, doesn't it mean that he, Lu Bu, is just a brave man.

5 minute later.

As Qin Ye and Huangfusong took back the ninth defense tower, the entire battle on the south gate side began to fall to Qin Ye's side.

For the siege party, it is not the general who can say a word and send a team to start the attack.Therefore, the attack of the entire siege party stopped.

After winning the ninth defense tower, Qin Ye was able to mobilize more soldiers to attack the third defense tower.

Due to the lack of response from the Li Jue army here, they gradually gave up their advantage.

Until the last soldier was cut off the head of the city, this wave of defense at the South Gate won a complete victory.

"How could this happen!" Li Jue opened his mouth wide enough to hold a goose egg, and couldn't believe the final outcome.It was about to break through, why did it suddenly lose?

During the whole process, Li Jue was at a loss, so he didn't take any measures to make up for it.

Lu Bu sneered again and again, "It is indeed General Li who can give up such a huge advantage."

Lu Bu felt indescribably happy, his face was swollen by Li Jue's invisible words just now.This time, his words sounded like a butterfly's palm, and Li Jue's face was completely swollen.Even for a long time, Li Jue did not give any order.

The soldiers are all crying, can they not hurt each other?We are all in the same camp, if you hurt each other like this, we are the ones who die.

City head.

Under the worshiping eyes of the soldiers, Qin Ye went to the east gate to rescue Zhu Jun.

Huangfusong was both sad and happy, sad because he was defeated in front of this young man, and happy because the Han family had this person's help, ZTE hopeful, "Heaven sent this person to protect me!"

Originally, the old general wanted to hurt the young man, but now the old general has completely changed his mind, and wants to unite to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty.Even if he had to bow his head to the young man because of this, the old general had no regrets.

In fact, Qin Ye had long thought about when he would be the emperor.

Fortunately, the old general didn't know, if he knew, he might be hurt badly, and he would try his best to hurt Qin Ye.

Qin Ye came to the east gate.

The general who led the resistance at Dongmen was Zhu Jun.

Zhu Jun was also a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty. When he became General Chijie, Cao Cao was just a cavalry captain.When he became Taiwei Sangong, Yuan Shao was just a prefect.

The situation at the east gate is similar to the situation at the south gate just now.

Guo Si swung his army to attack.

Although Guo Si's ability cannot be compared with Zhu Jun's, Guo Si's military advantage is too great.Tens of thousands of elite soldiers attacked five thousand soldiers, just in response to the saying, "Good soldiers don't need to be commanded, and bad soldiers can be commanded as you like."

Zhu Jun, the famous general Guo Bang played at the east gate, was in urgent need frequently, and it was also because Jia Xu was dispatching him.

Jia Xu was determined to capture Luoyang. After he asked Lu Bu to support the south gate, he came to the east gate on his own initiative and guided Guo Si to attack the city.Of course, he didn't point out to guide the siege in person, and Guo Si's previous offensive strategy seemed to Lao Jiaxu to be nonsense.

However, Guo Si didn't have such a consciousness. He said: "Mr. Wenhe's suggestion is very good. After the city of Luoyang is defeated and the rebels are eliminated, I will go up to your majesty and ask for a seal for you." Guo Si gradually took Dong Zhuo's posture, He wants to subdue Jia Xu for his own use.

Jia Xu stroked his beard, "It's just a way to save your life, it's not meritorious."

"Mr. Wen He doesn't have to be so modest." Guo Si only thought that Jia Xu was speaking politely.

At this time, Qin Ye had arrived at the east gate.

Just now Zhu Jun sent someone to Huangfusong's place for emergency, but he didn't expect a Qin Ye to come.The current situation is very critical, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a matter of life and death.Zhu Jun was already battered, "Is there anything General Qin can do?"

Supreme Lord Qin Ye flashed his eyes. Now it is really the most critical time. The enemy may break through the city wall at any time. Fortunately, he saw the flaws in the enemy's offensive front line, nodded and said: "Yes, we will immediately abandon the two sides of the city gate tower. The city wall, until the first defensive tower on both sides. Then stick to these three points, and do not counterattack until more enemies climb to the top of the city."

Zhu Jun's eyes widened in an instant.

Nima, did I hear wrong!

Not only Zhu Jun, but also the generals around him, and even the surrounding soldiers were frightened.

Just now when Zhu Jun asked about Qin Ye's strategy, he just asked subconsciously.In his opinion, as a young man Qin Ye, his experience and abilities are limited after all.As for the previous record, Zhu Jun still thinks that it should be mostly due to luck.

Therefore, he didn't think that Qin Ye could come up with a strategy, and even if he could come up with some strategies, it would definitely not be now.After all, Qin Ye has just come here, and he only took a few glances at the battlefield.

However, to Zhu Jun's surprise, Qin Ye just took a look and came up with a strategy.

What surprised Zhu Jun even more was that this strategy was really nonsense.

You must know that it is too late for Zhu Jun to defend the top of the city, so he voluntarily gave up the top of the city and gave up a large section of the defense line to the enemy.

are you crazy!

Zhu Jun shook his head again and again, looking over with complete disappointment.If he had considered Qin Ye's previous record before, he would look down on him now.This boy's previous record must be luck.Talking nonsense here is simply grandstanding.

Qin Ye didn't look away from the battlefield, he found that this flaw should be the enemy's biggest flaw so far.But the enemy is constantly moving, and the flaws will continue to change.Unavoidable to miss the opportunity, he repeatedly urged: "General Zhu, give the order quickly, abandon the city wall and retreat to the defensive tower immediately, if not, the enemy will break through the city wall."

As soon as these words came out, everyone vomited blood and fell to the ground.


Is there a difference between abandoning the walls and the enemy breaking through the walls?Is there a difference?

You are the enemy's spy!Just to hurt us on purpose, right?

We have reached the most critical moment, please don't hurt each other like this, okay?
The soldiers all cried.

Due to the critical situation at that time, Zhu Jun and others had nothing to do.He was also preconceived, and did not hear the hidden meaning in Qin Ye's strategy.

"Report... General Huangfusong is here!"

A soldier came running wildly.

Everyone immediately showed joy, they must know that Huangfusong's reputation has been resounding for more than forty years, and in the hearts of everyone, he is Dinghaishenzhen.

Everyone took a special look at Qin Ye, showing contempt in their eyes.It's all right now, General Huangfusong is here, there is hope to defend the city.And this madman's wishful thinking strategy will also be exposed.

Hearing that Huangfusong was coming, Zhu Jun found a life-saving straw.He doesn't trust Qin Ye at all now, but he trusts Huangfusong very much.Speaking of it, Huangfusong is the only one who is still alive and can be trusted.

General Huangfusong's ability is the most trustworthy.

Zhu Jun said happily: "General Huangfu must have repelled the enemy's attack."

Obviously, being able to appear here must have repelled the enemy's attack, which is the embodiment of ability.

Everyone felt admiration immediately, and couldn't help but look at Qin Ye.

"Look at the old general, this is ability."

"Ginger is still hot when it is old, it is stronger when it is old, and it is stronger when it is old..."

"If you don't want some people, you will just run around and order blindly."

"You can't do things well if you don't talk about it. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were still worried about Qin Ye's strategy of defending the city just now.Is Qin Ye's strategy really unbelievable, to voluntarily give up the desperately defending city wall?This is simply surrender in disguise. Who can come up with such a strategy?Either an idiot talking on paper, or a spy.

Zhu Jun caught Huangfusong, explained Qin Ye's tactics, and immediately said: "General Huangfu, this young man is just talking nonsense, what do you think of this matter?"

After hearing the tactical arrangement, Huangfusong was really taken aback.If there were no previous incidents, he would probably think that Qin Ye was directing blindly, and it was just a young man's arrogant idea.But with the previous incident, Huangfusong studied it carefully, and his expression changed drastically.

Seeing Huangfusong's complexion changed drastically, everyone became even more dissatisfied with Qin Ye.Take a look, take a look, what kind of tactics are you talking about.Even a military strategist like General Huangfu's expression changed in shock at your nonsense.

With Huangfusong's arrival, everyone completely ignored Qin Ye's existence and gathered around the Dinghai God Needle in their hearts.

"Does the old general have a strategy to retreat from the enemy?" Zhu Jun finished asking, and then said: "The old general can come here in person, it seems that he must have repelled the enemy at the south gate, I wonder what trick the old general used to retreat from the enemy? "

Zhu Jun had his own thoughts on this question. He thought that by mentioning this matter, he might be able to stimulate Huangfusong from the side and expand it, so that Huangfusong could use the situation to figure out a strategy to retreat from the enemy here.

Everyone couldn't help showing their expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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