The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 138 Historic Responsibility

Chapter 138 Historic Responsibility
When Huangfusong heard Zhu Jun's question, he immediately came to his senses, and hurriedly asked, "Where is General Qin?"

Seeing that Qin Ye was just outside the crowd, he immediately pushed them away to pass.

But instead it was blocked by the crowd.

"Old General, what time is it now? It's the very last moment."

"The most important thing now is to come up with a strategy against the enemy."

"A young and reckless young man, don't pay attention to him at all."

Huangfu Song frowned when he heard this, he was very dissatisfied, "How can you say that about General Qin?"

Zhu Jun reminded: "Old General, you have also heard the strategy just now. It was proposed by Qin Mengjie. It is no different from surrender. If he hadn't killed Dong Zhuo, I would have arrested him as an enemy spy. Get up. A person who proposes such a strategy has obvious military command ability. As for his previous record, it seems that he is just lucky."

Everyone nodded together. Sometimes luck comes, and many sensational things can indeed be done.But luck is something that cannot be relied on at critical moments.In addition, Qin Ye's force is known to everyone, and with some luck, he can still have some achievements.

But now this situation cannot be resolved by individual force, and must have a strong military command capability.

It doesn't matter if you don't have the ability, but if you don't have the ability to command blindly, then there is something wrong with you.

"Old general, how did you guard the south gate?" Zhu Jun saw that Huangfusong probably didn't have a good strategy, but he believed in Huangfusong's ability, so he still wanted to provoke him, so he asked Huangfusong again at the south gate. record.

This really aroused Huangfusong's thoughts, he remembered Qin Ye's situation at the South Gate at that time, maybe this new strategy is really feasible.Huangfusong still couldn't see through Qin Ye's strategy, but after being inspired by Zhu Jun, he immediately walked towards Qin Ye and said to everyone: "I was able to repel Li Jue's attack at the South Gate because I used General Qin's strategy, and I was the same as you at the time, and I didn't believe in General Qin's strategy, and it turns out that I was wrong."

"It turns out that this is how the old general repelled the enemy..." Everyone couldn't help showing their admiration, but then their faces changed completely.The following words were all stuffed behind their throats, and their eyes widened, completely unbelievable.

Is it the enemy Qin Ye repelled?
What the hell...

Did I hear wrong?
Huangfusong observed his words carefully, "You heard me right, it was the enemy that General Qin repelled. At that time, I didn't see the backhand hidden in General Qin's strategy at all, and my distrust at that time was the same as yours. It seems that General Qin's strategy , should also have unique features, but we don’t understand that’s all.”

Originally thought that Huangfusong would accuse Qin Ye of acting recklessly, originally everyone gathered around Huangfusong to snub Qin Ye in order to attack him for making random suggestions.

In this way, everyone can teach this young and ignorant boy a good lesson.But unexpectedly, Huangfusong said such words.

Everyone lost face immediately, not to mention teaching Qin Ye a lesson, their own faces were already in hot pain.

It turned out to be the enemy that Huangfusong repelled with Qin Ye's help, and everyone was about to be swept away.

Nima, do you want to be so crazy?
Zhu Jun vomited blood, even if he was killed, it would be Qin Ye who repelled Li Jue's attack at the South Gate.Even if Huangfusong said it himself, he still couldn't believe it, but he couldn't believe it.

Is this young man really so powerful?
But such a powerful person can come up with such a flawed strategy?
Is it not a surrender to give up the city wall?
"Old general, even if you defended the south gate with the help of Qin Ye, it doesn't mean that Qin Ye's current strategy is also feasible." Zhu Jun said.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they recovered a lot.

There is nothing wrong with what Zhu Jun said.

Maybe the last time he came across a dead mouse and came up with a good strategy, but this time, he was definitely talking nonsense.

It's fine for you to talk nonsense normally, but now it will cost your life.

"Brother, can you explain in detail?" Huangfu admired Qin Ye calmly and calmly even though he had been excluded all the time.This kind of demeanor is enough to make people bow down.

Qin Ye had a panoramic view of everyone's behavior, but he didn't take it seriously. It's useless to say too much, we just need to win, "We gradually give up, the enemy will think that a breakthrough is imminent, and will definitely use this section of the city wall as a breakthrough, so as to focus on Move here. And our army uses the gate tower, plus the defense towers on both sides, this three-point line of defense. The more the enemy enters the city, the more crowded it is. And the pressure on the other defense lines of our army is relieved, so we can Where we designate, we will form a local advantage and fight the enemy calmly."

Everyone peeped at each other, this strategy is really too bold.

Zhu Jun frowned, "It seems feasible, but it's not feasible at all. After all, the enemy's attack rhythm will continue to change. Unless you can always grasp the enemy's changes, if you make a slight mistake, you will lose everything."

Since ancient times, the rhythm has been mastered by the dominant side. When did you see the loser master the rhythm?Even if Sun Wu is resurrected, there is no guarantee that he can control the rhythm.

Every change and every flaw of the enemy can be grasped, isn't this nonsense?The God of War is resurrected, and he dare not say that he can see through every flaw of the enemy [-]%.A young man, he can see through it all?

It's just nonsense.

"Qin Mengjie, can you always control the situation?" Zhu Jun didn't believe Qin Ye at all.

"Not bad." Qin Ye said.

Everyone was about to pull over immediately, even the God of War didn't dare to answer like that, so he dared?May I ask who gave you your confidence and who gave you your calmness?

Seeing that everyone was very suspicious, Huangfu Song said: "General Zhu has a better way?"

Obviously Huangfusong supported Qin Ye, and Zhu Jun really had no choice. He thought for a while, "Since that's the case, I will no longer participate in the command of this battle."

Zhu Jun handed over the command.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately stood behind Zhu Jun.Their position is very clear, they don't trust Qin Ye's ability to command.This is no longer a question of command ability, but a question of character.This young man boasted boldly, saying that he was better than military gods like Sun Wu, and he pretended to be tough this time.

You actually used your own life as a pretense, forgive me for not accompanying you.

They are totally saying that this matter has nothing to do with me. Since Huangfusong supports this young man, you should wait to take responsibility with this young man.

Failure, the enemy breaks the city, will be recorded in the annals of history.The commander must be notorious through the ages.

So it was divided into two groups, only Huangfu Song supported Qin Ye.Zhu Jun and the others have no better way. Since someone is willing to take on the historic responsibility, they are also willing to give up their command.

Soon, the new military order was conveyed.

"What! Abandon the city walls!"

The soldiers fought and killed to protect the city wall. After receiving the order, they all vomited blood.

Nima, whose order is this? It's simply a blind command. Don't die?
The revenge army outside is so cruel, the whole family will be killed if they enter the city!
(End of this chapter)

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