The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 140 What's the Use of Killing a Soldier

Chapter 140 What's the Use of Killing a Soldier
Qin Ye bent his bow and nocked an arrow.

When the soldiers saw that Qin Ye was really going to shoot, they didn't just talk about it, the appearance was very complicated.

General, what time is it, please don't act like this, hurry up and think about some useful tactics against the enemy.You can't hit it at all, even a sharpshooter can't hit it at that distance and at that position.

Qin Ye found that Zhu Jun's eyes were already red.

In fact, Zhu Jun and the others were already on the verge of madness. Instead of commanding the army, a commander chased the opponent's small broken soldiers and shot arrows.So what if you can hit it?So what!

The pressure of everyone facing the city's destruction, coupled with Qin Ye's actions, was about to be overwhelmed.

Missed, missed~.

Everyone was thinking silently in their hearts. They couldn't express in words how much they wanted to see Qin Ye's jokes.This comes from the current tremendous pressure, and they urgently need a venting point.

"He will definitely not shoot!" Someone already couldn't bear the pressure and shouted out.

Qin Ye is not afraid of interference, nor is he afraid of any psychological pressure.You only need to adjust the angle and strength according to the information from the Supreme Dharma Eye.

When the Supreme Dharma Eye couldn't see any flaws, Qin Ye let go of the bow's hand.


An arrow was like a shooting star chasing the moon, everyone's eyes widened, trying to follow the arrow as much as possible.

Missed, missed~.

However, the next moment, the target was hit by an arrow and fell down.

This can also be shot!

Everyone suddenly felt the thunder rolling in the sky, and the outside was burnt by the thunder, and the inside was tender.

Can this Nima be shot?
How can you come out after you call the sharpshooter?
The general who is a sharpshooter grabbed his hair.He originally thought that Qin Ye was pretending to be aggressive, but unexpectedly, he was actually shot.

The general said in awe: "General, you must have practiced hard for many years, can you..." He was a little embarrassed when he said this, and he gritted his teeth later, ashamed: "Can you give me some advice?"

Qin Ye was very embarrassed when he heard the words, so he had to tell the truth: "In fact, I only started to learn about archery in the past few months."

His meaning is very clear, and there is nothing to guide, after all, he is just starting to practice.

Everyone was dumbfounded, it's only been a few months of practice?
Practicing hard for many years is not something difficult to say, but a kind of glory, so everyone knows that Qin Ye has no need to lie to them.

The sharpshooter-level general was about to go crazy, so he felt that his hard training for so many years had really trained on dogs.You know, he has practiced arrows for an older age than Qin Ye.

"It's nothing. If you continue to practice hard, you should be able to achieve it." Qin Ye comforted.

Qin Ye has the supreme eye, archery is really not a matter, just practice casually.He couldn't tell the matter about Supreme Dharma Eye, he just wanted to comfort him like this.

This is nothing!Then what is this!
The general knew that he might not be able to reach Qin Ye's height in his whole life. Thinking that he had practiced hard for decades and he only had a few months, the excitement was too great, so he just passed it.

Qin Ye felt very sorry.

At this time, Zhu Jun was embarrassed by the rhetoric about eating the arrow just now.Coupled with the pressure of the enemy, it is almost ashamed and self-crazy.

Zhu Jun stood up because of this, and roared: "Qin Mengjie, you are really good at pretending. Even if you are the best in the world in archery, what's the use of shooting a soldier? What's the use?"

Yeah, so what if you shoot?
Even shooting a small soldier won't win the battle, he must be afraid of embarrassment if he fails, so he pretends to be a wave here.

The people who had been intimidated suddenly regained their spirits.Although everyone was shocked by Qin Ye's archery skills, they despised him even more. After all, a person who can only show off has no merit at all and can only make people despise him even more.

Facing the accusations from everyone, Qin Ye put down his bow and said calmly: "What do you know, if you shoot this soldier, the enemy army will collapse and we will win."

Zhu Jun's eyes widened immediately, panting wildly, can shooting a small soldier win an all-out war?
What the hell...

Looking at Qin Ye's calm expression, everyone pulled over collectively.

Zhu Jun's eyeballs are red, can he win a war by shooting a small soldier?Where did you get the theory from?You can direct blindly, but you have to have a degree, right?

Zhu Jun has fought in battle all his life, and he has never seen anyone who dares to speak such big words. You can simply make the enemy surrender by saying a few words.

This person is too good at blowing, if you keep blowing, sooner or later you will break yourself.

Zhu Jun's hair stood on end, and he roared, "Qin Mengjie, I've never seen such a brazen fellow like you!"

Qin Ye frowned, "General Zhu, why don't you believe me?"

I trust you!Your sister, just what you said?I'd rather trust a pig than you.

Do you know what you are talking about?

You shoot a minion and you win?Even if you shoot Li Jue and Guo Si, you may not win.

Are you stupid, are you stupid?Still think we're stupid?

They are willing to trust Qin Ye.

Qin Ye said indifferently: "Old General, I can accept that you are not capable enough and not famous. But I cannot accept that you say that I am a brazen person."

Shameless people have reason!Zhu Jun staggered for a while, and fell on the crowd.

"I won in a while, you must take back what you said just now." Qin Ye said again.

win?How dare he continue to say that.

Do you know that you will die without a burial place?
Everyone seemed to be concentrated by a super nuclear bomb, leaving only the whole body weak.

Zhu Jun bit his lips, and put down a word, "Okay..."

At this time, the situation changed, and the crowded Li Jue army was like an intestinal obstruction or an arterial embolism, with no power in an instant.

Of course, because the enemy army was too dense and crowded, only Qin Ye could see these subtle changes.

"Let's launch a full-scale counterattack, don't leave any strength behind, and kill the enemy from the top of the wall in one go," Qin Ye said.

Zhu Jun gritted his steel teeth, and you still counterattack with all your strength, leaving no strength?You are sending the whole army to die, do you know that?

The horn of counterattack sounded.

outside the city.

Guo Si was quite surprised when he heard the sound of the horn, "The enemy counterattacked?"

Jia Xu stroked his beard and smiled. He remained silent. At this time, he said: "The enemy's counterattack is a good opportunity for our army to kill them all. Don't worry at all."

Guo Si also smiled, "Yes, sir, you are right. The enemy is defending in the tower, and our army will need to pay more time and price to break through. It would be better if they took the initiative to come out to die. It seems that the inside Knowing that victory is hopeless, the commanders began suicide attacks."

For the offensive side, what they like to see the most is the last impulsive attack of the defender.

Inside the city gate.

Zhu Jun and the others looked very pale.

"Old General, it's the last moment." Someone cried.

"And what did he do?" Someone asked angrily.

Zhu Jun's figure slowly stood upright, devoted to the country, he was not afraid of death, but proud of it.The figure not far away looked commanding.You are still so calm and confident, it is really disgusting, "Let him pretend here, all this will be recorded in the history books. We died for the country, and he will become a shame and will be recorded in the annals of history forever!"

Everyone stood side by side hand in hand, waiting for the arrival of the last moment.Without concealing his anger, his eyes fell on that person.

(End of this chapter)

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