Chapter 141
The soldiers of the imperial court killed them.

The soldiers actually thought it was death.But suddenly, it seems that things are not like this.

They can clearly feel that if the enemy's attack was like a stormy sea before.Today's water is just a small stream, and it can't be smaller.

This comes from the fact that the enemy's follow-up forces cannot be in place at all.

Although the soldiers didn't know what was going on, they knew that this was the best time to counterattack.

Only then did they discover that General Qin didn't direct them blindly or let them die, but had a strategy.

I thought I was going to die, but now I find out that I will win, how can my morale not explode?
In this way, the imperial army's attack was smoother.

However, the defeat of Guo Si's army was successful, and it became more crowded as they retreated continuously, so that too many people were squeezed out of the city.

how so!
The soldiers of Guo Si's army were all stunned. You must know that just a few minutes ago, they had an absolute advantage.Why can't they resist the enemy in a blink of an eye?
Is it necessary to reverse so quickly?

This is not logical.

The side with a big advantage suddenly lost, and the defeat was inexplicable, which was really illogical.

Soldiers are not military commanders and cannot understand.

But facts speak louder than words.

The imperial army made a victorious charge.

Guo Si's army collapsed.

When the last enemy on the top of the city falls, when the enemy retreats like a tide.

The soldiers looked up at the figure out of the window of the gate tower with adoring eyes.They felt very ashamed. It turned out that they had misunderstood General Qin all along.General Qin is not commanding blindly, but has very high command attainments.It is our own limitations.

Do not understand, also misunderstand.The soldiers were too ashamed, but they cheered even louder to express their apology and respect for Qin Ye.

That name resounded in the sky and in the hearts of the soldiers, deterring the retreating enemies.

The enemy is broken.

Zhu Jun, who was ready to die for the country, and the others were all dumbfounded, and their hearts also collapsed.

They lay on the window, watching the rout of the enemy army, and they all smoked over them one by one.This comes from the fact that the reality greatly exceeds their cognition.You know, they were all ready to die just now.This side actually won, what a lie.

Simply unacceptable.


Do you want to do this?Shoot a minion and you collapse?Are you here to fight?Are you sure you're not here to joke around?

Zhu Jun and the others suddenly looked at each other, and their pale faces were immediately flushed with blood.

The hairs all over stood on end, and they clapped their hands in celebration.

"we won!"

"Victory won!"

Zhu Jun and the others were too excited.

Hmm~, there was a throat clearing sound.

Zhu Jun and the others looked over, and their flushed faces turned pale immediately, faster than flashing a mobile phone.

Oh my god...

He really won.

Zhu Jun and the others simply couldn't face Qin Ye's inability.You know, they have sprayed Qin Ye into a dog just now, of course, this is what they think they are spraying into a dog.What else do you say to believe that Qin Ye can win.

If you look at it this way, then they are not as good as pigs and dogs.


Everyone kept making strange noises, at a loss, and wished they could jump out of the window.

The soldiers all stared at Zhu Jun and the others with contempt. Look at you, you have collapsed from the beginning to the end, and you are ready to die heroically. This cannot cover up your incompetence.

Looking at General Qin again, he was calm and unhurried from the beginning to the end, and his command was determined.In the face of your accusations, ignore them indifferently.This kind of calmness, this kind of bearing, this is the real military strategist and conductor.

Today's Zhu Jun and the others don't dare to show any disrespect any more. Students who seem to have made mistakes stand in front of Qin Ye with their hands clasped.

"Want to know the reason?" Qin Ye asked.

Zhu Jun and the others nodded their heads.

What do you want to know?I want to know so much!
"It is important to know that the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest, and the formation of troops is the same. A single soldier is useless at first glance, but you must know that this is at the head of a densely populated city, and it is completely different. Every soldier The standing and walking positions will affect the soldiers around them. These soldiers will affect more soldiers."

This is the butterfly effect, the domino effect.

Following Qin Ye's explanation, Zhu Jun's eyes fell to the ground.A soldier decides a battle, where he stands and moves.This is a brand-new strategic and tactical concept, and the facts have proved that it is very tyrannical.

However, among the thousands of soldiers, who can see the fate and flaws?I'm afraid Sun Wu will be resurrected, and he won't be able to see it.

You ask me why I know that Sun Wu can't see it?
Such a tyrannical method of warfare, if Sun Wu could see it, it would have been spread all over the world long ago!
This is nothing short of miraculous.

Even with Qin Ye's explanation, they couldn't detect any changes in the enemy army after some recollection.But the fact is right in front of our eyes, which can only show one thing, that is, the gap between them and Qin Ye is too big, really too big.

If it's just a general gap, people are probably not convinced.But there is such a huge gap, only admiration remains.

What followed was a change in people's perceptions.

Originally, Zhu Jun and the others looked down on Qin Ye, but now they all worship him.

How else to explain this matter, it's too good, a natural conductor, too good.There is no other explanation for it.

There is no way to match it in this life.

What a brilliant strategy, I have only seen it in my life.

The natural gap makes people unable to think of any resistance.

The adoring eyes of the crowd are about to pounce on him.

Zhu Jun came out, looking at everyone with cold eyes.Can you not be so shameless?You were afraid of taking responsibility just now, and now you have gone to hug your thick legs?

"Get out of the way!" Zhu Jun said.

Everyone was suddenly embarrassed and ashamed, and stepped aside one after another.

Zhu Jun rushed out of the crowd, walked up to Qin Ye, and saluted, "Your brother is really a young hero, I admire you. Before, I was wrong."

Everyone made strange noises, and then fell to the ground.Your sister, you are shameless, you don't let us go over to hold thick legs, but you are the first to go over.Brother Huanxian, you are already the same age as his grandfather, can you show some face?Really don't want any more?
Everyone scrambled to be the first, and surrounded the past one after another.

Zhu Jun taught him a lesson: "To be a man, you must have the courage to admit your mistakes, know your shame and move forward, and apologize to General Qin quickly!"

Your sister's..., everyone drew over.


And outside the city.

how so!
Looking at the defeated army, Guo Bang couldn't believe it.After all, he had the upper hand before.This is like a person who has killed the opponent to the last blood with a full blood state, and is already laughing and about to take the head.

Damn, she was instantly killed by residual blood.

What a bummer this is.

Already completely speechless.

"Wenhe!" Guo Si said angrily.He was completely annoyed at Jia Xu, and had already forgotten the advantage that Jia Xu had helped him win before.

Jia Xu, who had been smiling while stroking his beard and not speaking, shook his hands, and now he was sweating profusely, just like an old coach who was slapped in the face by the opponent's coach.

How can it be?

Obviously playing well?
What went wrong?
It's on!It's a pity that old Jia Xu doesn't know what cheating is.

He couldn't figure it out at all, and he was still clutching a bunch of beards that had been pulled out tightly in his hands.

All is well and a breakthrough is imminent.Even if the enemy counterattacked in an all-round way just now, in Jia Xu's view, it was a good opportunity to kill them all.

How did you lose?
Jia Xu finally saw the figure of Qin Ye on the top of the city.

It was him!

Jia Xu was furious. As an old coach, how could he be slapped in the face by a new coach?

"Mud can't support the wall." He knew that the offensive here might not be organized in a short time, so he flung his sleeves and left.Since Qinye, Zhu Jun, Huangfusong and others are here, he will go to the south gate again to regain the advantage.

"Can't the mud support the wall?"

How dare he say that to me!Guo Si drew it over.

 Today's winter solstice, Xiaoyi's custom here is to eat dumplings.I wish you all good health and good luck. ——I love you Xiaoyi.

  As for the recent plot, many book friends said water.Well, it is likely that this wave was not installed properly.But, but, if you don't pretend to have a golden finger, you will be too sorry for the golden finger.

  If Xiaoyi had golden fingers, he would go out and pretend every day.The first year of junior high school must not be kept until the fifteenth day, after all, it is always very angry to see other people pretending.

  That Xueba, don't pretend, you are full of flaws, you have the nerve to pretend?

  How dare you say that a scumbag is full of flaws?May I ask who gave you the confidence?

  Goldfinger offered...

  What the hell... Everyone was shocked.

  I really didn't expect, and I don't know when, he has grown into a top student.

  I'm not a bully, just a scumbag.

  Nima!If you are a scumbag, then what is a top student?
  It's okay if we don't pretend, we really want to be friends with you.Everyone cried.

(End of this chapter)

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