The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 142 Let me lend you a counselor named Kong Ming

Chapter 142 Let me lend you a counselor named Kong Ming
After Qin Ye solved the crisis at the east gate, he came to the north gate.

"Don't worry, my lord, the enemy will definitely not be able to make a breakthrough from here."

The enemy commander outside the north gate is Li Ru, while the guards on the north gate are Zhang Liao, Hua Xiong and Xun You.

Qin Ye returned to Ximen.

Xu Huang, Gao Shun, and young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi came up to meet him.

"My lord, I just repelled the enemy's attack."

Qin Ye walked around Luoyang City, it was a lie that he wasn't tired, but fortunately, the defense achieved good results.Surrounded by everyone, he walked into the gate tower, sat down, and poured a cup of tea.

"Report! General, the South Gate is urgent!"


Qin Ye was immediately dissatisfied. You must know that he was in charge of Ximen. He walked around and just came back. Before he could take a look at his garrison area, Nima Huangfusong was in a hurry again.

Can you hold on a minute and let me catch my breath or something?

In fact, Qin Ye also knew that today's imperial army is composed of soldiers from various families.Although family soldiers are also soldiers, their military quality is limited after all. It is still possible to fight against the wind, but if they fight against the wind, their combat effectiveness will be even worse.

"Kong Ming, Zhong Da, you go and take a look with me. Gong Ming and Gao Shun, guard our area."

Qin Ye put down his teacup and nodded.

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi had some thoughts in their hearts, and suddenly became energetic.

a while.

When Qin Ye came to the south gate, his eyes flashed continuously. Although the enemy attacked fiercely, it didn't look like there was any urgent danger.

Huangfusong said embarrassingly: "It's like this, it's not too urgent, but I'm afraid of rushing, so let the general take a look first."

An elderly general beside him looked at the shy look of the old general and lowered his head.He clenched his fists tightly, how many years, the old general was wise and mighty, and he was a million yellow scarves, and he was wiped out in ashes with the snap of his fingers.Once upon a time..., I remember, only when he first joined the army did the old general behave like this.

The twilight of a hero....The generals burst into tears.

Qin Ye's face is not good-looking, your sister, why are you in no hurry?
Huangfusong said embarrassedly: "Anyway, the general can just look at it casually, it's better than me for a day, and it doesn't waste time."

When Qin Ye heard the words, he almost twitched.

But looking at Huangfusong's sincere appearance, it was obviously not a joke, but a sign of being particularly dependent on Qin Ye.

Huangfusong is quite old, he has fought more battles than Qin Ye has eaten, and now he is like this.

Qin Ye could also see that Huangfusong was afraid of being beaten, "How about this, I will leave you a counselor, Kong Ming."

Zhuge Liang came out.

"You stay and assist the old general to defend the city."

"Here!" Zhuge Liang was very excited.

At this time, a messenger came panting, "General Qin, so you are here. My General Zhu Jun asked me to invite General Qin to visit our east gate. The battle at our east gate is a bit urgent."

Qin Ye frowned, "Okay..."

So, Qin Ye took Sima Yi to the east gate.

Huangfusong took two quick steps and stopped Qin Ye who was about to leave, "General, this child..."

Obviously, Huangfusong did not trust Zhuge Liang to be able to assist him.After all, Zhuge Liang was too young, and he said he was young because of Qin Ye's face. If Huangfusong intended, he would call him baby directly.

Such a young man, he is still endorsing in school, can he fight wars?
Qin Ye reassured: "Old General, don't have to doubt, you will feel like a fish in water."

Like a duck to water?

Huangfusong vomited blood, I think it's like a duck's baby.Not to mention assisting, it's just a drag.

Huangfu Song saw Qin Ye off and looked at Zhuge Liang with a somewhat uncertain expression.

The soldiers talked a lot, why did General Qin keep a baby?Could it be entrusted to the care of the old general?

It is said that it is for the remaining counselors.

Am I right?
No matter how they look at it, they feel more like Tuo Gu.

Many soldiers passed by.

How could Zhuge Liang not know that this was an opportunity given by his elder brother.You must behave well, but you can't smear your brother's face.

At Huangfusong's age, he might be a generation older than Grandpa Zhuge Liang.He knew Zhuge Liang's origin. There were two young disciples beside Qin Ye, one was from the Zhuge family in Langya, and the other was from the Sima family in Wen County.These two families have a long history.But the fact that the ancestor has a background does not mean that the doll must also have a background.

Maybe General Qin wanted him to gain some experience, so Huangfusong stroked his beard and said old-fashionedly: "In that case, just stay by my side and watch the battle."

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, keeping his composure for the time being.

"Young Master, this person actually despises Young Master so much."

Zhuge Liang also had followers brought by his family, and Wang Li was very dissatisfied with Huangfusong's attitude towards Zhuge Liang.You must know that young people are often praised by General Qin, and they must have abilities. How can they be judged by their grades?

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, and said calmly: "Don't be impatient, I can see that the enemy is about to organize a large-scale offensive. I hope the old general can withstand it. If he can't, he will naturally come to beg me .”

Wang Lizhong nodded emphatically. It seems that the son's demeanor has already been passed down by General Qin.Don't worry about everything, don't they look down on us, and want them to beg us.

outside the city.

Li Jue couldn't wait any longer, "Wenhe, our army's offensive has completely suppressed the enemy, can we deploy troops on a large scale?"

Jia Xu was expressionless, looking coldly at the city.Qin Ye appeared again, this time, he must win.Jia Xu is an old coach. He has never commanded others and never lost.And during this period of time, he was repeatedly defeated by someone, and the lord was chopped off.

Although he didn't show anything, deep down, there was a fire.

Although the old coach has a prominent ancestor, his family has fallen, so he is from a poor family.He has no background and cherishes his reputation very much. Now that he has failed one after another, who will accept him in the future?
"Arrange the elite on the right wing, and deploy a large number of troops on the left wing." Jia Xu said forcefully.No matter what, he must defeat that person.

Li Jue was immediately puzzled when he heard the words, "Wenhe, our army's right wing is on the offensive, and it is the easiest to break through. Why did we deploy the elite on the left wing?"

Jia Xu said indifferently: "Qin Mengjie's command attainments are extremely high, how can he fail to see the offensive of our army's right wing. This is the dragon wagging its tail and turning to confuse him."

After Li Jue understood Jia Xu's intentions, he immediately deployed his troops according to his method.

Ten minutes later, the pressure on the imperial army was even greater.

On the upper floor of the city gate, Zhuge Liang stood at the window, shaking his feather fan, his eyes twinkling.

All around, the eyes of the soldiers also flashed.What can a young boy see?
The young Zhuge Liang still had a bearing, but in the eyes of the soldiers, it was just a pretentious act.

Zhuge Liang stopped the feather fan, and called Wang Li, his entourage, "Go to General Xu Huang and tell him that there is an emergency at the south gate, and see if you can borrow five hundred elite soldiers."

"Here." Wang Li left.

The soldiers around looked at each other in blank dismay.Now there is no sign of emergency at all, what is this brat borrowing troops for?
They immediately mocked, it must be that this kid has no face, he is asking the elders to borrow soldiers to fill the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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