Chapter 143
Siege warfare is not as simple as a swarm.Among them, the formation of troops is more complicated than that of field battles.What time period and what position to attack require detailed layout and constant adjustment.

If you rush forward, you can only be smashed to death or burned to death, which is more dangerous than field games.With a little improper command, tens of thousands of our soldiers died under the city.

And the defender is equally dangerous.There is no way for the defender to retreat, and if there is a slight mistake, the city will be breached.

Huangfusong failed to see through Jia Xu's offensive layout, and when Jia Xu's move was launched, Huangfusong fell into absolute passivity.

A few minutes later.

Huangfusong discovered to his horror that all his previous arrangements were all wrong.

The enemy seems to be attacking the right wing of the side, but it is actually the left wing.

Since the focus of Huangfusong's layout is on the right wing, the left wing is empty, and the entire defense line is therefore in a hurry.

Huangfusong had nothing to do.

The general hurriedly said: "General, please invite General Qin to take a look!"

"It's too late..." In an instant, Huangfusong looked even older.

"Let's live and die together in the city." Huangfusong drew out his sword, in his dictionary, he never ran away.

Today, there is no solution.It was too late to invite Qin Ye, so he had to fight until the last moment.

The general panicked, he was not ready to die yet.Did he really die here!

and many more!

The general hurriedly said: "Old general, when General Qin left behind a counselor, why don't you go and ask for advice?"

"..." Huangfu Song.

"He is a baby, what does he know?" Huangfu Song said.

"Follow the power urgently, or does he really have a solution?" the general said further.

Huangfusong's expression changed a little.Firstly, he didn't believe that a young boy could do anything. Secondly, he just used the posture of teaching to signal Zhuge Liang to follow him to watch the battle, but now he went to ask for advice. Where did he put his old face?
You know, Huangfusong is the No. 1 general in the older generation of big men, what kind of status and prestige is that!Go to ask a child who has no reputation, what will people think if the word spreads?
The general saw some tricks and persuaded: "Old general, personal honor and disgrace are small, but the survival of the court is big!"

In fact, the general was also sad. He had followed the old general for decades, but he had never seen the old general beg for help.This time not only to ask for advice, but also to find a young boy.This, this..., I really can't say.

Huangfu Song stomped his feet and entered the gate tower.

Second floor.

The soldiers here looked at Zhuge Liang completely changed.Not long ago, when Zhuge Liang sent people to borrow troops, the soldiers secretly ridiculed, thinking that Zhuge Liang was pretending to be coercive.I went to the elders to borrow troops to show off, but I didn't expect that the defense line was really in a hurry.


As a result, the attitude of the soldiers changed entirely.The young man was so calm, he could feel the coolness reverberating even as he shook the feather fan.

Because of this, after Huangfusong came here, he noticed that there was no tense atmosphere here.You know, the outside is already in a hurry, so it should be very tense here.

Huangfusong saw, in front of the window, the back of a scribe, wearing a Confucian shirt and a scarf, fanning his fan calmly.

Huangfusong was annoyed at that time, and now, at any time, this son doesn't even look nervous at all.What especially made him unacceptable was that Zhuge Liang was still looking outside.You know it's a close call outside now, do you think you're watching a song and dance?

May I ask how you can be so calm, so calm?
You must know that if the city is broken, you will also die.

It's fine if he's an outsider, the key is that Zhuge Liang is also a comrade-in-arms.I'm ready to sacrifice, but you don't have any feelings, who can bear it?

Huangfusong became angry, "Zhuge Liang, you have been watching here for a while, our army's city defense is about to be breached, you run for your life as soon as possible."

Zhuge Liang turned around and lightly shook his feather fan, "Don't worry, old general, I think Liang has a way to retreat from the enemy."

"Well, tell General Qin to cover the retreat of all the officials. I am incompetent..." Huangfusong was discouraged for a while, and felt that as an old senior, he should support the younger generation.It's really a shame to be angry with the younger generation.Moreover, the emergency line of defense is all his own responsibility.

A child who doesn't understand anything, I get angry with him, I'm too stupid.

He was angry just now because Zhuge Liang was too calm.After all, we are all about to lose, so you should at least be nervous.Not only are you not nervous, but you also look like you are holding a wisdom pearl, which is too irritating.

"Let's go, there's still time." Huangfu Song said earnestly.

The young Zhuge Liang felt the change in the old general. It seemed that the old general didn't hear what he said clearly, so he said again, "Don't worry, the old general. It's easy to retreat from the enemy."

"Well, it's good that you know the situation is serious..., huh? What!" Huangfusong was stunned at the time, not only him, but also everyone else.Like a groundhog seeing a human being for the first time, Thief Lili's eyes widened.

Huangfusong was the first to wake up, and he was furious at that time.The main reason is that Zhuge Liang's words are so amazing that no one can believe them.

If he said that he would go all out, fight with his back, and sacrifice his life for righteousness, Huangfusong would still praise him a lot.But you said that retreating the enemy is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand, no wonder Huangfu Song got angry, because this is simply impossible.

You must know how dangerous the current situation is.Even if there are some strategies, I dare not say that it is easy.

You are young, what is wrong with learning, pretending to be someone else.It's okay to be aggressive, but you have to divide your time.Is now the time to pretend?It's too late to run now.

Huangfusong was so angry that he was ready to sacrifice and would cover Zhuge Liang's retreat.Zhuge Liang didn't say to leave quickly, and didn't say a word of comfort, he was still pretending here.

He looked at Zhuge Liang's calm look, and he almost pulled away.It's really "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers", and it's as easy as pie.You go out and try?See if it's easy to kill you.

What did you learn from Qin Mengjie?Don't learn the good ones, and learn the bad ones better than anyone else.Qin Mengjie has this ability, do you have it?

Huangfusong had a lot of opinions on Qin Ye's educational methods, so he left me a counselor, and it is true that he left me a troublemaker.

He was about to reprimand Zhuge Liang severely, but seeing the appearance of the people around him, he temporarily held back.If Zhuge Liang is reprimanded now, it will appear that he is superficial.He planned to ask, and asked Zhuge Liang to explain why.

At that time, Huangfusong was going to teach Zhuge Liang a lesson for Qin Ye.

There is nothing wrong with you as a young man who has the courage and arrogance, but you have to distinguish the time and see your own ability clearly.Messing around will only make people despise.

 Thanks to: Crazy Fat Elephant, Who Shoot Me to Ride, Li Wuyi faction, Dragon Ring, Yufeng Yushi, and book friend 0396 for their rewards.

  Is Dragon Ring the new trumpet?

  The days of writing the series "Three Kingdoms Sweeping the World" flashed across my mind...

  As long as the dream is still there, everything is possible.Dedicated to all book friends. ———Love your old Yi
(End of this chapter)

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