The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 144 Jia Xu is very dissatisfied

Chapter 144 Jia Xu is very dissatisfied

"Young man, please tell me, what method do you use to defeat the enemy with ease?" Huangfusong's tone was heavy, especially the two words "juvenile" and "easy as the palm of our hand".

Anyway, the old general already held the belief that he must die. Since this young man took his own life as a joke, he wouldn't retreat, and the old general didn't care.

It was only at this time that everyone came to their senses. They were in a similar mood to Huangfusong, and they didn't believe in Zhuge Liang at all.It's as easy as turning the palm of your hand, you and your elder Qin Mengjie are here, so you don't dare to say that.Everyone thinks this way because the current situation is too critical.

If you look out the window, it's easy for you.

Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan slowly, and everyone felt a sense of beating, wishing they could snatch the fan and tear it into pieces.

Zhuge Liang said: "It's like this. The enemy's offensive layout this time is a dragon swinging its tail. I have a way to deal with it, which is called pinching the head and removing the tail. Let's put the dragon's head in first, so as to mobilize heavy troops to cut off the dragon's tail. Because The breakthrough direction of the enemy's layout is at the dragon's tail, so they must be caught off guard..."

"Our army is not strong enough." Huangfusong pointed out the most fundamental problem.

"You can transfer troops from Ximen." Zhuge Liang said calmly.

As he spoke eloquently, Huangfusong fell into deep thought.

Everyone looked left and right.Old general, you should say something.

To be honest, the old general was so shocked.

"Since you saw the enemy's layout, why didn't you say it earlier?" the old general said angrily.

Didn't you say it earlier?
Everyone was shocked, that is to say, this method is feasible.


Why didn't you say it earlier!
Everyone glared at you, you young man is too outrageous, if you don't say anything, why are you pretending?What time is it now, and you're still just trying to pretend.This time, it's too late, it's too late!
Everyone wanted to tear Zhuge Liang apart.

Zhuge Liang sighed, "I said earlier, would you believe me?"

can you?

Everyone poured their breath back into their throats, choking out emphysema.

Now that it is the last moment, it can be said that when a person is about to die, his thoughts are very simple.They knew that what Zhuge Liang said was right, and no one was optimistic about Zhuge Liang before.They all treated others as oil bottles, and left them in this gatehouse in the cold, and no one paid attention to them at all.

Looking at it now, it doesn't matter how young they are, whether they are capable or big.If I had known who would be left out in the cold, I would have to confess.Everyone's expression was remorseful, and they all wanted to slap themselves.

Tell you to look down on others, now it's better, life is gone.

The soldiers were very angry. They did not expect that the old general, who had been wise all his life, would be mourned today.What's wrong with his young age, he is also a magi, a little magi.

Huangfusong looked over with complicated eyes, "It's my fault. If I had discussed with Kong Ming earlier, the defeat could have been saved. Now everything is too late, and there is no time to transfer troops from Ximen."

Zhuge Liang said at this time: "Don't be depressed, old general, it's not too late. I have sent people to Ximen to borrow troops in advance, and I believe reinforcements will arrive soon."

"..." Huangfu Song.

Everyone felt even more ashamed. They thought they were just a little kid who didn't know what to do, but they didn't expect it to be so amazing.

Huangfu Song couldn't hold back anymore, "Don't just talk about it on paper."

Huangfusong's worry is still justified. Many times it works in theory, but it doesn't work at all in practice.

Everyone was right after thinking about it, now is not the time to admire him, what if he loses?

"Young Master, Young Master! The soldiers are here!" At this moment, Wang Li rushed up to the second floor.Seeing the shocked look of Huangfusong and others, he hesitated for a moment, and said: "I have already followed the young master's order and are on standby on the right wing of our army."

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan, "The time is just right."

Everyone has calmed down by this time.

"I hope to win..." Huangfusong said.

So, under the command of the young Zhuge Liang, the imperial army at the South Gate launched a counterattack.

On the other hand, outside the city.

"Report..., our army's left wing has made a breakthrough and has occupied a section of the city wall!" The messenger came excitedly.

Li Jue was immediately elated, "As expected of Mr. Wen He's layout, the enemy did not see the changes in our army at all, and made a breakthrough so quickly."

However, at this time, Jia Xu did not see any joy.The layout of his dragon wagging its tail should be the dragon's tail breaking through first, so why did the dragon's head break through first.

Perhaps the enemy collapsed across the board, so Jia Xu asked, "How is the situation on the right wing?"

"The right wing has encountered tenacious resistance from the enemy and has not yet achieved a breakthrough."

Jia Xu's heart sank. The enemy deployed heavy troops on the dragon's head, but the dragon's head broke through. This is very suspicious. He went to the right wing to check the situation in person.

When Jia Xu came to the right wing and looked at it for a long time, his body became weak.

These elites are in the camp!

Jia Xu, as Dong Zhuo's counselor, had a detailed study of various soldiers and horses, so he soon discovered that there was a camp in the enemy army.

And the trapped camp is the defensive force of Ximen, how did they come to the South Gate?

The only possibility is that the enemy has seen through his layout and is launching a targeted counterattack.

Jia Xu held her breath, looked at it for a while, and then lost her breath.Not only couldn't hold back his anger, but also got angry.

Another flaw was seen!
Over the years, Jia Xu has designed countless designs, but no flaws have ever been seen.But in the past few days, he was continuously spotted with flaws, and at this moment, he was really angry.

Jia Xu has arranged a lot this time, he also knows his own flaws, and he also knows that there is nothing in the world without flaws.But he didn't believe that the enemy could see through, but he really did.

Jia Xu couldn't bear another failure, he was very dissatisfied, he couldn't believe that he could see through his layout every time, so he decided to give up the south gate for the time being and go to the east gate.

Jia Xu returned to Li Jue's place and said joyfully, "General, the situation is very good at the moment, I'll go to the east gate to have a look."

Li Jue went in without knowing it, and said happily: "Go, by the way, see if Guo Si is weak in attack."

Before Jia Xu left, she looked back at the top of the city and saw a group of people gathered around a child.After all, it can be seen that it is a child because of its size.

A baby with such a high status?When You Qi still appeared on the battlefield, Jia Xu was full of question marks.

Sure enough, as Jia Xu thought, as soon as he left, his layout completely collapsed.

Li Jue was extremely annoyed by the incompetence of his subordinates, and hurriedly called for the messenger, "Hurry up and come back to Mr. Jia."

on the city head.

Following Zhuge Liang's command, the imperial army disintegrated the offensive of Li Jue's army.

Really won!

Everyone's eyes widened and they couldn't believe it. You must know that not long ago it was still a death situation.

The way they look at the past has completely changed.

Especially Huangfusong, he was worried just now, don't just talk about it on paper.Now it seems that there is nothing on paper.

Zhuge Liang secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead. Although he remained calm, the danger was beyond words.

Through this battle, Zhuge Liang saw his own gap.Especially after comparing with the command of the big brother.The eldest brother has always been smooth and smooth, calm and unhurried.Compared with my elder brother, the gap is too big.

But in the eyes of everyone, this young man is really too perverted.

Huangfusong sighed, he was really hit hard today.He knew that compared with Qin Ye, he couldn't hold a candle to him.It never occurred to him that Qin Ye would leave him a little counselor casually, and they would all seem to be better than him.

It doesn't matter if you are strong, but you are so strong even if you keep a baby, do you want to be so perverted?
This hit Huangfusong even more.

But after going through this incident, Huangfusong was really convinced, and he was extremely ashamed of his previous actions, so he said to everyone: "I have known for a long time that this son is extraordinary, how can there be any mistakes under General Qin's sect? From now on, you must remember that It’s a matter of judging people by their appearance.”

The crowd suddenly widened their eyes.

Old general, who left him in the gate tower?Now it is said that it is extraordinary, it seems that it is all our fault!Can we show some face?

Nima, you can't throw the blame like this!
It seemed that the scapegoat was set, and the generals were faltering, and collectively passed it.

At this time, Qin Ye had already arrived at the east gate.He attaches great importance to defending Luoyang.And whenever a city is attacked, the offensive in the early stage is the most ferocious.

"General Zhu Jun is a calm person, he must not be in a false emergency."

 Tang Seng likes to pretend to be invisible. He knows the strength of his apprentice, but he always says that the apprentice is not good in front of the benefactor.Until the benefactors were shocked, he remained calm and calm.

  Monkeys always like to pretend to be aggressive, and whenever there is an opportunity, they will rush forward desperately.

  Bajie also likes to pretend to be aggressive, but due to various reasons, he always pretends not to be good.

  Drifting only likes to quietly watch people pretend to be aggressive, he has a unique vision.Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity, he will always tell the brothers implicitly the first time if there is any.

  From the moment of birth under the shocked eyes of the group of monkeys, Monkey Paper has embarked on a high-profile journey of pretending.Since then, it has been out of control.

  As long as you don't let it pretend to be aggressive, the monkey will definitely make trouble.

  The Buddha suppressed it for 500 years, but he still couldn't make the monkey understand a truth.Therefore, he had no choice but to let his disciple who is the best at pretending to go down to help the monkey understand the highest state of pretending.


  "Can we stop pretending, my master is about to be eaten by monsters down here." The monkey saw that the man was still calm and calm, do you know how anxious the old grandson was?
  "My lord, don't eat me, my apprentice is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven!" Master has always been calm and calm, but sometimes he can't pretend to be unreasonable when he encounters unreasonable people.

  The goblin couldn't wait to ask, "Are you invited by the monkey to pretend?"

  "Your sister, you have seen through all this!"

  ———Love you Lao Yi presented. December 2017, 12.

(End of this chapter)

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