Chapter 145

Qin Ye came to the east gate and took a closer look. The situation here was very stable, and there was no sign of emergency at all.

His face suddenly turned bad.

Isn't this a slip-up?

You must know that Qin Ye came from Nanmen, at least ten kilometers away.

From time to time, a ten-kilometer cross-country trip will come, who can stand this.

"How can you do this?"

"Us?" Zhu Jun stroked his beard, very puzzled.

"So it's the same with General Huangfusong."

"It seems that General Huangfu and the old man have decided to get together, so we don't waste time anyway. I just want the general to come and see if there are any flaws in my arrangement."

Seeing that Zhu Jun didn't show any embarrassment, it was completely natural, Qin Ye and Sima Yi almost slapped him.

Qin Ye took a look and found several flaws.

Zhu Jun really admired the five-body projection, "I just said that I won't waste much time, thank you general."

Qin Ye is actually going crazy, this is simply using him as a trick.

Huangfusong and the others didn't have cheats, and they borrowed Qin Ye's cheats.

It doesn't matter if you use Qin Ye, but it will take time for him to turn around. What if his south gate is lost?
"Well, I'll leave you a counselor, Zhong Da."

Sima Yi stood up immediately. After Qin Ye left Zhuge Liang to Huangfusong, he had some ideas and waited for a long time.

"You stay to assist General Zhu Jun."


"Since that's the case, I'll go back to Ximen!"

Leave a counselor, Zhu Jun was very happy when he heard it.But looking at the grade of this counselor, he immediately felt an urge to faint.

Are you sure what you left me is a counselor, not a stumbling block?

Zhu Jun hastily stopped Qin Ye, why do you leave me a baby, it's life and death now, if I die here, I can't bear it.

Although Zhu Jun didn't say a word, his expression conveyed everything.

Qin Ye comforted: "You must know that if you speak a sentence well, you will succeed in no time."

Immediate success!

Zhu Jun cried.

It's no wonder that Zhu Jun cries. He appoints a chief of staff in the second and third grades of elementary school for a general, so that everyone will cry.


After half an hour.

The enemy's fiercest attack since the siege was repelled.

At the east gate, everyone stared at Sima Yi in shock.

This boy is really too tyrannical.

Later, there was news of Zhuge Liang's victory at the South Gate.

The crowd became even more turbulent, and only then did they realize that the two elementary school students beside Qin Ye were so powerful, they were simply the twin stars of the Qin Clan.

The key is that he was so powerful when he was young, but he is still so good when he grows up?

Is this the legendary 'I'm used to playing Mavericks'.

Outside the city at this time.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jia Xu had already mentioned to leave from Guo Bang at the east gate, but Guo Bang was so devastated that he immediately sent someone to invite Jia Xu back.

Now old Jia Xu has failed many times, and his head is dizzy with anger, and his beard has been scratched bald.

I think he has designed countless designs in his life, and he has never failed, but now.

In fact, Jia Xu didn't go far. He saw soldiers gathered around the city and a child cheering.He suddenly remembered that it was the same situation at the South Gate, so he immediately sent someone to listen.

Shaoqing brought back news.

Draw a conclusion through the words from the top of the city.Qin Ye was not there, but left behind two young boys, one named Zhuge Liang and one named Sima Yi.

These two are under Qin Ye's sect, and now they give them the nickname 'Qin Sect Twin Stars'.

It was not Qin Ye who was directing the battle, but two elementary school students!

After Jia Xu understood, she vomited blood.

You know, old Jia Xu was Dong Zhuo's counselor, but now his master has been cut off. This is simply a stain on a counselor's life.Therefore, he focused on breaking through Luoyang City, which was guarded by Qin Ye, so as to regain the city and clean up the stains.

But now, Qin Ye has two children left behind, so he defeated him.

Nima, why did you treat him like this!
This allowed him to show his face in front of people in the future.

Jia Xu couldn't accept this reality, so she passed it.

After many fights, the Avengers were unable to break through Luoyang City guarded by Qin Ye.

When night fell, the Avengers had to retreat.

And everyone in the city breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, all the officials gathered in the Deyang Hall of the Imperial Palace.

All the officials respectfully welcomed Qin Ye, Huangfusong, Zhu Jun and others back, and even Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi received courtesy.

But even though he survived the most difficult first day, Baiguan was still full of worries.

Old Situ Wang Yun had a good idea in mind, "Don't worry, everyone has seen today's battle. With General Qin guarding the capital, we have no worries. And, we only need to hold on for a few more days. Let General Yuan, General Cao and the others lead the army Come here, it is easy to wipe out the traitors."

All the officials nodded.

Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang pulled Xun You aside.

Zhuge Liang said: "Master, Yuan Benchu ​​looks benevolent, but he is actually a man who is lenient on the outside and jealous on the inside. If Yuan Benchu ​​comes, it may be bad for the Lord."

Because Qin Ye defeated the eighteen princes and killed tens of thousands of people.Yuan Shao's face was wiped out, how could he not take the opportunity to take revenge?
Sima Yi said: "What's more, my lord ransacked the Yuan family back then, and hundreds of members of one family died. This hatred, Yuan Shao must have remembered it on my lord."

Xun You smiled and said, "You two are quite right in your analysis, but my lord is far-sighted and has a long-awaited countermeasure."

There are already countermeasures!

After hearing the countermeasures, the two couldn't help being surprised and deeply admired.

You must know that Qin Ye's military strength is still not comparable to that of other princes.And as an important court official who killed Dong Zhuo, if he escaped to avoid Yuan Shao, his prestige would be lost.Therefore, countermeasures have been arranged long ago.

Through this countermeasure, Xun You and the others can also see that Qin Ye has long wanted to kill the national traitor Dong Zhuo, and only then can he make a lot of preparations in advance.And to vote under Dong Zhuo's command is to endure humiliation.In order to help the country and save the people, he is willing to bear the infamy. This kind of self-sacrifice for the people is really admirable.

"Today's battle, the world has your prestige." Xun You stroked his beard, the more he looked at the two teenagers in front of him, the more he liked them.He also secretly praised the lord's wisdom eyes, you must know that these two teenagers are young, and they are not in the eyes of ordinary people at all.Even Xun You himself didn't believe in their abilities at first.

Wang Yun looked thoughtfully at Qin Ye who was surrounded and praised by hundreds of officials.When Yuan Shao came, Qin Ye killed Yuan Shao's family, and Yuan Shao would definitely attack Qin Ye.After Qin Ye was killed, the old Situ was the one who made the greatest contribution to killing Dong Zhuo.

In addition, Yuan Feng and Yuan Wei are all dead, and the family background of the fourth generation and the third father has collapsed, and Yuan Shao is still a junior after all.It is logical that Wang Yun is in charge of the court.

on the other hand.

Reunion side.

When Jia Xu and Li Ru entered the Chinese army camp together, they saw Lu Bu, Li Jue, and Guo Si glaring at him.

Jia Xu's heart sank, what kind of people these three people were, old Jia Xu knew very well.In fact, he had long wanted to leave this unpopular group, but he reluctantly stayed in order to wash away the stains.

Old Jia Xu felt that in the future, he must find a real towering tree to take care of him.After all, he was old and couldn't stand such a toss.

Old Jia Xu felt aggrieved again, which came from being alone.

Lao Jiaxu cheered up and prepared for the coming storm. After all, if he couldn't get over the hurdles in front of him, he would have no future.

(End of this chapter)

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