The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 146 The Avenger Yuan Shao

Chapter 146 The Avenger Yuan Shao

After Dong Zhuo's death, his army split and reunited to form the Avengers.

Lu Bu, Li Jue, and Guo Si were quite dissatisfied with Jia Xu.Taking turns to accuse and bomb.

The main reason is that Jia Xu's planned future is too good, but the reality is too far behind.

What about your calmness?What about your confidence?Didn't you say that you can definitely defeat Qin Mengjie?

And now?

Jia Xu galloped all over the place today, and circled Luoyang City several times, at least forty or fifty miles.

He wanted to defeat Qin Ye, but failed.He was tired and aggrieved, and now he heard Lu Bu's accusations.My thoughts turned, and I was suddenly angry, "Old man, at my age, I wander around to help you with advice and suggestions. This is exhausting me. As the chief general, don't you have any ideas?"

"Why did you lose, do you still want me to say it? Are you so embarrassed to accuse me like this old man?"

This pause stunned Lu Bu and the others.

Looking back now, when Jia Xu was really there, the attack went very smoothly.After that, Jia Xu went to help other directions. As soon as he left, his own attack immediately became weak.

Li Rudao: "Generals, calm down, you have misunderstood Mr. Wen He."

With Li Ru testifying, Lu Bu and the others had no choice but to feel ashamed, and said in unison, "I misunderstood you, sir."

Jia Xu breathed a sigh of relief, but in the end she didn't add any more stains.

In fact, Jia Xu was really upset.Thinking of his countless designs in his life, the sum of them is not as many as today's failures, and the failures are miserable.If it wasn't for throwing the pot away at the critical moment, it would really be impossible to survive.

He also didn't expect Qin Ye's commanding ability to be so strong, whenever Qin Ye appeared, his weakness would be caught.There were some flaws, even if Jia Xu thought about them later, he couldn't see that they were flaws, but in Qin Ye's hands, they turned out to be flaws.

Is this Nima still human?
What a hell.

Everyone is not interested at the moment, and they are all depressed.The atmosphere gradually became heavy, and none of them said anything, thinking about each other.

"That being the case, let's withdraw to Chang'an." Li Jue proposed to disband again.

Withdrawing to Chang'an is indeed a feasible way, but for Lu Bu, it is not a good thing.Because in the previous encounter with Qinye, Lu Bu suffered serious losses in soldiers and horses, which is currently less than half of that of Li Jue and Guo Si.

Withdrawing to Chang'an at this time, Lu Bu must have no right to speak, and he will not be able to sit in Dong Zhuo's position.

"If that's the case, you can go and the soldiers stay." Lu Bu said with a cold look at Li Jue.

Li Jue snorted coldly, got up and left.


Lu Bu's painted halberd blocked it, "This time you are avenging the prime minister, if you don't want to avenge the prime minister, you are rebellious."

Li Jue realized that this was an opportunity to seize his military power, and after thinking about it carefully, if he did not avenge Dong Zhuo, it would be difficult to control his troops.Moreover, Niu Fu in Chang'an is under the control of Dong Zhuo's tribe. If he returns to Chang'an like this, he may not be allowed to enter the city.

I'm afraid that Lu Bu will join forces with others to encircle him with this crime.

Li Jue suddenly discovered that it was not as simple as he imagined to replace Dong Zhuo, and he lost his way for a while.

Guo Si's thoughts were similar to Li Jue's, and he said: "Our army only has enough food and grass for three days, how to attack Luoyang? Why don't we go back to Chang'an together and have a long-term plan."

Looking at the current situation, we still need to advance together and retreat together. If anyone acts alone, it is difficult to guarantee that they will become the target of public criticism.It seems that Lu Bu, Jia Xu, Li Ru and others are determined to attack Luoyang.Therefore, Guo Si raised the most difficult point, hoping to allow them to retreat together.

No food!

Lu Bu also started to struggle.

Li Ru was unwilling to give up Luoyang so easily, because he knew very well that if he gave up Luoyang at this moment, considering the current situation in the world, he might not be able to avenge Dong Zhuo in his life.

"Mr. Wen He has a solution?" Li Ru asked.

Jia Xu was also unwilling to give up Luoyang, "suspend the siege first, and mobilize food and grass from Bingzhou."

This is also a compromise.

So everyone sent a fast horse to inform Xu Rong of Bingzhou that when he came to support him, he should bring as much food and grass as possible.

Time flies by.

Three days later.

A fast horse galloped to Nanpi City.

"Who is it!" Yuan Jun soldiers immediately stopped him.

The emissary on the horse fell off his horse and shouted: "The imperial court has undergone drastic changes, please pass it on to General Yuan!"

The messenger took out a letter and passed out from exhaustion.

Nanpi is Yuan Shao's base camp.

When Yuan Shao took the letter in the hall and read it carefully, his face changed drastically, "What! Wang Yun and Qin Ye killed Dong Zhuo?"

It was like a nuclear bomb going off.

Half an hour later, heroes and celebrities from Hebei gathered together, unable to hide their shock.

No one expected that Dong Zhuo would be killed.

But immediately afterwards, everyone felt that this was a golden opportunity for the Yuan Group.

Take charge of the court and achieve supremacy.

Following the cryptic reminders from the counselors, Yuan Shao's heart boiled like a clear spring.

How could Yuan Shao refuse the great cause of surpassing four generations and three lords, and there was also a great vengeance that urged him to go to Luoyang. "When you enter Luoyang City, kill Qin Mengjie and avenge the three hundred members of my Yuan family!" Yuan Shao gritted his teeth.

Guo Tu and the others didn't say a word. The hatred was too great and they must be killed.

But Tian Feng stood up and remonstrated: "My lord, you can't. Qin Mengjie's killing of Dong Zhuo is really a great contribution to the community. And he saved the people tirelessly, and his reputation spread all over the world. It's different from Lu Bu, Li Jue, Guo Si and others. You can't do it." Go lightly."


Yuan Shao's eyes were red.

He actually knew that what Ju Shou said was the truth, if he tampered with Qin Ye, his reputation would be ruined.

However, with hundreds of people in one family, Yuan Shao would not care about his reputation if he had such animosity.

Guo Tu knew Yuan Shao's true intentions by observing his words, and stood up and said, "Master Tian's words are wrong. Merit is merit, and crime is sin. Before righteousness, how can merit and demerit be offset? Qin Ye fought against the alliance and killed Zhongliang. Not killing is not enough to make peace." People's hearts."

Ju Shou got up and said anxiously: "My lord, the world is in chaos today, and all heroes are rising together. You should use righteousness to win the hearts of the world, and you must not lose the big because of small things."

Yuan Shao laughed loudly with his eyes wide open, "I should take the oath of the alliance, do justice for the heavens, and kill rebellious ministers and thieves. What will the world say? There is no need to discuss this matter again."

In fact, Yuan Shao was very angry with Tian Feng and Ju Shou. You must know that he had killed hundreds of relatives. This hatred will definitely kill Qin Ye.

Try killing your whole family?Will you take revenge?It's really nothing to do with yourself, and you still say it so righteously.

So Yuan Shao didn't listen to Tian Feng and Ju's instructions at all.

And quickly made a decision to gather allied forces and march into Luoyang.

Yuan Shao immediately issued the leader's order, informing the princes from all walks of life to join Guandu and attack Luoyang.

And just when Yuan Shao had just issued the leader's order.

In Chenliu, Cao Cao's [-]-strong army had dispatched troops to Luoyang one step ahead of schedule.

 Thanks to: Shen Fei Yang 520 and Duan Mu Yuheng for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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