The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 152 How to Swell a Face

Chapter 152 How to Swell Your Face

Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong looked at each other.

How could Qin Ye be a traitor?
But for Yuan Shao, he didn't think so at all.Yes, it is the traitor, now in front of your two elders.

"At first, how could you say that General Qin is a traitor?" Zheng Xuan was very dissatisfied.

Yuan Shao Yijing, who raised his head, immediately broke up, retracted his neck and stared, "Old Zheng, what did you say?"

Zheng Xuan was very angry and said: "At the beginning, you made a mistake. General Qin is definitely not a traitor. General Qin is so righteous, for the sake of Dao, he sacrifices himself for others. He is indeed our role model. How can you say that about General Qin? It really annoys me. disappointed."

Cai Yongdao: "General Qin paid a price that we can't compare to solve the downturn of the society. General Qin is so righteous, we can only look up at the mountain."

Afterwards, Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong said a lot of praises.They had kept these words in their hearts for a long time, and now seeing Yuan Shao misunderstood Qin Ye, they really couldn't bear it, and said all of them.

Yuan Shao thought that Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong were here to criticize Qin Ye, but he didn't expect the result to be like this.

Immediately bewildered.

The officials were shocked.

Cao Cao was also in a daze.


What kind of situation is this?
Didn't you ask Confucian warnings and specifically reprimand Qin Ye?

Everyone couldn't believe how it turned out.

It seems that Confucianism did not abandon Qin Ye, but supported him instead.

Are you kidding me?

Doesn't look like a joke.

Then, there is only one possibility, that is, the top Confucianists have already had extremely deep communication with Qin Ye.

The situation is completely different.

Wang Yun took a deep look at Qin Ye, feeling apprehensive in his heart, he immediately walked out and said, "At first, this is your fault..."

Ma Rixun came out, "At first, you were wrong. General Qin has made great contributions to the country, how can you frame him like this?"

After Yuan Fengsi thought about it, he had to come out, "General Qin has been kind to my Yuan family, why don't you apologize to General Qin quickly, and this matter will come to an end."

Yuan Shao slammed a mouthful of old blood in his mouth.

I didn't expect not only to kill Qin Ye, but also to apologize to Qin Ye.

You know, just now, Yuan Shao made enough gestures to kill Qin Ye, and he swore.But now that the situation has become so dangerous, Qin Ye failed to kill, but his face was swollen again.

With the support of Confucianism, Qin Ye could not be touched by Yuan Shao at all.

Yuan Shao cried.Can you not be like this, why are you so crazy?Don't you all kill Qin Ye and then hurry up?How to start to speak for him!

It's no wonder Yuan Shao is like this, it's really hard to imagine.Who knew that Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong didn't come here to criticize Qin Ye, but Nima's praise for him.

Did you take the wrong medicine?
Just now Yuan Shao's face was swollen by his father, it was physiological.Now, not only physically, but also psychologically.

Completely swollen.

Hurting Yuan Shao didn't dare to resist for a while.

At this point, Yuan Shao knew that he could no longer kill Qin Ye.

Qin Ye came out, "Yuan Benchu, do you know why I've been quietly watching you mess around?"


Yuan Shao almost drew it.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Qin Ye.

"Everyone should see people's hearts clearly." Qin Ye said: "As the leader of the alliance, Yuan Shao didn't think about how to save His Majesty when he came here, instead he made these things. In my opinion, this person has ambitions and wants to be Dong Zhuo's second. "

The crowd suddenly changed color.

Yuan Shao vomited blood, "You are making a false accusation!"

"Framed?" Qin Ye did not panic, "If you are innocent, then disband the alliance and hand over the military power. If not, you are planning to rebel!"

Yuan Shao's expression changed drastically, and he panicked.

At this time Guo Tu came out, "My lords, although Dong Zhuo has been killed, His Majesty has been taken away. My lord is only thinking about saving His Majesty. As for the matter of General Qin, it is mostly a misunderstanding. At this moment when the country is in danger, we should It is only right to be united. If the order to disband the alliance is endless, how can we save His Majesty?"

Yuan Shao wiped off his sweat and said, "Yes!"

Tian Feng said: "My lord, now, it's better to rescue His Majesty as soon as possible."

Today's affairs can no longer be blamed on Qin Ye, and he will be thrown into a place of eternal doom.

So they proposed another important matter, and successfully diverted the attention of all officials.

Yuan Shao immediately said: "Yes!"

"Then, how will the leader rescue His Majesty?" Qin Ye asked.

Yuan Shaodao: "I will mobilize all kinds of soldiers and horses to rescue His Majesty and take back Chang'an!"

He suddenly realized that no one seemed to believe him.

You know, the current Yuan Shao's face is swollen like a steamed bun.Such a righteous and awe-inspiring speech, but the expression is completely wrong, no wonder others don't believe it.

Yuan Shao looked at Qin Ye's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and almost twitched away.But at this moment, he really didn't dare to mess with this young man.

"I will suspend the letter immediately and spread the call to all the soldiers and horses, so that they can speed up and gather in Luoyang."

After what happened to Qin Ye, Yuan Shao's overlord aura was completely knocked back into his body.Now he is very embarrassed, he needs to use practical actions to prove himself and get rid of the current embarrassing situation at the same time.

a while.

Yuan Shao wrote vigorously, and wrote a piece of calligraphy in one stroke. The font is very beautiful, which can be called excellent.

Guo Tu, who was next to him, praised: "The leader's simplified characters have been written with such proficiency, it's really impressive."

Everyone looked at it carefully, and the writing was really excellent.

Ma Rixun couldn't help but said: "I have long wanted to learn to write simplified characters, but unfortunately, they are all Dong Zhuo..."

Baiguan praised that the simplified characters written in the beginning are really good.

Yuan Shao breathed a sigh of relief.

Nowadays, simplified characters have become a popular font, and everyone is proud of being able to write simplified characters and being able to write well.

Yuan Shao is one of the best, and his simplified characters are very good.

"Old Zheng, what do you think of the writing of this word at the beginning?" Yuan Feng was also ashamed of what happened just now, and it was the best thing to use this matter to get rid of his son's embarrassing situation at this moment.

"Yes, the writing is very good, even better than mine." Zheng Xuan stroked his beard.

All the officials immediately admired it even more. You must know that the simplified characters were handed down from Mr. Zheng and the others.It can be better than Zheng Lao's writing, which is already out of blue, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best in the world.

"General Qin, what do you think of the simplified characters at the beginning?"

Zheng Xuan couldn't help but ask Qin Ye, in the court, only he and Cai Yong knew that Qin Ye was the creator.Whether the writing is good or not, as long as Qin Ye is present, no one else is qualified to comment.

Qin Ye looked at it casually, and gave a direct evaluation, "Extremely bad."

In later generations, under the coercion and temptation of his parents, Qin Ye had attended study classes.In the eyes of others, Yuan Shao's writing is very good, but in the eyes of Qin Ye, it is just a dish.

Terrible!Yuan Shao was furious, you can slander everything about me, but you must not insult my words!
You know, even people like Jushou Tian Feng are not as good as Yuan Shao.This simplified handwriting is one of the important assets that Yuan Shao is proud of.After all, a great leader must have a good handwriting.

Qinye's success is extremely bad, and Yuan Shao can stand this evaluation!
(End of this chapter)

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