The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 153 I'm Not Targeting Someone

Chapter 153 I'm Not Targeting Someone

"General Qin, what do you mean?" Yuan Shao asked dissatisfied.

Qin Ye said indifferently: "My meaning is very simple, your writing of these simplified characters is extremely bad."

He was like a teacher, and gave Yuan Shao the doomsday judgment.

Before the words fell, everyone was in an uproar.

You must know that although all the officials in the imperial court are new to simplified characters, they all have standard copybooks.The copybook was published by Zheng Xuan and the others, and there are a lot of rubbings.Yuan Shao's handwriting, although there is still a big gap compared with the copybook, but the handwriting is already quite good.

Everyone agrees that the writing is good, but you suddenly say it's not good, how dare you speak like that, you can't slap your face like that, right?Isn't this talking nonsense?
"General Qin, I'm afraid you are wrong."

"Master Benchu's simplified handwriting is quite outstanding. Apart from the standard copybooks, I have also read many famous copybooks, but they are not as good as Mr. Benchu's handwriting."

"This shows that Master Benchu's characters are already famous."

Although Qin Ye was in the eyes of everyone accusing him, he looked at ease.

On the contrary, Yuan Shao said magnanimously: "If there is a way, there is no one who has learned first, and those who have mastered it are teachers. The simplified characters are mysterious, and I opened the Confucian grand ceremony. I haven't studied for a long time, and I feel that I can't write well. If someone can teach me, I really wish for it."

All the officials couldn't help but show their approval, humbly and upward, and there is nothing good about it.People like Yuan Shao, who is already a master of simplified Chinese characters, are still so humble, everyone can't help but admire him even more.

"It seems that General Qin must have a very high attainment in simplified characters. Why don't you write an article, and we will appreciate it together." Yuan Shao said generously.

Qin Ye chuckled and didn't say anything.

In this area of ​​Luoyang, because of Dong Zhuo, no one dared to practice simplified characters.Everyone knows about this matter, and Yuan Shao became more confident when he saw this, "It's just to learn from each other, General Qin doesn't have to be too modest."

The expressions of Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang became strange.

Seeing that Qin Ye didn't say a word, all the officials shook their heads.In their view, Yuan Shao is modest, while Qin Ye is too modest.

Even Cao Cao couldn't help but walked out, saying: "At first, I didn't expect you to have such an accomplishment in simplified characters. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm afraid that you are among the best in the whole world. Everyone needs more information. Learn from you."

Turning around, he said, "General Qin, do you think so?"

Yuan Shao said at this time: "Meng De, I am really ashamed. I dare not claim to be the best. Maybe General Qin can write better. Why don't you ask General Qin to write a few strokes? If it is good, we are naturally convinced. We still need to ask He learns."

"At the beginning, what the adults said is very true."

"My lord is too humble at the beginning."

"We should learn from Master Benchu, instead of being like other people who only talk but dare not do anything."

Many people in the hundred officials praised it.

Cao Cao and the others are all in Kanto, so they started learning simplified Chinese characters early on.The best among them is Guo Jia.

Guo Jia felt that his handwriting was not as good as Yuan Shao's, and after hearing Qin Ye's words, the influence on him immediately became very bad.

Yuan Shao's handwriting was right in front of him, and it was a good handwriting, even Zheng Xuan praised it.To say that it is among the best is a modest statement, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is second to none in the world.

But now, Qin Ye dared to say that he was so-so?

Do you have the qualifications?
Do you have this ability?
"Could it be that his handwriting is better than Master Benchu's?" said an old official of the Yuan family.
Immediately another person snorted, "You know, just now Mr. Zheng admired Mr. Benchu's handwriting very much, and admitted that he was ashamed. Even if he wrote well, he would not be better than Mr. Benchu."

"Rational, reasonable.!" Bystanders said.

These people who spoke were former disciples of the Yuan family, but at this moment, Ma Rixun, Yang Biao, the older generation, also shook their heads and sighed, feeling that they were not as good as Yuan Shao, the younger generation.

"My lord, even if Yuan Benchu's calligraphy is good, it's only for a while. With my lord's calligraphy skills, as long as I practice for a while, I can definitely surpass him." Yang Biao said.

Unexpectedly, Ma Rixun shook his head.

"This simplified character is so extraordinary. It looks simple, but the simplified characters are extraordinary. It is even more difficult to write well than traditional characters."

Since the introduction of simplified characters, it is natural for people to call the former characters traditional characters.

"Actually, I'm not new to simplified Chinese characters. In fact, I've secretly studied them for a long time, definitely not shorter than Yuan Benchu's time. But the fonts I write are less than half of Yuan Benchu's."

Yang Biao was dumbfounded. You must know that Ma Rike's calligraphy attainments are definitely at the master level.It is easier for a national player like him to practice any word than others.If someone else spends a year practicing, Ma Ridun can complete it in a month.

Yet he said so.

It's really unbelievable, and it can be seen that Yuan Benchu's attainments in simplified Chinese characters are really tyrannical.

"Simplified characters are so mysterious. Just looking at the standard copybook, my heart is very smooth. Unfortunately, I can't really get started yet. There is still a lot to learn." Ma Rike sighed.

The more he is a great calligrapher, the more he feels awe of simplified characters.

It is worthy of being the text that created the grand ceremony of Confucianism, and it is so charming.

Because of the simplified characters, everyone couldn't help admiring Yuan Shao even more.Therefore, everyone disdains Qin Ye who accused Yuan Shao of writing badly.

At this moment, Yuan Shao finally came out of the shadow of embarrassment and shame before, and he calmly and frankly said to Qin Ye. "General Qin, since you don't want to write a copybook, please tell me which character or stroke I wrote poorly that earned you such an evaluation? Please give me some pointers."

How could Qin Ye fail to hear something in Yuan Shao's words? Although under the eyes of everyone who despised, questioned and dissatisfied him, he said calmly, "I'm not targeting a certain word or a certain stroke you wrote."

Yuan Shao sneered suddenly.

And everyone made no secret of their contempt for Qin Ye.

"I'm saying that every single word in your entire article is extremely poorly written, and it can't be on the stage at all."

"So, don't get me wrong."

The crowd suddenly showed even more disdain, "You are a young man who is considered interesting. You may not be convinced, but you must have real skills to judge others. If you do not have skills but come out to judge, this will not improve your taste, it can only be a pull." Lower your realm..."

From what Qin Ye said at the beginning, it is easy for everyone to think of it like this.

But after hearing what Qin Ye said later, everyone was shocked.

what! ! !
It's not for a certain word, but every word in the whole article is extremely bad!

People simply couldn't believe it.

Boy, do you know what you're talking about?

You must know that with Yuan Benchu's current attainments, only the words on the standard copybook can surpass him.

Why do you say that his writing is not good?
(End of this chapter)

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