Chapter 154

“All very poor!”

According to Qin Ye's comments, Yuan Shao could no longer maintain the poise and calmness of his calligraphy master in simplified characters.

You know, he really worked hard to practice simplified Chinese characters.How many days and nights, writing at night by candlelight, never stop writing.

During that period of time, he seemed to return to his youth, studying hard.Often because a stroke is not well written, I don't sleep all night until I am satisfied with the writing.

It is also because of his hard work that every stroke is perfect, so that he can write complete and beautiful simplified characters.

Now, his hard work has paid off.There are so many celebrities here, so many calligraphers, they are all ashamed to be inferior to him.

Even Cao Mengde is ashamed of himself.

What made Yuan Shao even more gratified was that such great Confucian scholars as Zheng Xuan admitted that they could not write as well as him.

This made Yuan Shao feel that his efforts were not in vain.

However, all of this turned out to be extremely bad in front of Qin Ye!He was mercilessly criticized, and his body was shattered!

At this moment, Yuan Shao was furious, "Qin Mengjie, you are too good at acting, you dare not write a single word, and you still say that my writing is extremely bad.

"Qin Mengjie, I, Yuan Benchu, copied 780 standard copybooks and wrote 17 simplified characters."

"How many copybooks have you copied, how many simplified characters have you written, how dare you speak so brazenly, tell me!"

Although there was no printing technique in the Eastern Han Dynasty, rubbing technology already existed.If it is made with precision, it is not inferior to printing.

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Yuan Benchu ​​to write so many words.You know, it hasn't been long since the simplified characters have been spread, but so many characters have been written.It can be seen that Yuan Shao is diligent, no wonder he has high attainments, this is what he deserves.

At the same time, everyone also saw that the copybook Yuan Shao learned must be the 'Chutuo' copybook, that is, the first version rubbed from the copybook in the hands of Zheng Xuan and the others.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Qin Ye, with disdainful eyes, waiting to hear how many words Qin Ye had written and how many copybooks he had copied.

"I haven't copied a copybook, and I don't remember how many simplified characters I wrote." Qin Ye said calmly.

But everyone blew up the pot.

I have never copied copybooks, that is to say, I have never practiced calligraphy.You haven't even practiced calligraphy, what qualifications do you have to criticize Yuan Shao?

You must know that even a genius or child prodigy can't practice calligraphy well without formally copying copybooks.

Yuan Shao laughed, "I really didn't expect that General Qin didn't even copy a copybook."

"I originally thought that General Qin must have copied more copybooks than I did. It turned out that this was beyond my expectation. Fortunately, I thought you had high attainments before. Looking at it now, I'm afraid you can even recognize simplified characters. Not quite."

"If you haven't copied a copybook, you can't write simplified characters? I can't say that what you said is unreasonable." Qin Ye agreed straightforwardly. "

Everyone also laughed outrightly. A person who has never practiced simplified characters evaluates a master of simplified characters, which is like an illiterate suspecting that a scientist is uneducated.

Cao Cao frowned.

He originally thought that Qin Ye should have certain abilities.

But unexpectedly, Qin Ye had never copied a single copybook.If you only have this level, it is too disgusting to stand up and judge.

All the officials had the same thought. If Qin Ye had not made great contributions to the community, they would have summoned soldiers to blast this unreasonable young man out of the hall.

This is simply a joke.

Just when everyone thought that Qin Ye would retreat in shame, he did not expect him to speak again, "Although I have never copied a copybook, it has nothing to do with your poor handwriting."

Everyone was going to smoke.

This is like a person who has never read a book, saying that the origin of knowledge has nothing to do with reading.

Do you think you were born to write and write well?
This man is so shameless that there is no cure for it.

Originally Yuan Shao was very calm, especially after Qin Ye said that he had never copied a copybook, but at this moment, he could no longer be calm.

Yuan Shao was furious, "Shut up!"

"Do you understand simplified Chinese?"

"Do you know what a squat is?"

"Do you know the left-right structure?"

"Do you know what three-fold characters and four-fold characters are?"

"Do you know what an internal and external structure is?"

Every time Yuan Shao asked, he pressed a step.

Until he walked in front of Qin Ye, he scolded angrily: "You haven't copied a copybook, so you haven't learned simplified characters at all. What face do you have to speak nonsense in front of me?"

"I, Yuan Shao, have painstakingly studied simplified characters since the moment simplified characters were spread to the world. I am in the north, looking for famous people everywhere, and carefully asking for advice."

"In order to write simplified characters well, I read by candle at night."

"In order to write simplified characters well..."

"I have gone through a lot of hardships, and now I have a great success in simplified characters. And you, an ignorant child, insult me?"

Although Yuan Shao was furious, all civil and military officials admired him more and more.

It's no wonder that his calligraphy skills in simplified characters have already entered the ranks of famous masters. This is the fruit of his hard work, and he deserves it.

"As expected of Yuan Benchu."

Cao Cao's eyes flashed with admiration.

Anyone who can stand at the top is worthy of respect.The hard work behind it is unbelievable to most people.

At this moment, among all the people in the hall, only a few people believed in Qin Ye, and everyone else stood by Yuan Shao's side.

"It is true that General Qin is a young genius, but he is only good at marching and fighting, and writing..." Someone still said to the point.

"You worked very hard, but it's a pity that your writing is still very poor." Facing the criticism of everyone, Qin Ye remained calm, "I'm not targeting you alone, but all of you. Although there are copybooks, you have taken the wrong path and have been in trouble all your life. It is impossible to write handwriting close to copybooks."

What Qin Ye said was like a big nuclear bomb.

Everyone was completely blown up, and the anger in their hearts could no longer be described in words.

"I'm talking nonsense!"

"It's really just talking!"

"I've never seen such a brazen guy like him!"

Everyone is going crazy.Not for one of us?We can't write even close to copybook handwriting in our whole life.

Everyone was about to smoke.

"You stand up and say such a thing, you can only prove your shamelessness in front of the world!" Yuan Shao roared angrily.

At this time, Jushou, a well-known scholar from Hebei, came out and said angrily: "General Qin, if you have the ability, please write an article. If you only show off your tongue, you will only be able to make fun of yourself."

As he spoke, he took out a copybook from his pocket and slapped it on the desk.

The crowd glared angrily.

Qin Ye walked over, "When you were discussing simplified characters, I decided to teach you."

"As a result, all of you have your eyes above the top, and you can't accept any bad comments. Even so, you are not worthy of my teaching."

"However, I still want to show you what the real simplified characters are."

After finishing speaking, Qin Ye picked up a pen, and followed the copybook that Ju Shou took out, and wrote a piece of text in one go.

All of a sudden, the pen went like a dragon, and simplified characters with high spirits appeared on the precious Luoyang paper.

Each character is unrestrained and unrestrained, and when taken individually, it is round and flawless, and when combined together, it floats like floating clouds.

This piece of writing is exactly the same as the one on the copybook, it is several times better than what Yuan Benchu ​​wrote, and even faintly gives people a feeling that it has surpassed the copybook.

"This... this...?" Everyone was stunned as if struck by lightning.You know, the copybook that Jushou took out was the 'Chu Tie', the first edition.

Yuan Shao was trembling, pointing at Qin Ye's words, he was already speechless.

Everyone was shocked, only Qin Ye stood proudly with his hands behind his back.

It's like a swimming dragon that shocks the world, and its charm surpasses the world from ancient to modern.

(End of this chapter)

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