The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 155 Everyone's Jedi Counterattack

Chapter 155 Everyone's Jedi Counterattack

His handwriting was exactly the same as that on the copybook!
Everyone was shocked.

It turns out that someone already has attainments in simplified characters, which can already be the same as copybooks!

How can this be?

We must know that the copybook is the benchmark and the object of imitation.Just like the Four Books and Five Classics, everyone in the world studies it, who can surpass it?

And writing is different from reading. Being able to write exactly the same is already beyond.

Moreover, the copybook copied by Qin Ye is the 'first edition', and it is different from the less advanced version.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

Looking at the calm Qin Ye, everyone couldn't calm down anymore.

Can a person who has never practiced any copybooks write such characters?
Are you sure this is not a joke?

So how do people who have copied it thousands of times deal with themselves?

Everyone has practiced thousands of times, and the final words written can't be compared with a person who has never practiced. How can people live like this?
Can you learn well without studying?

Nima, is he a god?

This has completely subverted their cognition.

Therefore, even if those words were right in front of their eyes, no one could believe them.

"It's exactly the same as the one on the copybook, there is no difference at all."

"how can that be!"

Everyone gathered around, their eyes widened, and they stared at those words.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Suddenly, Wang Yun thought of something, his complexion changed drastically, and he waved his hands and called out: "Everyone...don't be fooled by Qin Mengjie. This is definitely not written by him, but copied and drawn by him."

Everyone's heart trembled, and they slapped their thighs one after another.

"Master Situ has the discerning eye to distinguish the authenticity from the false, he is the one who copied it!"

"Almost cheated by him."

"When I was three years old, I was able to attach paper to cover the samples below."

Regardless of whether they are civilian or military officials, the officials are quite excited, and finally discovered his trick!
Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong looked at each other and almost vomited blood.I heard that when a person is persecuted to a certain extent, he will have hallucinations that he wants to see, and it seems that this is true.

Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang looked at each other, and almost pulled over.

They were also convinced by Baiguan's imagination.But it can also be seen that because Baiguan was too excited, he subconsciously neglected some things, and directly fixed Qin Ye's sex in this way.

I copied it.

Yuan Shao had no face to appear on the same occasion with Qin Ye just now, but now he is the joy of the Jedi's counterattack, "As expected of old Situ, this vision is extraordinary, and he was almost fooled by Qin Mengjie."

"Qin Mengjie, what do you say?" Yuan Shao sneered at Qin Ye.

Qin Ye was really surprised by the associative power of these people.

"Is there nothing to say after being exposed?" Yuan Shao smiled proudly.

Everyone sneered again and again, almost being fooled by him. Now it seems that this person really has means, shameless means.

Everyone looked proud.

"Aren't you sick?" The young Sima Yi was angry, and he walked out, "Where did you see my elder brother copying the painting?"

Everyone frowned, and immediately blushed.

This invisible slap was so loud that everyone couldn't find it.

Wang Yun wished he could find a place to go in, under the gazes of everyone's resentment, even old Situ's mind went blank with shame, and blurted out a sentence, "Even if it's not a copy, it must be a replica. "

"Yes, he must have a copybook like this, and took the opportunity to take it out to refill."

"Only in this way can we explain why he can write exactly the same!"

Everyone's emotions were mobilized again.

The young Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan eagerly, he really couldn't stand it anymore.Although he knew that it was because Yuan Shao and the others were driven to a desperate situation, they spoke nonsense subconsciously.But he was really admirable for being able to say such nonsense, "You are really hopeless. Everyone has witnessed every word written by my elder brother himself."

Everyone was stunned again, they realized that because they were too excited just now, they really told nonsense.It's really impossible to see people when you open your eyes and tell nonsense and get exposed.

The crowd couldn't add any more, and they all looked up at the sky, as if this matter had nothing to do with me.

But deep down, his face was swollen and he vomited blood.

Yuan Shao's complexion was purple, and his whole body felt weak.

You know, Qin Ye wrote these words just now under the crowd watching.

There is no copying and reproduction at all.

So, how can you write exactly the same?

Everyone has scratched their own hair. Could it be that this person's attainments can already be compared with the collective of creators?
From everyone's point of view, this standard copybook was definitely not written by one person, but every word was written by Mr. Zheng and his group.This can also explain why Mr. Zheng did not write well on the standard copybook.That's because each stroke is made by different people.

Everyone wrote the best strokes on it and it became a brand new text.

New characters should be created in this way.

But now, Qin Ye wrote exactly the same words.

If it is written like this after studying hard, everyone can completely accept it.What is unacceptable is that Qin Ye has never practiced.

Do you want to be so powerful?
Do you want to slap your face like this?
You have no practice, you can write so well, how can you let us people with hanging beams and awls survive?
Everyone could hardly face Qin Ye.

This comes from being beaten in the face so brutally that you can't resist.

The hall fell silent immediately.

Civil and military officials, including Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, all shrank their necks and looked erratically like the elementary school students who were caught doing something wrong.

But there is full of disbelief and unwillingness, why can he write exactly the same?how to explain?

Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong looked at each other.

Zheng Xuan walked out.

The simplified characters were created by Qin Ye. Although Qin Ye contributed the result, how could Zheng Xuan and the others really take it.Now looks like a good time to make it public.

Elder Zheng coughed, "My lords, I have something to announce."

Everyone is ashamed to death now, you say we are all in this situation, why are you still announcing something?
Yuan Shao's eyes did not dare to approach Qin Ye's surroundings, although Qin Ye did not speak from the beginning to the end.But in this silence, it was even more so that he beat Yuan Shao to the ground.

Yuan Shao originally thought that Qin Ye could be hanged and beaten with his own handwriting, but unexpectedly, he failed to hang and beat others, and instead he was hanged and beaten, and was still beaten severely.

It was so embarrassing not to say, "Old Zheng, don't cross it out, do you want to say that Qin Ye's calligraphy is the best in the world?"

I admit it, okay, I admit it, okay?

As the fourth generation and the third prince, the leader of the world, I was beaten like this by him.If you don't always talk about sending charcoal in the snow, don't add to the icing on the cake.

I can't take a beating anymore.

Yuan Shao cried.

Elder Zheng waved his hands hastily, "No, no, I didn't mean that."

Yuan Shao's voice was weak, "If it has nothing to do with simplified characters, please talk to Mr. Zheng later."

Zheng Laodao: "It is related to the simplified characters. As I said, it can explain why General Qin can write better than copybooks."

Yuan Shao was stunned for a moment, and regained some energy.

Everyone also got a little bit more energetic.

It has something to do with the simplified characters, and it's not about praising Qinye as the best in the world, then there must be something wrong with Qinye.

It's easy to think like that.

Everyone's faces were too swollen, and they couldn't wait to seize anything that might confront Qin Ye.

It turned out to be timely assistance!

Yuan Shao had already been beaten by Qin Ye, even if he could only retaliate with a 'mosquito kick', he would have to fight back, so he hurriedly said: "Old Zheng, tell me quickly! What is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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