The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 156 The Forerunner of History

Chapter 156 The Forerunner of History

Zheng Xuan cleared his throat, "Do you want to know why General Qin can write better than copybooks?"

Yuan Shao and the others nodded like chickens eating rice.

What do you want to know?They really want to know.

It's not a copy, it's not a re-engraving, is there already a new cheating method?

Mr. Zheng is a great Confucian and often assesses people, so he must know.

"Mr. Zheng, hurry up, we can't wait." Even the old Situ Wang Yun wanted to call Mr. Zheng.

Mr. Zheng motioned everyone to look at him, and said solemnly, "Why did General Qin write so well? Because this simplified character was created by others."

"Oh~." All the officials looked suddenly enlightened.

"So that's how he cheated. No wonder what he wrote was exactly the same as what was written on the copybook. He was almost deceived by him... Huh? What!!!"

Before Yuan Shao finished speaking, his eyes widened.

And Baiguan looked like a ghost.

What!What!Simplified characters were created by Qinye!

All the gazes of the crowd stung Zheng Xuan to death, his eyes were already flushed red, and his eyeballs were bleeding completely.

Zheng Xuan was taken aback, what kind of expression do you have?Crazy?

It seems that Baiguan was really frightened and went crazy.Zheng Xuan recalled the first time he saw simplified characters, and he actually acted like this.

He sighed, and bowed to Qin Ye, "General Qin is really a man who is as modest as a valley, and regards fame and wealth as floating clouds. He created simplified characters, but he didn't want to leave his name, so he came up with the idea of ​​brainstorming and creating simplified characters. Actually, our place Ability to create characters. Everything was taught by General Qin."

Baiguan's eyeballs burst.

What the hell...

But anyone who heard this for the first time, all smoked.

There was a sound of falling to the ground.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, and said to Sima Yi: "I heard that a person would faint to death if he was too stimulated. I didn't believe it before..."

Sima Yi nodded sharply.He judges others by himself, and he will definitely not faint. It seems that it is true.

"Old Zheng, you don't have to announce this at all." Qin Ye said indifferently.

Zheng Xuan said sincerely: "It is precisely because General Qin has a mind as broad as heaven and earth, that this old man must announce it, lest the ignorant people offend the general."

Qin Ye stood with his hands behind his back, shook his head, and looked all over the crowd.

Ignorant people!Yuan Shao vomited blood, remembering what he said just now, and said that people don't know these characters, and Nima co-authored it because they invented it.

It turns out that the Confucian grand ceremony was opened by others, no wonder Zheng Xuan has repeatedly sung praises before.

You didn't say it earlier.All the officials regretted their mistakes one by one, and felt the urge to tear Zheng Xuan apart.

Zheng Xuan sighed and said, "General Qin didn't want to publicize this matter, so he didn't announce it. At first, you were wrong, please apologize to General Qin."


Say you big head ghost.

Originally, Yuan Shao thought that Zheng Xuan's announcement would be a timely gift to him, but unexpectedly, the gift was not warmth, but a knife.The knife hit the heart, and he heard it and pulled it away.

At this time, Baiguan's thinking completely changed.

If they created characters, they wish that people all over the world would know about them, and this name would go down in history forever.

But Qin Ye was so low-key.

How else to explain this matter?
His magnanimity is probably comparable to that of a sage.

Therefore, the thinking of Baiguan changed immediately.

If you said that you didn't know how to stand in line just now, you already know it completely, and you all stand in line with Qin Ye.Just kidding, he is the one who started the Confucian grand ceremony.

And Yuan Shao also knew that he had completely lost the chance to kill Qin Ye.

Only now did Yuan Shao know why Qin Ye didn't copy the copybooks, the copybooks were written by others, and this mother still used copying?
I thought I could make a comeback in calligraphy, but I didn't expect that the slap in the face was even more ruthless.After all, Yuan Shao knelt down to Qin Ye just now to thank him, so it makes sense.But now, he is copying Qin Ye's handwriting, it's ridiculous to compare with Qin Ye.

This is like a sheep, discussing with the shepherd why I eat so fat.

This is taking the initiative to slap people in the face.

This kind of stupid behavior is spread all over the world, and the consequences are horrific. Who doesn't laugh three times when they hear it?
"It turns out that so many copybooks I have copied are all written by Qin Ye."

At this moment, Yuan Shao was at a loss, his cheeks were hot.

But who would have thought that the simplified characters were created by a young man.If Zheng Xuan hadn't announced it, everyone would not have believed it even if they were beaten to death.

Cao Cao was amazed. Originally, he thought that Yuan Shao would be the only opponent in the future. Now it seems that the biggest opponent has changed. It is no longer Yuan Shao, but the young man in front of him.

The ending was really cruel and unexpected, as can be seen from Yuan Shao's current appearance.

Yuan Shao couldn't control himself anymore, his mind went blank.

At this time, Tian Feng came out.He has always admired the lord's calligraphy skills in simplified characters, and just now with Yuan Shaona's incident with Qin Ye, Tian Feng chose to wait and see.After all, Yuan Shao was slapped in the face too cruelly before, and if he wanted to restore his image and prestige in the court, he needed to slap him back.

Calligraphy attainments can reveal a person's inner cultivation, which is a good way to slap face, which can restore Yuan Shao's prestige.

But he never expected that his face would be swollen again.

A person who is determined to dominate the world has no prestige, and that is worse than killing him.

Tian Feng couldn't let his lord end up in such a tragic end, so he stepped out in time, saying: "My lords, my lord has been promoted as the lord of the alliance, and I vow to lead the heroes to help the country and eradicate the country's thieves. The most important thing now is to mobilize troops as soon as possible , to save His Majesty."

Tian Feng's words reminded everyone that the only person they can rely on most now is Yuan Shao.

In fact, it wasn't just Yuan Shao whose face was swollen, Baiguan's face was also slapped badly.

Therefore, all the officials invariably forgot some things selectively.

"It is still necessary for Master Benchu ​​to mobilize troops and horses as soon as possible to rescue His Majesty."

"Please, Mr. Benchu." All the officials said one after another.

Yuan Shao finally recovered a little.


Blink to the second day.

Xun You and others gathered in Qin Ye's mansion, preparing to enter the palace with Qin Ye.

"My lord, Yuan Benchu ​​is a man who is lenient on the outside and jealous on the inside. Now soldiers and horses from all walks of life are converging on the road to Luoyang. Yuan Benchu ​​is also the leader of the alliance. My lord must make plans early." Xun You reminded after thinking about the recent events for a long time.

As a cross-traveler, Qin Ye knows a lot of information, and such information is unknown to heroes like Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

According to historical records, after Dong Zhuo returned to Chang'an, the alliance disintegrated, which came from the selfishness of the heroes.In fact, whether the heroes are willing to admit that they don't want to see the Han Dynasty become stronger again, because this will deprive them of their right to be like emperors in the local area.

Moreover, many princes already have the desire to change the dynasty in their hearts.

Although today's history has changed, the return of the Xiliang Army to Chang'an is consistent with history.And people's hearts will not change because of this.

Qin Ye, as a traveler, is a witness of history, and if he returns to the moment before history, then he will become a foreseeer of history.

"My lord, Mr. Xun You's worries are not unreasonable," said the young Sima Yi.

Young Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and nodded.

Qin Ye picked up the teacup and sipped it slowly, "Yuan Benchu ​​boasted a lot in front of all the officials, but many things may not be as he imagined."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding the meaning of the words.

"My lord, why do you say that?" Zhang Liao asked.

"I predict that the soldiers and horses from all walks of life will definitely disperse after hearing that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty has been kidnapped to Chang'an."

This kind of prediction has never been thought of by everyone, so before Qin Ye's words fell, it set off a storm in everyone's hearts.

This is simply unbelievable. You must know that the princes swore their blood and swore an oath.

Everyone doesn't believe it.

"My lord, why do you conclude next time?" Xun You was extremely puzzled.

"People's hearts are unpredictable." Qin Ye said.

At this time, a guard came in, "My lord, there is a man outside who calls himself Tai Shici, begging to see him."

Qin Ye suddenly showed joy.

After a while, Tai Shici entered the hall and said: "My lord, Tai Shici is late."

Qin Ye went down to help him up, "Is the old lady okay? Did you pick me up?"

Tai Shici felt warm in his heart, "My mother is in good health, but she doesn't want to leave her homeland, so she didn't pick her up."

Qin Ye didn't ask any more questions.

At this time Sima Yi asked from the side, "Brother Ziyi, I wonder if you saw the soldiers and horses gathering in Luoyang from all over the place when you came?"

Tai Shici came from the direction of Qingxuzhou, and he must have seen many soldiers and horses along the way.

"My lord, I have something to report. When I came, I did see soldiers and horses of Tao Zhoumu, Kong Beihai, and General Bao Xin. However, what is puzzling is that their soldiers and horses have already started to retreat one after another. And when my subordinates passed Hulao Pass last night, they saw the soldiers and horses of Yanzhou Inspector Liu Dai also retreating."

In the alliance of princes, Gongsun Zan in the north did not send troops, and Han Fu was oppressing Bingzhou in Huguan.The main force of the alliance is the princes from all walks of life in the Central Plains, and Tai Shici came all the way, just in time for the meeting.

Before Tai Shici's words fell, everyone was shocked.

Tai Shici was taken aback, why are you all looking at the lord with such eyes, are you going crazy!
 In fact, there is no water at all, and you always have to explain all the current situations.

  There was no news of it being put on the shelf, so there was no food for many days, and my hands were frostbitten.Please bring 'King', please bring 'Chicken'.Refuse to attack, very cold-blooded.

  —————Love your old Yi
(End of this chapter)

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