Chapter 157

Everyone is not crazy.

But too surprised.

Originally, they didn't believe Qin Ye's judgment, but now it seems that Qin Ye's judgment is true.

The princes began to retreat.

It's really unpredictable.

Xun You sighed. He saw many problems from the retreat of the princes.

Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang were thoughtful.

This incident is extremely bad news for the imperial court, but it is good news for Qin Ye.

Qin Ye remained calm, got up and said, "It's getting late, let's go into the palace. If Yuan Benchu ​​wants to come, he has already arrived."

The crowd surrounded Qin Ye and went out of the mansion to the imperial palace.

Along the way, although the people still lived, the patrolling soldiers and horses that appeared from time to time made the whole city extremely tense.

"Have you heard? Lu Bu and the others hijacked the emperor."

"The news came from the palace yesterday that the leader of Yuan Shao has already made a guarantee that he will definitely wipe out the rebellious party and rescue His Majesty."

"I hope this is the case. After this troubled world ends, we ordinary people can live a better life..."

The people were talking.

Among the soldiers and horses patrolling the streets, most of Yuan Jun's costumes were seen.It can be seen that Yuan Shao has settled in strongly and has completely controlled Luoyang City.

Along the way, many literati can be seen voluntarily coming to Qin Ye to salute.

Qin Ye returned the salutes one by one, and then he knew that the news in simplified characters had spread.

Literati and poets were in awe, and whenever they saw Qin Ye, they would not be rude.

When Qin Ye came to the gate of the palace, he happened to meet Cao Cao and his party.

"General Qin."

"General Cao."

The two greeted each other and entered the palace side by side.

"Mr. Gongda."

Guo Jia paid respects to Xun You. Although Xun You's seniority was Xun Yu's nephew, Guo Jia was a junior.Now Xun Yu is in charge of the overall situation in Cao Cao's territory, and Xun You is already a counselor under Qin Ye's command.

Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan and others walked side by side with Zhang Liao and Xu Huang.

"What does General Qin think about this?" Cao Cao looked carefully at the young man beside him, feeling old.He recalled that back then, at this age, he was just a Xiaolian.

Qin Ye knew that Cao Cao was talking about saving the Han Dynasty and dedicating himself to the Emperor, so he answered seriously, "Everything depends on the leadership of the leader."

I worked hard yesterday, but today I will say that the leader is right.

Ghosts believe.

Cao Cao's face froze for a few tenths of a second, "What Meng Jie said is true."

Cao Cao actually smiled, but he paid more attention to Qin Ye.

Everyone climbed up the steps and came to the gate of Deyang Hall, the main hall, and saw that many officials had arrived in the hall.

Hundreds of officials were talking around Yuan Shao.

Although only a few words were heard, it can be seen that Baiguan is very dependent on Yuan Shao.

And Yuan Shao also has the style of the leader.

Even if Yuan Kai and Yuan Feng were there, at this moment, their status in the imperial court was already inferior to that of Yuan Shao.

"General Qin."

"General Cao."

When the officials saw Qin Ye and Cao Cao coming, they saluted one after another.

Everyone was present like a court meeting. Although Dong Zhuo's persecution was gone, there was no Han Emperor on the Dragon Terrace.

The main hall is roughly divided into four groups of people, Yuan Shao's side, Cao Cao's side, Qin Ye's side, and civil and military officials' side.

Qin Ye's party was the hero who killed Dong Zhuo, and Cao Cao's party was the first to enter Luoyang City. It can be said that Luoyang City can be preserved, and Cao Cao has made great contributions.

But at this moment, both of them were left out in the cold.

All the officials went to burn Yuan Shao's hot stove.

Both Qin Ye and Cao Cao remained calm, quietly watching Yuan Shao's performance in front of all officials.

"In less than two days, hundreds of thousands of troops will gather in Luoyang. If we are in an alliance, we will work together to achieve the festival, and there will be no two ambitions." Yuan Shao, as the leader of the alliance, is calm, confident, and talks eloquently.

Ma Rixun said excitedly: "The country is covered with dust today. Fortunately, there are people of insight led by Master Benchu ​​to clean up the chaotic party. If you are driven, you will be ordered."

"If you are ordered, you will be ordered!" All the officials said together.

Yuan Shao looked down upon everyone, and was still worried when he saw everyone.On the one hand, to relieve everyone's worries, and on the other hand, to strengthen his position in the imperial court, he said awe-inspiringly:
"Everyone, don't worry, I, Yuan Benchu, keep my promise. When all the soldiers and horses gather, I will lead the heroes to rescue Your Majesty and take back Chang'an."

"It's really a blessing for the community and the common people to have Master Benchu ​​in charge of the overall situation!"

"With Lord Benchu ​​here, there is hope for the prosperity of the Han Dynasty."

All the officials admired it in their hearts. Although the Han Dynasty is weak now, fortunately, there are descendants of the fourth generation and the third family, who have helped to turn the tide.

Yuan Shao stood with his hands behind his back, looking proud.

Yuan Feng and Yuan Kai stroked their beards and nodded repeatedly.Yuan Shao was able to fully grow up and become a towering tree that the court relied on, and they were overjoyed in their hearts.In the future, under the leadership of Yuan Shao, we will eliminate the chaotic party and rescue His Majesty, what kind of height will the Yuan family grow to?
Duke of Zhou!

Really looking forward to it.

Jushou Tianfeng and the others were so excited that they couldn't help it.If there is a master like this, there will be no regrets in this life.

But the people on Qin Ye's side had strange expressions.

Now that Dong Zhuo is dead, only remnants of power remain.And the strength of the heroes is stronger than before, and Yuan Shao is very confident in destroying the Xiliang army without Dong Zhuo.

At this time, Yuan Shao looked at Qin Ye vaguely, which contained a lot of content, which came from the natural status gap.He is the leader of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses under his command.Ultimately, you also need to rely on me.

Because of what happened yesterday, Yuan Shao was too embarrassed.So now that the momentum is up, Yuan Shao can't let go of this opportunity.Although he didn't speak, his eyes had already shown everything, and everyone could clearly see it.

Yuan Shao's self-confidence and calmness come from the gathering of soldiers and horses from all walks of life.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, whoever puts them calmly.

Everyone knows this.

In Qin Ye's view, Yuan Shao just wanted to express himself infinitely before taking action.This is innocent, Qin Ye just looked at Yuan Shao quietly.

But at this moment, the hall was quiet, and the eyes of all the officials were between Yuan Shao and Qin Ye.

Baiguan knew very well why Yuan Shao looked at Qin Ye with such eyes.

Baiguan relied on Yuan Shao, so they all cooperated with him very much.

So all eyes came to Qin Ye.

Yuan Shao's intention is very clear, that is to crush Qinye, apply pressure, and restore what happened yesterday.

Qin Ye sneered, and said lightly: "In the beginning, things might not be as simple as you imagined."

"What do you mean by that?" Yuan Shao had already imagined all of Qin Ye's reactions, subdued, bowed his head, angry, and he was already waiting.But he never expected Qin Ye to say such a thing.

"Will all the soldiers and horses really come?" Qin Ye's words contained a lot of information.

Yuan Shao almost understood what Qin Ye meant.He can accept any doubts, but he must not allow anyone to question his leader's leadership.

You must know that Yuan Shao is the leader of the alliance, if no one comes, it will be a direct slap in the face.

People will question his ability.

Moreover, Yuan Shao has already made a big promise in front of all officials, so no one can doubt it.

Yuan Shao sneered again and again, he would not believe Qin Ye's judgment at all, "Qin Mengjie, you'd better take back what you just said. If not, don't blame the leader for disturbing the morale of the army!"

All the officials were angry.

"Master Benchu ​​is the lord of the alliance. Who would dare to disobey an order?"

"This man is a pack of nonsense."

"How dare he draw such a conclusion!"

Under the questioning and disdainful eyes of the officials, Qin Ye was very indifferent, which made the officials even more furious.

Yuan Shao is also very angry, but he can't attack Qin Ye with just one word.

Pretend, you continue to pretend.Thank you for daring to say such baseless words.Go on.

On the contrary, Yuan Shao hoped that Qin Ye would continue to be so calm and confident. In this way, when soldiers from all walks of life gathered together, they could deal with Qin Ye with a sense of chaos.

At this moment, a servant came in, "My lords, the envoy of Yanzhou Inspector Liu Dai is asking to see you."

Obviously Yuan Shao was very happy.

He immediately looked at Qin Ye coldly, you see, someone has already arrived.

"Let the envoy go to the palace immediately!"

 Thanks to: Fat Elephant, Yuxiu LOVE, I Dream Disturbance, Origin and Destruction &, Shen Feiyang 520, Book Friends 6623 for the reward.

  Everyone may be waiting for the foundation, thinking that there is too much to write.In fact, it is not the case, things must have a development process, and it will be passed by one stroke....In fact, the outline of several million novels is only about [-] words.

  Ask for support, not for blows.Strike is a kind of injury, it will wither, and only support can grow.If you don't want to make a move, you can wait for the natural growth.

  ——————Love your old Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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