Chapter 158

Liu Dai's envoy stepped up carefully, seeing that everyone was there, he rubbed his upper and lower lips subconsciously.

Yuan Shao looked at Qin Ye coldly, "I'll give you another chance. If you admit your mistake, the leader of the alliance can let the past go. If not, you will be executed for the crime of disordering the army."

"My lord is really generous."

"My lord is really broad-minded."

All the officials couldn't help but praise.

Qin Ye sneered.

Everyone was stunned.

We will all give you a chance, if you don't apologize immediately, you still sneer.If you really want us to punish you, you will be comfortable, right?
Is he stupid?

Liu Dai's emissary was puzzled, calling him up in such a hurry, without asking him, why did he look at a young man?
Who is this boy?
Yuan Shao found that he still couldn't suppress Qin Ye, and was furious, "I don't cry when I see the coffin..." Before he finished speaking, he turned to look at the envoy.

The envoy trembled when he saw the angry eyes.He couldn't hear that the coffin would not shed tears, so he knelt down with a plop, "The lord calm down, don't behead me, don't behead me!"

Yuan Shao was stunned for a few tenths of a second, and almost pulled over.

Can we put on a face?
Can you give me some strength?

It's not that I beheaded you, you begging for mercy, a big-headed ghost?

"Where did General Liu's troops go? Are they going to Luoyang soon?" Yuan Shao asked.

The messenger stumbled, "'s like this..., my lord..., Yanzhou has the remnants of the Yellow Turbans, and my lord is temporarily unable to support the leader. The army has already withdrawn. Here is a letter..."

All the officials waited for the envoy to answer in the affirmative, and immediately went to slap Qin Ye in the face.

Unexpectedly, things took an amazing 180-degree turn.

He slapped Qin Ye, but instead of hitting Qin Ye's face, he swollen himself.


Do you want to make such a magical turn?

I have a bad waist, do you know that?
Cao Cao and Guo Jia were shocked. Originally, after Qin Ye said those words, they were wondering if it was true.Mostly I don't believe it, but now...

Can't help showing admiration.

Guo Jia said: "My lord, this person is so good at predicting things, he is not under the military command. If something happens in the future, it must not be underestimated."

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, "It's self-inflicted humiliation, that's what you said."

"I personally agree with your point of view." Sima Yi said

The two newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

The officials were too embarrassed to hear the words of the two young men.

They originally planned to rely on Yuan Shao, so they all stood on Yuan Shao's side, but they didn't expect that they were entrusted by Nima.

Being slapped in the face can be tolerated, but the emperor can't save him, and his face is swollen, so it is unbearable.

Without the support of other vassals, things would have gone bad, and all the officials immediately vented their anger on Yuan Shao.

What do you say is not good for you to learn, to imitate others, is it something that ordinary people can do?Look, play dead now?
"Yuan Benchu, what do you say about this matter?"

"Nephew Benchu, you have repeatedly promised to live well."

"Yuan Shao, if you don't give a good explanation, don't blame us for being ruthless."

Ju Shou Tian Feng was startled, and was about to go up to rescue, but was blocked by angry officials.

Even if Yan Liangwen was ugly, he was blocked.They didn't dare to be violent, after all Yuan Shao was not a national traitor.

At this moment, Yuan Shao has been sprayed by all the officials beyond recognition. He originally wanted to use this news to humiliate Qin Ye, but he did not expect that this news completely exceeded his cognition.

The leader's arrogance is gone, and the ending is so cruel, it is really unexpected.

With a hot face, Yuan Shao snatched the letter from the envoy's palm.

The letter is nearly a thousand words eloquent, expressing only one content.

First of all, Liu Dai explained the reason for his withdrawal, that is, the remnants of the Yellow Turban.Afterwards, Liu Dai highly praised the court's righteous deed to kill Dong Zhuo, and swore that he would be loyal to the court, especially mentioning that he would guard the place well.

How could Yuan Shao fail to see that this letter was actually an excuse.

This is Liu Dai pretending to be aggressive here.

Yuan Shao looked at everyone, Qin Ye was calm, Cao Cao was indifferent, and all officials were angry.

He suddenly discovered that everyone was pretending, but he was the only one who pretended to be in it.

Suddenly his face twitched.

Facing accusations from hundreds of officials.

Yuan Shao has also been an official for many years, and he soon had his own opinion, "Don't be impatient, gentlemen. There are many remnants of the Yellow Turban on the Yanqing border. This is an indisputable fact. Liu Dai returned to pay the remnants for the sake of the court. Moreover, this Can only represent Yanzhou. Although he can't come, others will definitely come."

When Yuan Shao said this, his aura recovered a bit.Obviously, this is not an excuse he made up, and he believes in his own judgment.

Therefore, the eyes that looked at the officials gradually became fierce from the shame just now.

After the officials were stunned for a moment, if they realized something, their aura would obviously go down.

Instead, they were ashamed. After all, this was only news about Liu Dai alone, and it did not represent the princes of the Central Plains.

Just because of an unexpected incident, it seems a little too much to spray a confederate leader all over his body.

All the officials looked ashamed.

don't blame us for being reckless

The main reason is that Qin Mengjie's words are in the front, which is too amazing.We also followed his conception and continued to conceive.

Just when the officials thought that Yuan Shao would be furious, he was very magnanimous and said to the emissary: ​​"I know about this matter, you go back and tell Governor Liu, I hope he will wipe out the remnants of the Yellow Turbans in the local area as soon as possible, so come and join us Join us."

The envoy was in fear at first, and was about to cry.I didn't expect that the problem in front of me would be solved so simply.How could he not know that everything his lord said was an excuse, and he dared not tell Yuan Shao the reason.

To have such a result is wishful thinking, the envoy said: "Thank you, the ally, for your understanding, I will go now."

"Go." Yuan Shao waved his hand.

The envoy stood up and retreated quickly.

The envoy walked out of the back hall very quickly, as if something terrible was chasing after him.

"Kong Beihai's envoy, the former general's envoy. The leader is in the main hall, let's go faster."

The envoy Liu Dai saw that Yuan Shao's subordinates brought two more envoys.Kong Beihai's emissary is Kong Rong's emissary.The envoy of the former general is Yuan Shu's envoy.

The three envoys passed by, unavoidably making eye contact.

Liu Dai's envoy's heart tightened. He saw many things in the eyes of the two envoys.Most people cannot see these things, only those who are the same messengers can see them.

Liu Dai's envoy quickened his pace even more. He was very glad that he was the first envoy to appear here.If Yuan Shao heard the news about the envoy later, he would definitely be able to see something.When Yuan Shao got angry, the envoy would suffer.

After Liu Dai's envoy left the palace gate, he found that Tao Qian's envoy, Kong Ni and others' envoys had all come.

"Hurry up, get out of the city!" Liu Dai's envoy got into the carriage, urging anxiously.

And this time.

In the palace hall.

Yuan Shao and the officials were so dissatisfied with Qin Ye.

I don't know where Qin Ye got the news of Liu Dai's withdrawal, but although Liu Dai withdrew, it didn't mean that other people also withdrew.If you generalize, it is arbitrary.

Under the angry eyes of all the officials, Qin Ye remained calm.

This made Yuan Shao and Baiguan very angry.

Originally, everyone wanted to punish Qin Ye for the crime of disturbing the morale of the army, but news from various princes was needed to do so.The news that came just now was completely the opposite.Instead of being able to punish Qin Ye, he was almost slapped in the face.

"Qin Mengjie, other news will come later, don't blame the lord for being ruthless."

"Yuan Benchu, everyone, even if other news comes, it will be the same." Qin Ye said.

Yuan Shao and the others became even more angry.

Pretend, you continue to pretend.I still don't believe I can't kill you,
Yuan Shao was really afraid that Qin Ye would admit his mistake.

At this time, a servant came in, "My lords, all the envoys are asking to see you."

Everyone was elated immediately.

You see, this is not a road, it is the envoys from all walks of life asking for an audience, which already explains the problem.

"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. I hope you will take care of yourself later."

Looking at Qin Ye's sympathetic eyes, Baiguan was furious.

How dare he say that about us?
Where does his confidence come from?

We do it for ourselves?It's you who have to do it for yourself!

Baiguan scratched his hair violently, some kind of urgency had burst out of his body.

Yuan Shao was about to vomit blood, but he decided to endure it, and it only took a moment for Qin Ye to reveal his true colors.Immediately shouted: "Let the envoys go to the hall immediately!"

 Tomorrow, as the first leader of this book, Autumn will live up to her beauty at night, adding more [-]D characters, and tomorrow will be six more.

(End of this chapter)

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