The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 159 Such an Alliance

Chapter 159 Such an Alliance
Baiguan wished he could tear Qin Ye apart.

They didn't realize at all that this was a disaster they helped Yuan Shao provoke.

This man is alarmist.

Disaster for the country and the people.

Disturb the morale of the army.

After a while, the news will arrive, and he must be dealt with by military law.

Therefore, when the messengers entered the queen palace.

He saw a group of officials, old and young, staring at him with glowing red eyes.

what's the situation?
We haven't said anything yet.

Was seen through?
The envoys had ghosts in their hearts and were terrified. They knelt down and said in unison: "My lords, spare your lives."

Why are you kneeling?

You must know that all the officials are waiting for the news from the envoys to deal with Qin Ye. On the other hand, these envoys are a sharp weapon to deal with Qin Ye.

The sharp weapon actually did such a thing.

It is natural for you to kneel, but what happened when you yelled for mercy?
All the officials exploded their lungs with anger.

Can you give me some strength.

Can you put up a little face.

Can I have a snack?

You don't say anything, just kneel here and beg for mercy, what's your situation?
Making people laugh for no reason?Is it lack of soul?
Although everyone felt that their face was damaged, the news was more important.

So everyone ignored this matter for the time being.

Yuan Shao couldn't wait anymore and walked out, "Tell me first, where are Tao Shijun's troops? Are they going to Luoyang City soon?"

He pointed to Tao Qian's emissary.

All the officials thought to themselves, Tao Shijun is a veteran, loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and will definitely arrive soon.

Tao Qian's envoy kowtowed, "Qi reported to the lord that my master is getting old and occasionally feels cold, so I'm afraid he won't be able to come to Luoyang for the time being."

The people were shocked, really shocked.The mouth became O-shaped, and a cucumber could be stuffed in.

Damn, another one couldn't come.

You know, now everyone is waiting for the news they need to deal with Qin Ye.

Qin Ye smiled lightly, and Baiguan's face was hot.

Yuan Shao ignored Tao Qian's emissary almost temporarily, and pointed to Kong Rong's emissary, "Is Kong Beihai here?"

Baiguan looked at Qin Ye, "After the sage Kong Beihai, he will definitely come."

Kong Rong's envoy's face changed slightly. Sure enough, as he thought in his heart, it seemed that the mission of the envoys around him was the same as his. "The yellow scarves in Qingzhou have risen again. After my master heard the news, he went to suppress it, so... can't come .”

I can't come again!
Everyone is in turmoil, and the descendants of Confucius are not coming!They all went to see Yuan Shao, how did you become the leader of the alliance?

Yuan Shao's face turned purple.

This has been asked of many messengers, and the messages conveyed are surprisingly consistent.On the one hand, the princes from all walks of life praised the extraordinary achievements in killing Dong Zhuo, and on the other hand, they expressed their loyalty to guard the place.But for various reasons, I just couldn't come.

One must know that Yuan Shao boasted about Haikou just now, and the aura of the leader can be seen at a glance.But now, no one responded to his leader.

This is too embarrassing.

What is even more unacceptable is that Qin Ye pointed it out.

"It's impossible!" Yuan Shao's eyes were red, and when he looked back, he didn't see Qin Ye.After searching carefully, I found that at some point, Qin Ye had already found a mat and was sitting there drinking tea.

Everyone's buttocks were already on fire, and everyone started drinking tea.

Yuan Shao spat out a mouthful of old blood.

The people on Cao Cao's side were also shocked.The absence of the princes from all walks of life is enough to shock people, but Qin Ye knew it.

Is there anything you don't know?
They all want to ask.

Yuan Shao pulled his beard violently, he couldn't believe it, would none of them come?
As long as one comes, it is enough to deal with Qin Ye.

Yuan Shao had already made up his mind, he could ignore the matter of the princes not coming, and deal with Qin Ye immediately.

a while.

Yuan Shao's face became more and more gloomy.

Asked so far, no one has come, and there are various reasons, but the final result is surprisingly consistent.

"Is Yuan Gonglu here?" Yuan Shao finally roared angrily.

"Don't worry at first, your brother will definitely come." Yuan Feng stood up and comforted him.

This sentence played a crucial role.

At this moment, the officials also had some energy.

After all, Yuan Gonggong is from the Yuan family. As the saying goes, Dahu is a brother. If others don't come, Yuan Gonggong must come.

As long as one comes, Qin Ye can be dealt with.

Everyone's eyes focused on Yuan Shu's envoy.

Yuan Shu's envoy cried.

He found that he was too unlucky. He thought that he was also the envoy of the Yuan family and should be asked first.Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the last to be asked.Know that good things are best in the end and bad things are worst in the end.

"There are my lord can't come..." After Yuan Shu's emissary finished speaking, his brain activated the protection mechanism and passed out immediately.

Yuan Shu's envoy couldn't face the reality and chose to faint.

Yuan Shao couldn't faint.

He was bewildered.

After all, none of the allies came, which was too cruel for a leader.

Nima, you bastards.

Yuan Shao is not a fool either. Obviously, the princes did not want to see him become bigger, so they dismantled him at a critical moment.

Although he understands, although he is even more angry.

But he can't show it.Now it seems that there is no way to deal with Qin Ye, and he was dealt with.Although the teeth that have been beaten are all broken, they have to be swallowed in their own stomachs, and they cannot be seen by others.

"Every soldier and horse has something to do, and it seems that the timing is wrong, hehe..."

Although Yuan Shao managed to say a complete sentence, he actually rolled his eyes.

"My lord is really calm and magnanimous at the beginning, and I can still laugh at this time." Qin Ye said coldly.

Yuan Shao was beaten too hard invisibly, it was completely in the rhythm of hanging and beating, he was about to be beaten.

At this moment, Baiguan can already see too many things.

It turned out that it wasn't Qin Ye's alarmist talk, it wasn't that he disturbed the morale of the army.It is a very clever prediction, and the most shocking thing is that all the predictions are correct.

The officials who had been supporting Yuan Shao couldn't raise their heads, they could only swallow the bitter fruit all by themselves.It's fine if you swallow it alone, but the key is to swallow it in front of others, it's really hard to swallow.

Yuan Kui and Yuan Feng were also ashamed to meet people.They originally planned to use Yuan Shao's strength to regain the position of Sangong, but now it seems that they are lucky not to be scolded to death.

But at this time, Wang Yun, who had never spoken much, found an opportunity.

Ever since Yuan Kai and Yuan Feng appeared, Wang Yun felt that being in charge of the court was getting farther and farther away from him.It was really unexpected that Qin Ye would have such boldness to keep Yuan Wei's family under Dong Zhuo's eyes.The layout of this young man is really old-fashioned, which is not what he should have at his age.

But Wang Yun also seized the opportunity. It is not impossible to suppress the Yuan family now and hold the right to speak in the court in the future.

"Yuan Benchu, have you had enough? Your farce should be over!"

Wang Yun stood up and reprimanded him.

Looking at the impassioned old Situ, all the officials suddenly realized that they all stood behind the old Situ, "Yuan Benchu, the court placed its hope on you, and you, is this how you repay the court? We almost misunderstood and believed it, you What is your intention in treating the imperial court and meritorious ministers?"

Yuan Shao's complexion changed drastically, this meritorious minister must be referring to Qin Ye.Then wouldn't he become a treacherous villain?

Yuan Shao didn't come up in one breath, and passed out.

 Thanks to Yan Nanfeng and book friend 3153 for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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