The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 160 Liu Bei Appears

Chapter 160 Liu Bei Appears (Six Chapters, Second Update)

"My lords, calm down."

Just when Yuan Shao encountered a crisis of trust and was impeached by the entire court, Ju Shou stepped forward.

"Now the world is in chaos, with yellow scarves and bandits emerging in endlessly."

"Soldiers and horses from all walks of life are subject to local chaos, so they can't come to join forces for a while. Although there are priorities, as the imperial court, we should also be considerate of local difficulties."

"Right now, the most important thing to do is to send troops to rescue His Majesty as soon as possible."

"My lord has [-] elite soldiers, and General Cao has [-] fierce soldiers. In addition to the [-] victorious troops of the imperial court, there are also famous generals like General Qin. Even if there are no soldiers from all walks of life, it is absolutely no problem to crusade against Lu Bu and other chaotic parties. .”

Jushou talked eloquently.

Yuan Shao was about to cry, wishing he could hug Jushou, these words came too timely.

In fact, the people on Yuan Shao's side, including Jushou and Tian Feng, really did not expect that the princes from all walks of life did not come.

But although I didn't think of it before, now that I see the situation, I can understand why the princes didn't come.

Yuan Shao had the idea of ​​controlling and dominating the world, but wouldn't the princes not?Even if someone does not, there is no guarantee that they will be willing to see you dominate.

The princes could see that Yuan Shao had occupied an absolute dominant position after entering Beijing, and whoever came to the capital had to obey Yuan Shao's orders, so no one came.

But on the other hand, why do you have to rely on the strength of others?

With Yuan Shao's current strength, even if there is no alliance of princes, he can completely obtain everything he wants by relying on his own strength.

At that time, without the restraint of the alliance relationship, these people could be dealt with properly.

However, what should be used needs to be used.

Therefore, Ju Shou's words involved Cao Cao and Qin Ye.

Yuan Kai was also experienced, and immediately came out and said: "What this man said is very reasonable, Meng De, we need to send troops to rescue His Majesty as soon as possible. The soldiers and horses of my court can be returned to the leadership of Benchu."

Cao Cao sneered in his heart, everything was to make wedding dresses for your Yuan family.

Although Cao Cao didn't want to be a foil, and didn't want to lose troops for Yuan Shao, but now he is in court, what can he say?If you disagree, you will be classified as treason.

This is also the reason why the princes do not come to Luoyang. After all, they can always find a reason in other places.

Cao Cao could only scold old Situ in secret, but the letter didn't even mention that Han Xiandi was kidnapped and taken away.

In fact, old Situ was already in a state of desperation at this time, and the people of the Yuan family were really not to be underestimated, and a crisis was resolved lightly.It can also be seen that the former officials of the Yuan family are all over the government and the public, and the hidden strength is really too great.

It would be okay if the two old guys, Yuan Kai and Yuan Feng, were dead.

Can't help but look at Qin Ye.

Behind Qin Ye, Xu Huang, Zhang Liao, Hua Xiong, Tai Shici, Gao Shun.Xun You, Sima Yi, and Zhuge Liang are all like their lords, old monks in meditation.

Now it seems that Qin Ye is completely messing around with you, so I'll just watch.

Baiguan is now even more jealous of Qin Ye. This young man does not seem to be strong, but even a huge force like the Yuan family can't suppress him.why is that?This is ability.

There are so many layouts here that Yuan Shao was suppressed in a daze.

If Yuan Shao hadn't suppressed him, he wouldn't have noticed it before.

Now Yuan Shao didn't succeed in suppressing him, but his face was swollen from the beating.

Yuan Shao cheered up, "Since that's the case, let's send troops today to attack Lu Bu and other rebellious parties."

Yuan Shao didn't want to stay in the court hall for a moment.

One is because it is urgent to rescue Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, and only with the emperor can he achieve hegemony.Of course, the thoughts in Yuan Shao's mind at this time are still different from those after he dominated the North later.He has not yet awakened the idea of ​​being an emperor, but wants to become a figure like Duke Zhou.

The second reason is that he was beaten in the face so badly that he didn't have the face to stay any longer.But if he wanted to crush Qin Ye, he had to do something big.I believe that after rescuing Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, the Yuan family will have the right to speak, so it is not easy to take care of Qin Ye.

"General Qin, prepare yourself, and report to the front of the army in the afternoon." Yuan Shao said coldly.

Qin Ye stood up, "I will obey orders."

Qin Ye, as a cross-traveler, has been working very hard and has a good team under him, but he is still unable to compete with a veteran hero like Yuan Shao.You must know that the Yuan family has accumulated hundreds of years, and the background of four generations and three fathers is definitely not comparable to anyone.

It's not that Qin Ye doesn't want to go outside to develop, it's just that the situation has never allowed it.

Seeing Qin Ye obeying the order, Yuan Shao sneered repeatedly, counting you as a young man who is sensible.

Later, it will be a matter of preparing food and grass.

You must know that Luoyang City has been accumulated for hundreds of years. When later generations burned Luoyang, Dong Zhuo searched for countless supplies.Moreover, it can also support the migration of millions of people to Chang'an.

Therefore, it is not a problem at all to mobilize food, grass and materials for an army of [-].

The Yuan family was the first to take out money and food, followed by all the officials who donated generously.Then another edict was passed on to the wealthy households in Luoyang.Of course, the imperial court is loyal, and will return it with interest in the future.

Dong Zhuo died, and the remnants were driven away. It seemed that the imperial court was about to rise.So whether forced or voluntary, provisions were raised.

So after the food and grass have been settled, the only thing left is to go out.

"Meng De, General Qin, come to the army to take orders in the afternoon."

Yuan Shao is now the commander-in-chief of the crusade army appointed by the imperial court.

Both Qin Ye and Cao Cao had to obey Yuan Shao.

At this moment, a servant came in, "My lords, there is a person outside the palace who claims to be a relative of the Han family, Liu Bei and Liu Xuande, and asks to see him."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Shao's general Gao Lan entered the hall, "My lord, Liu Bei's troops are already fifty miles away."

Hulao Pass is currently in the hands of Cao Cao, and Liu Bei is a member of the alliance. Before that, Yuan Shao ordered all the troops to be summoned, so Liu Bei's army can pass Hulao Pass smoothly.

"How many people are here for Liu Xuande?"

"About 3000 people."

Everyone suddenly didn't care.

"Pass him to the palace." Yuan Shao waved his hand.

Qin Ye said to his subordinates: "Guess what did Liu Xuande say when he came?"

Everyone was stunned.

Are we not gods?Who knows what he said.

In fact, Qin Ye felt a little depressed, so he couldn't help but find something to release.He then said: "Bei is the great-great-great-grandson of Emperor Xiaojing after King Jing of Zhongshan..."

"..." Xun You and others.

Zhuge Liang hurriedly slapped Qin Ye with a feather fan, "My lord, don't worry, the crusade against Lv Bu and others just happened at the right time. From Yi Liang's point of view, His Majesty can't be rescued. At that time, the chaos in the Kanto will inevitably arise, and sooner or later we will find him." A place to build a business."

Qin Ye had long planned to accomplish something in troubled times.Not only Qin Ye, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao also have this idea.And why the princes from all walks of life didn't come, they all had the same idea.

In fact, the world has entered the separatism of various princes and warlords, and there is only a layer of window paper left.

Qin Ye sighed, "I will still rely on you in the future."

Zhang Liao and the others looked generously, vowing to protect the lord to the death.

Why do you all look like this, do I look weak?

Sometimes as the lord, you need to keep a low profile, which can stimulate the combat effectiveness of your subordinates.

It seems to work well.

The chaos in the world today is probably irreversible, and it would be the best thing to follow the Ming Lord to create a great cause.

Ever since, following Zhuge Liang's inadvertent words, it was pointed out that there was only one thing left on the window paper.The people on Qin Ye's side also held a relaxed attitude, watching the current affairs of the court.

After a while, the figures of the three Liu Bei brothers appeared outside the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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