The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 161 Qin Cao Yuan Liu's Attack

Chapter 161 The Attack of Qin, Cao, Yuan and Liu ([-]rd update)
"What will Liu Bei say?" Sima Yi asked.

"..." Everyone.

The lord is just a joke, do you really take it seriously?

We are not gods, who knows what he said.

Zhuge Liang and the others all thought this way.

The three brothers Liu Bei went to the hall.

Liu Bei is now the county magistrate of Pingyuan, and his position is very low.Although he has the identity of the clan of the Han Dynasty, but a hundred years later, the distant branch of the sect is really not worthy of the attention of all officials.

Yuan Shao's expression was also not good, because he knew that Liu Bei was from Gongsun Zan's side.

He had many conflicts with Gongsun Zan, so he naturally looked down on Liu Bei.

However, after all, Liu Bei responded to his call and led the troops here.

So Yuan Shao reluctantly said happily: "Mr. Xuande is here, come and meet all your lords."

Liu Bei cupped his fists and bowed, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also followed behind.

"My lords, Bei is the great-great-great-grandson of Emperor Xiaojing after King Jing of Zhongshan..."

All the officials are arrogant, and they are not interested in Liu Bei's clan status at all.

Liu Bei has no reputation and no record, so it's no wonder that officials look down on him.

Zhuge Liang and the others were in turmoil.

The lord guessed it right, not a single word was wrong.

How can you explain such a thing? It's amazing!It's incredible!
Zhuge Liang fanned Qin Ye with a lupine.

Brother, you are even more amazing than King Wen of Zhou, teach me.

Qin Ye was happy.

In fact, for this matter, he just adjusted his mood.It doesn't matter whether Liu Bei will say that or not.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bei really said that to save face.

It's true that history doesn't lie to me.

Under the shocked and horrified eyes of everyone, he calmly drank tea with a teacup.

He didn't try to explain this matter, keeping a sense of mystery, which is also a required course for the Lord.

Sure enough, Zhang Liao and the others were in awe.

"Liu Xuande, right? You don't need to be too polite." Seeing that everyone was silent, Ma Rixun came out and said.

Only then did the three Liu Bei brothers breathe a sigh of relief.

Obviously, no one in Baiguan paid much attention to Liu Bei.

Guan Yu's face was stern, and he didn't have any good feelings for the officials. He stroked his beard and turned his head aside.Immediately seeing Qin Ye drinking tea, his face twitched.But naturally, he turned his head to the other side.

You must know that Qin Ye's first battle in this era was to fight the second master a few tricks.At that time, Qin Ye was just a cannon fodder, and the second master thought that he could kill Qin Ye with a single blow.Unexpectedly, the final ending would be so cruel. The three brothers went up together, but they didn't hit anyone.

Therefore, without the Sanying War against Lu Bu, there would be no reputation.

Zhang Fei stared at Baiguan at first, but after seeing Qin Ye, he stared at Qin Ye and kept staring like that.

"General Cao."

"General Qin..."

Liu Bei greeted each other one by one.

The two also returned the gift.

Liu Bei never understood why Zhao Yun admired Qin Ye, until the news of Dong Zhuo's death came, he suddenly realized.

Obviously, Zhao Yun must have known the whole thing earlier, so that such a big change happened.

For Qin Ye's hard work and courage, Liu Bei was really impressed.

Liu Bei's thoughts represented the thoughts of the vast majority of people. When the news spread, people's impression of Qin Ye changed qualitatively.

When news of simplified characters spread, it was really explosive in the literary world.How many literati and celebrities wished to see Qin Ye.

"Xuande, come to our army in the afternoon to listen to the order."

Just at noon of the day.

Under the command of Yuan Shao, the army set off in mighty strength.


Hangu Pass.

This pass is based on the plateau in the west, Juejian in the east, Qinling Mountains in the south, and the Yellow River in the north. It is the earliest grand and dangerous pass in Chinese history.

Originally Zhang Ji was guarding this pass.

But since the arrival of Lu Bu, Li Jue, and Guo Si...

Zhang Ji didn't know whose orders to listen to, anyway, he didn't care about things.

At this time, in the Guancheng Chamber of Commerce.

Lu Bu, Li Jue and Guo Si were sitting together in the hall.

Li Ru, Jia Xu, Zhang Ji and others were all seated in the hall.

Standing behind Zhang Ji is a very energetic young man, who is said to be his nephew Zhang Xiu.

The atmosphere at the moment is really depressing.

After all, Dong Zhuo is dead, and the pursuers will arrive soon.

Now everyone sitting here is because they got the news that Yuan Shao led an army of [-] to attack.

None of Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and Qin Ye is easy to deal with.Joining forces now puts too much pressure on them.

"We have Hangu Pass in our hands, why are we afraid of Yuan Benchu ​​and others?" Lu Bu said proudly.

However, things are not that simple. If it is only a hundred thousand troops, everyone will not be afraid.But you must know that these armies are by no means the only alliance of princes.Just in the last joint crusade, there were as many as 50 people.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to hold the pass with hundreds of thousands of coalition troops involved," Li Ru said worriedly.

He is not only worried about this pass city, if the alliance army comes, I am afraid that they will only face the end of complete defeat.

In addition, they are already the targets of the world, and they are also under unbearable pressure psychologically.

"We have an emperor, what are we afraid of?" Li Jue asked.

Li Ru and Jia Xu looked at each other and shook their heads immediately.

How could they fail to see that Li Jue had the intention of threatening the court with the emperor, but the emperor didn't use it that way.You can look at how many emperors the Han Dynasty has changed in the past. If this is true, it will give the court an excuse to change emperors.

So doing so can only damage your reputation even more.

In fact, the emperor can also be used to threaten the princes of all walks of life, but both the court and the emperor must be in the hands.

"Just passive defense, I'm afraid it won't last long." Jia Xu said.

Because Yuan Shao and the others blocked the news, Jia Xu and the others believed that Yuan Shao's [-] to [-] troops were just the vanguard, and more troops from the alliance of princes would follow closely behind.

"Mr. Wen He has a plan to retreat from the enemy?" Li Ru asked.He is proficient in government affairs, but not in military affairs.

Everyone thought that Li Ru's words were a waste of a question. After all, when Dong Zhuojian was around, the alliance's hundreds of thousands of troops were still powerless to resist, let alone only the remaining strength left now.

"I have a plan, I can destroy Yuan Shao and others, Yuan Shao and others will be destroyed immediately, and the allied forces of the princes are not to be feared." Jia Xu said.

Everyone couldn't help but be moved.


Five days later.

The imperial army came to Hangu Pass.

Hangu Pass, the most dangerous pass in the world.

In front of this pass, there is an army of [-], which does not appear to be that huge.

Under Yuan Shao's order, only 1 people were left to build the camp, and the rest of the army came to Guanxia.

I saw that the flags were all over the city and the guards were heavily guarded.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao looked very bad.

Although they led the army here, most of them did it out of necessity.In fact, I really don't want to use only the current [-] troops to attack Hangu Pass.

"This pass is dangerous, and the enemy is heavily guarded. It is obvious that we are already prepared. Our army must not move lightly." Yuan Shao looked at the pass city from afar, feeling apprehensive in his heart.After turning around and making eye contact with the counselors, a decision was made.

Before coming here, he had already discussed with Jushou Tianfeng and others, and he had two strategies.

The first one, if the enemy is scattered, take advantage of the situation and attack.

Second, if you can't do it, then put on a show, and you must not bury the soldiers and horses you rely on to fight for hegemony under this pass.

But when Yuan Shao saw Hangu Pass as a grand pass, he immediately chose the second strategy.

Cao Cao also thought so.He looked at Guo Jia, who shook his head.

Guo Jia took a closer look at Hangu Pass, the danger of this pass was beyond expectations.Looking at the enemy's security situation, we know that it is impossible to attack with only our own soldiers and horses.

After Cao Cao communicated, he immediately echoed Yuan Shao, "What I said at the beginning is very true. The danger of this pass is extraordinary. We have the right to retreat and choose the opportunity to advance."

Although Liu Bei next to him was worried about the safety of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, he was powerless in front of the situation.

It's not that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao didn't want to attack Hangu Pass, it's because the pass is dangerous and they can't break through it.

Counselors like Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and even Guo Jia Tianfeng agreed, which shows that the situation at that time was unusual.

Qin Ye looked at Guancheng in the distance, his supreme eyes flashed, and his expression changed slightly.

After Cao Yuanliu saw it, he couldn't help thinking, it seems that Qin Mengjie also saw the danger of this pass.

(End of this chapter)

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