The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 163 My Lord, Are You Drinking Too Much?

Chapter 163 My Lord, Are You Drinking Too Much? (fifth more)

Everyone said it was dangerous, but he said it was easy.He can break through with only [-] soldiers and horses, is it still uncomfortable?

Everyone was so uncomfortable that they couldn't express it in words, and they wished to tear Qin Ye apart.

Even the people under Qin Ye's command were shocked at the moment.

Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and the others felt astonished beyond measure.

Just now, after everyone assessed the difficulty of the siege and came to a conclusion, Zhuge Liang and the others agreed very much.

The structure of Hangu Pass does not require too much investigation, it is already in my heart.Among the crowd, many people have entered Hangu Pass more than once.

As for the military strength in Hangu Pass, there is no need to say more.

It is not easy to break through such a strong pass.If it was easy, it is impossible for the Six Kingdoms to be unable to destroy Qin for more than a hundred years.

What is the lord talking about?Do you drink when you wake up early?Too much to drink before noon?
Zhuge Liang and the others can guarantee that Qin Ye never drank alcohol when he got up early.

Moreover, even if a person drank too much, even if he was in a state of drunkenness, he would not dare to do so.

The young Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, looked far and wide, and looked carefully again and again. Could there really be some big flaw?Is it because everyone didn't see it?
Young Sima Yi snatched Zhuge Liang's feather fan and set up a pergola to watch.

Not only them, everyone looked at the layout of Hangu Pass again.

Even Guo Jia, Jushou, Tian Feng and the others also looked at it.

After all, Qin Ye's record is there, maybe there is something missing?
Everyone not only watched, but also gathered together to discuss and study.

Xun You, Guo Jia, Ju Shou, Tian Feng, Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi.

Such a lineup gathers together for discussion, and it will scare people to death later.

Qin Ye looked at the people in the discussion, and he was the only one present who could deeply appreciate the power of this lineup.This lineup of military divisions is said to be able to sweep the world, and absolutely no one dares to refute it.

Qin Ye very much hoped to see them discuss the same views as himself.

"How, is there any new discovery?" Qin Ye asked with concern.

Facing the lord, Xun You and the other three showed embarrassment, and it was inconvenient to say more.


Found a yarn!
Guo Jia and the others looked disdainful.They didn't discover anything new, and if they did, it would be hell.

"I'm very disappointed.... With your talents, you shouldn't be unable to see it." Qin Ye has the supreme vision, and his realm is much higher than these people.But a person's greatest enemy is loneliness. He is looking forward to new discoveries from everyone, but it seems that as expected, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Everyone was drunk and I was sober alone, that lonely expression hit everyone's hearts hard.

Everyone is going to explode.

Nima!Are you still disappointed?We are more disappointed, you know?
Your sister, to tell you the truth, Qin Ye, with our talents, we can already see it very well.

That's what you're pretending to be.

Everyone exchanged glances with each other, knowing what was in their hearts.

It's impossible that Qin Ye could see it without everyone brainstorming. This is impossible.

Everyone still has this confidence.

Not only do they have confidence, but others also have confidence in them.After all, people like Guo Jia, Xun You, Ju Shou, and Tian Feng can't see it, so what can you, Qin Ye, see?

There is only one possibility to explain what is happening now.

That was Qin Ye's faking.

Don't go too far!
Debunk him immediately!
After Yuan Shao saw that the counselors studied again, the result was still the same as before, and he became more confident.Yuan Shao looked over, he must think that I dare not attack the city, so he pretended to be like this.But he was wrong. Not only did I attack the city, but I also let him attack.

"General Qin, if you're just talking about war on paper, you don't need to say anything." Yuan Shao decided to retreat.

How could Qin Ye fail to see what everyone was thinking.

If you are not capable, you can humbly ask for advice, Qin Ye is still very willing to give advice.

But self-righteous, and said that others are pretending, this is not right.

Therefore, Qin Ye didn't bother to explain to these people, and said directly: "How can it be just talking on paper, why don't you attack with such a great opportunity? Don't you come here to deal with business?"

To deal with business?

Everyone smoked.

We are dealing with business, then you are looking for a dead end.

Too arrogant, too domineering.

Yuan Shao felt that if he didn't deal with Qin Ye well, he might be ill in the future.

Cao Cao sneered again and again, "Don't be anxious, gentlemen. Since General Qin dares to say that, he must have a plan in his mind. Although I don't agree with General Qin's opinion, but he can really break through Hangu Pass, and I am happy to sit back and watch."

Yuan Shao also considered this way, as long as Qin Ye failed to attack the city, he would immediately be decisive.He immediately said to Qin Ye: "Do you dare to lead the attack?"


Looking at the indifferent Qin Ye, Yuan Shao smoked immediately.

Cao Cao also had the urge to vomit blood.

The three brothers Liu Bei, due to their relatively low status, did not have the opportunity to speak.But at this moment, the shocked and disdainful eyes have somewhat exposed their inner thoughts.

The second master stroked his beard and sneered, turned his head 45 degrees to look at the sky.Qin Mengjie, just pretend, when you lose the battle, your fate will be terrible!
This person has the same temper as my old Zhang, why think so much, just one word, do it!

Liu Bei shook his head and sighed, saying that fame was not a fluke. It seemed that this young man was dazzled by his previous success.

But Yuan Shao wanted to come, Qin Ye was able to persevere to the end, but he didn't dare to persevere to the end, and it was revealed in the end.Therefore, he thought that when he asked Qin Ye to attack Hangu Pass, Qin Ye would definitely give in.

At that time, naturally he could be trampled at will, and he could also be punished.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ye actually agreed to attack the city.Still quite calm and confident.

You don't cry when you don't see the coffin, do you?

You don't talk about being a man with your tail between your legs, are you still so arrogant?

Therefore, although Cao Cao and Yuan Shao did not discuss it, they both had the same idea.

Just to take the opportunity to suppress Qin Ye.

Aren't you pretending to be aggressive? Don't you have a good record?There is a pit in front of you, which will kill you.

Moreover, Yuan Shao, as the commander in chief, had already made up his mind, so he gave Qin Ye [-] soldiers and horses from the imperial court to attack.When the court has no soldiers and horses, his right to speak in the court will naturally be even more important.And Qin Ye, who buried the imperial soldiers and horses, would immediately end up beheaded outside the palace gate when he returned.


Inside the Dazhai of the Imperial Army.

Yuan Shao's central army tent was brightly lit.

Yuan Shao had a look of disdain, but a hint of joy could be seen faintly.This comes from the fact that Qin Ye will lead the [-] imperial army to attack the city tomorrow.

He didn't believe that Qin Ye could capture Hangu Pass at all. If Qin Ye was defeated, he promised that he would never let Qin Ye stand up.

But in fact, Yuan Shao's heart was broken.

Not only Yuan Shao, but everyone in the big tent is like this.

This comes from the fact that Qin Ye was too good at pretending, and Yuan Shao and the others collapsed when they were overwhelmed.

In the face of such a grand pass as Hangu Pass, it is enough to make a sensational statement that it can be broken at a fingertip, but Nima used [-] people to attack the city.Everyone really doubted whether Qin Ye's forehead was kicked by a donkey when he was young.

It didn't show up before, but now it's happening suddenly.

Really scary.

However, since Qin Ye decided to attack the city, Yuan Shao would never stop him.The army of the imperial court was buried, and the end of Qin Ye could be expected.

"This person is too reckless." Ju Shou still couldn't believe that Qin Ye would make such a judgment and decision.

"Twenty thousand people will attack Hangu Pass." Tian Feng couldn't understand, "I really don't know where his confidence comes from."

(End of this chapter)

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