The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 164 Waiting for Failure

Chapter 164 Waiting for Failure (Sixth)

By the second day.

It's over.

All the generals gathered in Yuan Shao's tent.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao exchanged glances, and got up from the handsome seat.

"General Qin, then, you can go." He said solemnly with a very supportive look.

He did not arrange any support and backup.

Are you kidding me? It's your Haikou that Qin Mengjie boasted about.You keep saying that you can conquer Hangu Pass with only [-] troops, and it will be uncomfortable if you have too many soldiers.Even if you die at Hangu Pass, I will not send another soldier here.

Can't you pretend?Take [-] soldiers and horses to pretend.

"General Qin, be careful when you go." Liu Bei said with concern.In fact, he didn't believe that Qin Ye could succeed, and he hoped to see Qin Ye fail.Liu Bei will never forget the revenge of the sword at Hulao Pass.It was this young man in front of him who shamed his three brothers in front of the world.

"Just wait for the good news, everyone."

Qin Ye turned around and walked away very leisurely.

Yuan Shao's appearance immediately fell apart.

Waiting for your good news?
How dare he speak.

Waiting for the news of your death is probably true.

Everyone was startled, you know, now the real swords and guns are about to go into battle.In fact, Qin Ye is soft at this time, as long as he doesn't pretend to be aggressive, everything can be redeemed.

Did you risk your life just to pretend?
Everyone wanted to catch up and ask.

Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and the others looked pale.They didn't have the confidence to break through Hangu Pass with only 2 people, and they didn't know where the master's confidence came from.But as servants, they will never question their lord's orders.Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, they will not frown.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao already had a tacit understanding, and Qin Ye's dispatch of troops this time was a good opportunity to retreat.

And Qin Ye was defeated, so he could just throw the blame on him.

Therefore, in order to clear the relationship, they did not leave the camp, but waited for news.

Liu Bei's heart was agitated, and he wanted to follow Qin Ye to see how to attack the city.But if you think about it carefully, forget it.This person will lose if he goes, he will not share the consequences.

As the neighing of the people in the camp went away, Yuan Shao and the others couldn't help thinking about it.

If this person hadn't been kicked by a donkey when he was a child, he must have been licked by a pig recently.

Siege warfare is no joke, especially for the attacker who does not have the upper hand, it is simply hell.

Even if you have five or six times more troops than the defenders, you can't say that you can take them down.

No matter how strong a person's personal ability is, how can it be possible for only 10 people to break through the strong pass guarded by [-] people?

Isn't this bullshit?

"It's impossible for Qin Mengjie not to know the difficulties of siege warfare!" Cao Cao shook his head, "I really can't figure out why he did this."

Liu Bei took the initiative to say: "General Cao is right. When he was in Hulao Pass and Bingzhou, he won many battles and won many battles. His military command ability is obvious to all."

Following his words, everyone was even more puzzled.

This comes from Qin Ye's performance in leading the battle before, which can only be described as amazing.

Especially at Hulao Pass, when Cao Yuan and Liu hadn't experienced it personally, I couldn't believe that I was defeated by this young man.

But the concept of siege warfare is completely different from that of field warfare.

"How will he command the siege?" Cao Cao asked the crowd.

Guo Jia came out at this time, "Why don't you send someone to the front of the army to take a look."

Liu Bei immediately took the initiative and said: "Second brother, go and see how Qin Ye arranges his troops."

Guan Yu also really wanted to see how Qin Ye commanded the battle, how dare he let go of such bold words.He clasped his fists and turned away.

After half an hour, Guan Yu came back with a very bad complexion.

During Guan Yu's absence, the three of Cao, Yuan and Liu communicated with each other and gained a new perspective.

Even if Qin Ye was putting on a show, he walked around the pass and said that the enemy's layout had changed and they couldn't attack the city, so there was nothing he could do about it.

Because of this possibility, everyone vaguely complained to Yuan Shao that Qin Ye should have issued a military order.

Yuan Shao was rather embarrassed, after all what Qin Ye said yesterday was a big breakthrough.How shameless is a person to be able to eat his own words immediately after making bold words?

Then Qin Mengjie's reputation would also end, which was more uncomfortable than killing him.

After Yuan Shao expressed this idea, everyone thought it was right.

"How? Did he break his promise and stop attacking the city?" Yuan Shao asked disdainfully.This could be huge.

Guan Yu walked all the way, although he had time to digest, he was still shocked, "Qin Mengjie didn't have any layout of troops, just a general attack."

Everyone was shocked.

Not only did he have no excuses to retreat, but he was directly attacking!

It should be noted that to attack Guancheng, you need to attack slowly.Probe first, and at the critical moment, you can use your full strength.

This is like charging in position when fighting devils, you can only start charging at critical moments.

Has anyone seen someone who blows the trumpet of the general attack as soon as they come up?

As for Qin Ye, he used all his troops as soon as he came up.If you rush up like this, if you can't capture Guancheng in one go, there will be no next attack.

Capture Guancheng at once.

This is Hangu Guanye, this is not the cowshed and pigsty that your family built.

Not to mention Xiongguan Hangu Pass, even if it is a small county, you can't attack like this.

"Such an attack, it seems that Qin Mengjie's fame is just a fluke." Guo Jia said disdainfully.

Among them, Guo Jia was the closest to Qin Ye in age.At Qin Ye's age, Guo Jia was still studying in the college, while Qin Ye already had a great reputation.Guo Jia was very unconvinced, but now, he gradually calmed down.

He said: "It seems that we can wait and witness the fall of this person."

It is believed that Qin Ye's reputation will be ruined if the news spreads.

If a person's reputation is bad, there is no possibility of achieving great things, so there is nothing to fear.

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Liu Bei couldn't help showing their joy.

Although Qin Ye will no longer pose a threat in the future, Yuan Shao does not intend to simply let Qin Ye go,

He laughed and said: "It seems that Qin Mengjie had no choice but to attack the city because of his face. He is really young and frivolous, but he attacked well."

He has secretly signaled Yan Liangwen Chou to prepare the sword and axe and the rope.When Qin Ye came back, he was tied up immediately.

Liu Bei said at this time: "What if he wins?"


Give you 2 people, you can win one, let me see?

All of us here are not sure of winning. Can Qin Mengjie win alone?
"If he can win, the sun will come out from the west. I, Yuan Benchu, will immediately disarm and return to the fields, and go home to farm." Yuan Shao said with a cold look at Liu Bei.

What a joke, if he can win, believe it or not, Sun Wu will cheat from the ground.

Liu Bei saw that Yuan Shao's eyes were red, and his complexion was as embarrassing as if he was constipated. He smiled awkwardly, and felt that he was worrying too much, so he didn't say anything more.In fact, he was also very willing to see Qin Ye's fall.

As a result, everyone began to talk with confidence, waiting for Qin Ye to fail.

 Today, for the lord Autumn night, I will live up to my beauty and add more updates.

  So today there are a total of six chapters, bursts.

  Lao Yi will never let you down.

  Thank you all for your support.

  —————Love your old Yi
(End of this chapter)

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