The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 165 Jia Xu's Change

Chapter 165 Jia Xu's Change

Hangu Pass was most famous during the Warring States Period.

With this pass, the state of Qin looked down upon the six kingdoms of the Kanto, and finally came out of the pass to pacify the world.

At the Hangu Pass at this moment, Lu Bu, Li Jue, Guo Si and others were all very silent.

Looking at the [-] enemy troops outside the pass, Li Ru and Jia Xu also looked ugly.

Sure enough, the enemy attacked the city as expected, and everything was in Jia Xu's calculations.

Everyone should be happy, why is silence ugly?

At this time, Li Ru suppressed and said: "Mr. Wenhe, nearly [-] enemy troops came here, but they only sent [-] soldiers to attack the city. Only Qin Ye was in front of the army, and Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were not there. Could it be that there is a fraud? "

In fact, Li Ru couldn't see any fraud, but he really couldn't believe that the enemy sent so few soldiers to attack the city.

Before Jia Xu spoke up, he saw the enemy outside starting military operations.

For a while, Jia Xu and Lu Bu were dumbfounded.

I saw that the enemy troops outside the pass had already lined up, and it was obvious at a glance that a full-scale attack was about to be launched.

This was beyond everyone's expectations. You must know that siege is not as simple as a field battle.What's more, the enemy forces outside have no advantage at all.

What do you do with an all-out attack?
Come to die?

"What is Qin Mengjie going to do?"

Jia Xu and the others were full of question marks.

In fact, Jia Xu and the others had already discussed it earlier. According to Jia Xu's strategy, they would pretend to fail and give up Hangu Pass voluntarily, thereby luring the enemy to go deeper.And in Mianchi Xiaoshan, ambushed to encircle and wipe out the enemy.

Xiaoshan and Hangu Pass are both called Xiaohan. During the Spring and Autumn Period, a decisive battle in the Jin-Qin War for Hegemony took place here.

Known as the Battle of Xiaoshan in history.

At that time, the state of Jin learned that the army of the state of Qin attacked the state of Zheng was returning, so he ordered Xian Zhen to lead the army to Xiaoshan secretly.When the Qin army returned to Xiaoshan, they were not on guard. Seeing that the Qin army had all entered the ambush area, the Jin army immediately blocked both ends of the mountain and launched a fierce attack.Jin Xianggong personally supervised the battle, and all the soldiers fought bravely.The Qin army was caught in it, unable to advance or retreat, terrified and in chaos, and all were wiped out.

Jia Xu plans to repeat this battle.

Since the feint failed, Jia Xu and the others set up many loopholes so that when the enemy attacked, they could retreat logically.

But never expected, the enemy came to attack with 2 people.

Jia Xu and the others simply couldn't understand why Qin Ye dared to attack in an all-out way with 2 people.

At this time, the first secret agent dressed as a commoner came to the city.

"My lords, my subordinates have obtained some information."

"Say." Lu Bu said.

The spy sorted it out in his mind, "accurate information from the enemy's barracks, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others thought that Hangu Pass would be difficult to break through, so they planned to withdraw their troops temporarily and act at the right time. Then Qin Ye uttered a bold statement that only 2 yuan is needed. People can conquer Hangu Pass."

"Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others were extremely angry at this statement, but for some reason, they still let Qin Ye launch an attack."

The spy was a little dazed after he finished speaking, obviously thinking about this matter, but he didn't seem to get the point.

Lu Bu, Li Jue, and Guo Si peeped at each other.

After a while, Lu Bu saw that everyone was thinking, especially Jia Xu and Li Ru, who frowned tightly, and laughed: "What's so hard to understand? Qin Ye uttered wild words, and Yuan Benchu ​​and the others couldn't stand it. Deliberately targeting Qin Ye. Didn't you hear what happened in the court?"

The things discovered by the court now, especially Yuan Shao's swollen face from beatings, have already spread throughout the world.

The crowd was stunned.

Li Jue, Guo Si and others sneered again and again, you are a reckless man, what do you know.

"General Lu is right." Jia Xu nodded in agreement.

Li Jue and Guo Si staggered, what?Makes sense?
In fact, Lu Bu didn't distract himself at all, he just followed his personal intuitive impression.

However, it got to the point.

Jia Xu, Li Ru and the others thought more.

Li Ru frowned, "It seems that Yuan Shao and the others are extremely careful. If they wait for the follow-up army to arrive before attacking the city, our plan to lure the enemy to encircle and wipe out will not only fail, but may fail."

It seems that Yuan Shao and the others are not in a hurry to attack the city, they must be waiting to mobilize more troops.

This is not a good thing for Jia Xu and the others.

After their analysis, Li Jue and Guo Si also became nervous.

As for why Yuan Shao allowed Qin Ye to attack the city, it was framed.

Li Jue said, "Then they simply give up Hangu Pass to Qinye. In that case, people like Yuan Shao will surely march in. Our encirclement and annihilation plan can be launched."

For a moment no one said a word.

This comes from the fact that their current fate can be said to be caused by Qin Ye.There is no need to say much about their hatred for Qin Ye.

If the enemy captured the city in this way, it would take 2 people, and they would feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, the young and energetic Zhang Xiu came out, very dissatisfied: "Let's just give up the city of Guan to Qin Ye, and the people in the world will laugh at us for being incompetent."

Although he knew that there might be too many loopholes reserved by his own side, and the others didn't see it, only Qin Ye saw it, so he used [-] people to attack the city.

But if you attack the city with 2 people, you are too underestimating people.

You must know that this is Hangu Guanye, which has resisted the offensive of the Six Kingdoms for a hundred years, and it is not a small village.

It took only 2 people to take it down, where is everyone's face?

But don't let others beat them down?Maybe Yuan Shao and the others won't launch an attack in a short time.When Yuan Shao and the others mobilized more soldiers and horses, it was difficult for them to resist.

Only with people like Yuan Shao and Cao Cao present can the Kwantung Alliance be established.Only by eliminating Yuan Shao and the others can we really get rid of the situation of being besieged by the princes of the Kanto.

The plan to lure the enemy to encircle and annihilate is imperative.

But it was really hard for them to accept Qin Ye's capture of Hangu Pass.

Jia Xu's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly realized, "In this way, we will fight Qin Ye to the end first, fight his troops to the minimum, and pretend that we can't stop him, and give up the periphery of Hangu Pass. I believe that Yuan Shao and the others will definitely fight when they hear the news. Come to support. If we make a time difference, Qin Ye's entire army will be wiped out, and Guancheng will be handed over to Yuan Shao and the others."

Everyone immediately became happy.

It makes sense, so that people in the world will not laugh at them for not being able to guard the city.It can also hurt Qinye, I believe Yuan Shao will definitely punish Qinye.Without Qin Ye's alliance army, their strength would naturally be greatly reduced.

In future encirclement and annihilation battles, Yuan Shao and the others can be wiped out more calmly.

Everyone was gearing up and looked at Jia Xu with admiration. This plan is too good, so let's do it.

Jia Xu laughed and said, "Then you generals, make up for the loopholes as soon as possible, and Qin Ye will launch an attack soon."

Previously, in order to lure the enemy to attack the city, and in order to be able to appear to be a natural feint, Jia Xu reserved many loopholes in the formation of troops in Guancheng.

But Jia Xu and the others have regretted part of it now, so they have to re-arrange.Well, the flaw is to be repaired.

Jia Xu looked outside coldly, how could he be reconciled to being defeated by Qin Ye many times. "Qin Mengjie, you must have seen more of the loopholes I reserved than others, so you dare to speak nonsense and attack the city with [-] people. But don't really underestimate me. I will attack the city later, and you will definitely be beaten into it." A place of eternal doom. You don’t need me to do anything, Yuan Benchu ​​and those people won’t spare you.”

Jia Xu was very confident in eliminating Qin Ye's [-] troops.After repeated failures, this time, he should have won.

 New Year's Day, the sword points to 2018, all the gentlemen stand up and make a lot of money, Lao Yi and I will also get a little bit of light, sweat...

(End of this chapter)

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