The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 166 Qin Wu Swings His Whip

Chapter 166 Qin Wu Swings His Whip
Outside Hangu Pass
Twenty thousand troops lined up.

For the commander who dared to attack Hangu Pass with his own 2 people, the soldiers were all dumbfounded.

This is a strong attack on Hangu Pass, do you think it is entering the village to encircle and suppress thieves?
Soldiers want to cry but have no tears. When they become soldiers, they will fight. They are mentally prepared.But with such a shortage of coaches, they are really unprepared.

What kind of existence is Hangu Pass? It is more dangerous than Hulao Pass.Let alone 20 soldiers and horses, there are [-] troops.Hangu will also be like a heavy mountain, weighing on the hearts of soldiers.

At this moment, the [-] troops have already lined up, which is completely an echelon formation for an all-out attack.

Now you only need to give an order, and you can immediately go into battle.

Qin Ye's supreme eyes have already seen that the enemy has many loopholes.And in the information sent by Supreme Dharma Eye, there are many ways to attack.One bang is one of them.Since Hangu Pass can be conquered in one go, what else is there to do?
Just a straight front is enough, not tough.

But his military plan really frightened his subordinates.

Although there are not many under Qin Ye's command, all of them are generals in their own right.Like Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, and Tai Shici, they can all be entrusted with important tasks.Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, and Xun You can all be governors.

Therefore, they also have their own understanding of war.

swarmed up.

real or fake?

Isn't this looking for death?

Xun You came out and said, "My lord, do you really want to launch an attack? In fact, there are many ways to bring back the soldiers and horses. Yuan Benchu ​​and the others can't do anything to the lord."

Xun You's meaning is very clear, let's come out and put on a show, saying that the situation has changed and we can't attack the city.Yuan Benchu ​​and the others felt that there was nothing they could do.

All the officers and men nodded fiercely, saying in their hearts that Junjun Xun, what you said was too correct, and everything was on point.

The lord must have thought so too.

For a moment, all the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.From this point of view, it was not the hero who was kicked by the donkey.This method is great, we pretended to be fake, and we slapped us in the face, but they still have nothing to do with us.

Qin Ye naturally knew what Xun You said.But everyone misunderstood him. He was definitely not pretending before, but really wanted to take down Hangu Pass.

In this way, adding a record is good for him to establish a foundation in the future.

Therefore, even if Yuan Shao and the others were in the way, Qin Ye would launch this offensive.

If he slapped someone in the face along the way, it was definitely not Qin Ye's purpose and intention, it was completely asked for by those people.

"Get ready to attack." Qin Ye waved his whip.

Everyone vomited blood upon hearing this.

I thought Qin Ye would say retreat, but I didn't expect to launch an attack.

"What?" Seeing that the generals hadn't moved, Qin Ye stared at them awe-inspiringly.

Zhang Liao and others changed their expressions slightly, and said firmly, "Here."

Now that the lord has already made a choice, they will not have any hesitation even if there is a sea of ​​swords and guns.And for the previous hesitation, I feel guilty.

However, after all, it is obvious that he is going to die, and it is human nature to hesitate,

"and many more!"

Xun You got off his horse at this time, and his face became terrifying.

"Military Master, what are you going to do?" Qin Ye was slightly startled seeing Xun You like this for the first time.

As a general, you need to execute military orders.As a military adviser, he also has the duties of a military adviser.

The lord issued a fatuous order, as a military adviser, he had to persuade him, and he had to persuade him to death.

"My lord, you can't go your own way. Attacking the city this time is no different from sending you to death. Xun You must not watch your lord make a heinous mistake!" Xun You said passionately.

Qin Ye hesitated to speak, it was impossible for him to tell everyone about Supreme Dharma Eye, "Gongda, you will know when the result comes out in a while."

After a while, the results will come out, and the whole army will be wiped out!
Xun You managed to escape, "My lord, it will be too late by then. Not only will my lord's reputation be ruined, but there are still many people behind, waiting to punish my lord. From then on, there will be no place for my lord in the world."

"I absolutely can't just stand by and watch my lord make such a big mistake!" Xun You was so excited that he came to Qin Yema and held Chituma back, "If the lord continues to give orders, then kill Xun You first."

Facing everyone's shocked eyes, Qin Ye calmly said: "Come here, take the general and division aside and protect them carefully."

Cang clang, Xun You drew his sword.

"Since that's the case, Xun You will take the first step. I hope that Xun You's blood can awaken the lord's mind that has been deceived!"

Everyone was stunned and caught off guard.

Qin Ye immediately saw several flaws, and with a wave of the whip in his hand, it caught Xun You's sword.With a hard pull, it was snatched away, "Take it!"

Only then did the surrounding guards come to their senses, and as soon as they rushed forward, they threw Xun You to the ground, and with a thump, they were completely under control.

"My lord, you are ruining your future!"

The three armies were in turmoil amidst Xun You's roar.

"Shut up." Qin Ye couldn't kill his loyal military adviser, and he couldn't explain clearly, so he had to make a bad move.


Xun You, who was gagged, was already in tears.

At this time, some changes on the Guancheng caught Qin Ye's attention, and his supreme method was clear at a glance.The enemy's loopholes are changing, and if there are too many changes, his [-] men may not be able to attack Hangu Pass.

"Not good! The enemy's flaws are being repaired. Beat the drums and march in!"

"Here!" The crowd began to attack the city with a sense of generosity.

Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Tai Shici, Hua Xiong, Gao Shun and the others all had determination in their eyes.

It looked like he was going to die under this grand pass.

Everyone looked at Qin Ye.

Then, let my death in battle awaken the heart of the lord.

They all have the same idea, to use their own death to wake up the lord and save the lives of others.

Therefore, all the generals rushed to attack Guancheng.

Qin Ye smiled and said: "The generals are really fierce, this battle must be easier to win."

Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang looked at each other, Nima, brother, please allow us to scold you once, there will be no chance in the future.They fainted.

Big teardrops could not stop flowing from Xun You's eyes.He couldn't believe why the lord who commanded the art to shake the world suddenly became so stupid and arrogant!

Heaven!What did you do to my lord!
And on Guancheng.

Jia Xu's expression changed drastically.

He never expected Qin Ye to launch an attack so quickly and decisively!

Jia Xu was caught off guard, but he quickly calmed down.After all, there is no perfect thing in the world, and no one has a few flaws. The key is, can you see it?Even if you can see it, can you use it?
Jia Xu also saw some flaws in Qin Ye, and immediately dispatched troops.

The battle of Hangu Pass is imminent.

 Well, there is another update tonight.Another big wave is approaching, and it should be more ferocious than the previous wave.

  Time travel is not pretentious, chrysanthemums are full of bruises.

  Thanks to: Wanliangtian D, book friend 0818, and Shen Feiyang 520 for the rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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