The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 167 Military Subversive

Chapter 167 Military Subversive

Hangu Pass is burning.

The battle between the two sides has reached a fever pitch.

On the defensive side, Jia Xu is the core of the deployment, and Lu Bu and others are at the forefront.

The attacker, the five-color command flag beside Qin Ye, never stopped sending orders.

This is a competition between the soldiers of the two sides, and it is also a competition between the commanders of the two sides.

After half an hour.

Suddenly, the attacker seized the top of the city with several unbelievable positions.It even made the defense's key protection area a laughing stock.

For an instant.

Young Sima Yi, young Zhuge Liang, and everyone around Qin Ye were all stunned.

Never expected that with the inferior force, our side could capture part of the city.

Immediately afterwards, everyone continued to suffer from 'lightning strikes'.

I saw that under Qin Ye's dispatch, the attacker continued to expand the occupied area, and had begun to completely suppress the defender.


Sima Yi and the others looked at Qin Ye with fear, fear!

Zhang Liao and Xu Huang, who were fighting at the top of the city, were even more shocked!

They were already prepared to sacrifice, for the sake of the lord, even if they knew that the lord was a wrong decision, they would fight for the last of their blood.

However, suddenly, the peak turns.

God reversed!


Suddenly they understood.

What the hell...

It turned out that this was not a suicide attack!
The protagonist's command art is too strong, so strong that we can't understand it, and it has caused misunderstandings.

Xu Huang and the others felt ashamed.

How else to explain something like this?It can only be explained in this way.

The soldiers of the imperial court were also stunned. The breakthrough of Hangu Pass was close at hand, which was something they had never dared to think about before.In fact, before the attack, they had already greeted the commander thousands of times, because this was a suicide attack.

But at this moment, it was really shocking.


It turns out that the commander-in-chief was not kicked by the donkey, but ate the wisdom fruit!
It is conceivable that the soldiers of the imperial army are in such a state of mind now.

But soon, the morale of the soldiers of the three armies was greatly boosted, and the offensive and defensive combat effectiveness soared by more than one hundred percent.

The Xiliang army, which was full of confidence, has been completely beaten.

Only ignorance can describe their appearance at this moment.

You know, what they are standing on is Hangu Pass.

This city, the number one pass in the world, passed on to them endless power.

But now, there is only fear in their hearts, fear!
No matter how you resist and mobilize, the enemy can always make a breakthrough from an incredible place.

This caused all the key defenses of the Xiliang Army to collapse across the board.

My God!Jia Xu vomited blood, half of her eyeballs popped out of their sockets, and were covered with bloodshot eyes.

"How is this possible!" Old Jia Xu couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. Under the great advantage, the enemy had made a fatal breakthrough.The enemy has already established a firm foothold on the city's head, and the 'red' area is constantly expanding.

Nima, am I blind?

It's not a flaw at all, why does it become a flaw when the enemy appears there?

Somebody tell me what the hell happened!Jia Xu has already torn off the white hair on her head.

Li Ru was furious, "There are too many loopholes left, and Qin Ye took advantage of them before we had time to make up for them."

It left a lot of flaws.

But who can see through them all and use them sequentially in an orderly manner?
How can this be!How could Qin Ye see through all the flaws?

It should be known that there is no perfect thing in the world, and everything has flaws.In the same way, it is impossible for anyone in the world to see through all the flaws perfectly.Because there is nothing perfect in the world.

But at this moment, Lu Bu's three views were completely overturned.

The flaws were arranged by them, they are all clear and understandable, but Qinye actually understands all of them?

Do you want to be so awesome?

Do people have to be so perfect!
You are too arrogant!


Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi were stunned.

Just rush up and win.

They looked at Qin Ye.

Brother, should we be so arrogant.

Do you know the Three Views of Destroying People?

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi felt that the thousands of military books they had read before were all forged.

There is no record in any military book that it is possible to attack like this and win.Including the works of Sun Bin and Wu Qi, great military strategists.

The first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the soldiers, and the second is to attack the city.This saying has been around for thousands of years.It was subverted in a blink of an eye!
Brother, do you want to play us like this?If you fight like this, you are no longer a military strategist, you should be a "military subversive".

Because Qin Ye repeatedly subverted military common sense, everyone simply couldn't accept it.

Xun You kept groaning, pointing at his gagged mouth.

But Qin Ye didn't notice at all.

He devoted all his energy to directing the attack, the Supreme Dharma Eye flashed continuously, and the dispatching banner never stopped.

And under Qin Ye's control, our party has won successively.

The eyes of the guards around him were all in awe.

The personal guard couldn't bear it any longer, and reminded Qin Ye.

Now that victory is in sight, Qin Ye looked back and saw Xun You.Let go at this time, I believe you won't shout anymore. "Well, let go of the military division."

Xun You was relieved, but he couldn't speak, and then knocked.My lord's ability is ten times and a hundred times that of mine, and I am like a firefly and a bright moon shining brightly.I don't know anything, and I'm still admonishing me, I'm really ashamed.

There was only admiration in his eyes.The same is true of everyone.

Close the city.

Lu Bu and the others were about to cry, and glared at Jia Xu again.What else do you have to say this time?You still wiped out others, and you were almost wiped out by them.

In fact, Jia Xu and the others still have more than 7 people behind the pass, but due to the undeveloped terrain, they cannot participate in the battle.

But at this moment, Qin Ye has been completely suppressed. If the strategy of adding more firewood is gradually increasing the number of troops, there is really a possibility of being completely wiped out.

This young man is really terrible.

Now, Lu Bu and the others have been suppressed psychologically, and they all demanded to retreat.

Jia Xu's mentality was also suppressed. He stroked his beard and said calmly: "That's okay, the fight is almost done. Now retreat, the enemy can't see that we are luring the enemy to go deep. Let's retreat to the ambush circle in Xiaoshan. Surround the enemy there."

Lu Bu vomited blood.

At this time, if you don't forget to pretend, you don't have to pretend.We already know your ability to fight Qin Ye.

You can't see that we are pretending to retreat, Nima, your words are too correct, we were repulsed.


Thirty miles away from Hangu Pass, the imperial army is in Dazhai.

The atmosphere in the large tent of the Chinese army is rather strange.

"Qin Mengjie attacked Hangu Pass without any deployment or changes today. This man is really seeking his own death." Yuan Shao sneered again and again, "It seems that this man only knows how to fight in the field, but doesn't know how to attack a city."

"What the lord said is very true. Throughout history, even Sun Wu, the sage of soldiers, dare not attack the city like this. On the contrary, they often say that the first strategy is to attack the city, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the last resort is to attack the city." Tian Feng sighed.

This military term has been spoken for thousands of years and proven tens of thousands of times.Everyone couldn't help laughing. It seemed that the boy's abilities had come to an end.

"This person looks young and heroic, but he can't escape his youthful vigor, talent and arrogance. In essence, he is just an ignorant young man." Yuan Shao said disdainfully.

Here are heroes like Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Liu Bei.There are also counselors like Tian Feng, Guo Jia, and Ju Shou.There are even fierce generals like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Yan Liang, and Xiahou Dun.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it has brought together the current generation of civil and military talents.

But at this moment, everyone was discussing when Qin Ye would lose.

It's no wonder that everyone has such thoughts. After all, it is Hangu Pass. The Hangu Pass that Qin relied on to resist the Six Kingdoms is not a village.

Regarding whether to win or lose, no one thought that Qin Ye would win.After all, 10 people went to attack Hangu Pass, which was defended by [-] people. It would be hell to win.


The messengers rushed into the Chinese army tent frantically.

Yuan Shao stood up at the first moment. Looking at the messenger's expression, Yuan Shao felt joy from his heart, "Have you already lost? How many people died? Are they all dead? Is Qin Mengjie being hunted down? "

He looked at the rope prepared not far away, and had already begun to consider whether to tie Qin Ye with his own hands.Although this is a loss of status, it will be very satisfying psychologically.

 Thanks to Fat Elephant and Xuanfeng for the reward.

  Never disappoint everyone.

  Tell everyone a little secret, Qin Ye is often labeled as Qin Feng, your sister, the "Three Kingdoms Sweeping the World" series is too poisonous.

  ———Love your old Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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