The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 168 1 Battle Conferred God

Chapter 168

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and felt that you, Mr. Benchu, were too excited. Even if we knew the result, we were allies after all, and it would not sound good to ask such a question.

But they also knew why Yuan Shao was excited. After all, he was slapped in the face too hard, and now he finally saw the dawn of a super god.

The quality of this counterattack will be so sharp that it will be enough to bring that young talent down from the altar.

Without any means, 10 people stormed Xiongguan, which was guarded by [-] people.Just this kind of fighting method is enough to let the world know his arrogance and stupidity.

What's more, there are such people present who are fueling the flames.

Yuan Shao had already prepared the call to action, and Kuai Ma also prepared a large team.

He believed that Qin Ye's "heroic" deeds would be spread all over the world in just two or three days.

Yuan Shao also purposely looked over at Liu Bei. In fact, not only did Yuan Shao not care about this person coming here, but he was also very annoyed.This comes from the fact that Liu Bei is from Gongsun Zan's side.But Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan have many conflicts.

He also said that Qin Ye might win? If 2 people attacked Hangu and could win, that would be hell.

According to later generations, if Qin Ye would win, Yuan Shao would live broadcast Chixiang.

Although Yuan Shao didn't know how to live broadcast Chixiang, he also said it.If Qin Ye can win, he, Yuan Shao, will immediately disarm and return to the fields, and return home to farm.

And with the arrival of the messengers, the whole camp also boiled.

All the officers and soldiers knew about Qin Ye's dispatch of troops.

No one is optimistic about Qin Ye.And now all the soldiers staying in the camp are Cao Yuanliu's soldiers, and they are also waiting to see a joke.

But in the end, no one knows whether he was defeated or not.

Many of the generals just now were asking the messengers.But the summoner was so excited that he refused to give any news.

The generals were all scratching their heads, so they all came quietly outside the big tent to eavesdrop.

"Do you think General Qin will win?"

"Win? Did you drink too much?"

"If Qin Mengjie can win, I will eat horse dung!"

On the one hand, these soldiers were flattering the lord, on the other hand, they really didn't believe that Qin Ye would win.Too many of them have fought for a lifetime. Who has seen 10 people attack Xiongguan guarded by [-] people?

"20 people dare not attack by force, do you believe it?"

"I believe it." Everyone said in unison.

This is believable, but it is absolutely unbelievable that [-] people stormed down.

Doesn't anyone believe that he admits that he is a fool?

The young man didn't understand this bit of military common sense, but we do.

in the big account.

Yuan Shao did not drive away the many soldiers gathered outside the tent, but hoped to gather more people.

"Soldier, don't be nervous. Come and tell everyone, what happened to Qin Mengjie?" Yuan Shao had a pleasant expression and was calm, but the excitement deep in his heart had already filled his eyes.

For a moment, all eyes were on the messenger soldier.

The messenger trembled all over, " won. Hangu Pass has been breached!" Then the messenger shouted out.

Yuan Shao nodded calmly at first, but then his expression changed drastically.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's expressions changed.

Cao Cao, who was drinking tea, was frozen at that time.

Nima!He actually won!Did I hear you right?
Yuan Shao's face twitched, and he shouted: "What did you say? Say it again?"

"General Qin broke through Hangu Pass, and the enemy has retreated!"

Yuan Shao only felt a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Cao Cao took a sip of tea and sprayed it all over Liu Bei's face next to him.The point is, Liu Bei didn't move after that.

It can be seen that the news was explosive at the time.

But outside the tent, the assembled generals and soldiers were stunned.

10 people captured Hangu Pass guarded by [-] people?
All the generals want to draw and then hurry up.

Guo Jia's face was pale and he held his chest. His heart was not good, and he couldn't bear such news.

The rest of the generals, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, felt cold all over.

You know, not long ago, everyone agreed that Qin Ye would be defeated, and the soldiers of the whole battalion also thought so.

This is a common sense question, and there is no need to question it at all.

It is simply impossible to win.

Yuan Shaodu had already prepared his speech to reprimand Qin Ye, and he was waiting for the news to spread it to the world.

At this moment, although everyone is in the same camp, they dare not look at each other.

Every look is a resounding slap in the face.

And the uproar that filled the camp outside was heavy punches and kicks.

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei were the first to bear the brunt, and they were beaten beyond recognition.

What's even more unacceptable is that they had already made enough preparations for face-slapping.Unexpectedly, none of them were used.And Qin Ye didn't show up, they were already swollen by himself.

It's like a student who doesn't study well, saying that he can get the top prize in the provincial exam.Who would believe this shit?Of course, a group of school masters are ready to slap their faces, and of course they have to get everyone to watch as much as possible before they get slapped in the face.

On the day when the points were awarded, everyone surrounded them and raised their hands, ready to fight.

The results came out.


What the hell...

The top students had their faces swollen from being swollen at that time, and they all fell to the ground, definitely pumped.

The mentality can be imagined.

Cao Yuanliu and the others felt the same way.

Cao Yuan and Liu all cried.

Nima, you can win this, and you still let people live?
Do you know if you destroy the Three Views?Don't you know how to kill people?
It doesn't matter if we are destroyed, how can you let the great military strategists of the past dynasties save face?

What happened this time was really too cruel, not only people like Yuan Shao were beaten to pieces.I'm afraid even Sun Wu, the soldier sage, was called a maggot in the bones and became a maggot minister in the underground!

At first, they thought it was Qin Ye who was pretending to be aggressive, and they all waited to see the joke after the pretending fell apart.

Unexpectedly, they are not pretending to be aggressive, but really awesome.

2 people beat down Hangu, which has never happened since ancient times.


Two hours later.

Cao Yuanliu led an army of tens of thousands and rushed to Hangu Pass.

Captured Hangu Pass in the first battle, such a record is enough for one person to brag about for a lifetime.

But the soldiers who came here with Cao Yuanliu were as dejected as if they had lost a battle. When they entered the customs, let alone high spirits, they did not dare to raise their heads.

And the soldiers of the imperial court who didn't dare to raise their heads before the expedition all stood proudly and looked down on these princes and soldiers.The mood has never been so good.

Qin Ye was on the pass, watching Yuan Shao's army enter the city.

a while.

Yuan Shao looked at Qin Ye's indifferent expression, and said awkwardly: "General Qin is really like a god in using troops."

"I'm just reluctant. It's better for the generals to sit on the Diaoyutai." Qin Ye said calmly.

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei and others immediately had the urge to vomit blood.

Qin Ye captured Hangu Pass in the first battle when he was not favored by everyone and suppressed.It can be said that the first battle conferred the gods and shattered everyone's three views.

Cao Yuanliu and the others couldn't hold their heads up.


Yuan Shao was furious in his Guancheng mansion.Today was the worst slap in the face, and he is still the leader of the alliance, how can he bear this tone?
Yuan Shao roared: "When we fight again in the future, you must take the lead and fight in blood, so as to wash away today's shame."

He has already thought about it, since the most difficult Hangu has been defeated, the enemy has retreated, and the simplicity of the future war can be imagined.He intends to fight for the lead with all his strength, never give Qin Ye any chance to make meritorious deeds, and use some means to hide Qin Yexue.

In this way, a complete victory in the future will make the world forget Qin Ye's battle.

Wen and Wu of Hebei looked at each other in blank dismay, agreeing with the Lord's opinion very much.A few good victories must be won in the future to offset today's humiliation.Moreover, the enemy has already retreated, and it is easy to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

 Thanks to Fat Elephant, Ye Bu Seng, Xuan Feng, and Wan Liang Tian D for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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