The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 169 The Rise of Cao Yuanliu

Chapter 169 The Rise of Cao Yuanliu
Inside Hangu Pass.

The atmosphere in Cao Cao's mansion at this moment is very depressing.

Cao Cao has never suffered such embarrassment since he became famous for the five-color stick.

It can be said that it is already a shame.

But, who would have thought that Qin Ye would actually win.

One person went up to start a group, and the others were waiting to see him being beaten into a dog.I didn't expect that when someone came back with a five-company supernatural, he would fight by your side.You said you were embarrassed or not?You say you are in a mess or not?

It was just too embarrassing.

If a group of incompetent people suffered such a result, it might be fine.Immediately went up to kneel and lick, begging to bring the king.

But you must know that Cao Cao and Guo Jia are all ambitious.

After being beaten, even if he fell to the ground, he would grit his teeth and stand up to fight back.

Cao Cao's face was gloomy.

Guo Jia's face was pale.

Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan and others all lowered their heads.

"When we fight again in the future, we should strive to be the first, and we must not let Qin Mengjie focus on the front." Cao Cao said earnestly.

Everyone recovered a little and agreed with Cao Cao's opinion.

The incident this time was too brutal, and if he didn't win some records, he would become the laughing stock of the whole world.

You know, the eyes of the world are all here.Although there is no live broadcast of later generations, the spread is quite rapid.

Come to think of it, people all over the world have already started to laugh at them.

Look at these princes, they dare not attack with heavy troops in their hands.Look at Qin Ye, a young hero, [-] people took down Hangu Pass.

Counseling or not?
How cowardly.

And being ridiculed by the world, how huge is the blow to the hegemony?

Only the record can make the world not laugh at them.

Therefore, both Yuan Shao and Cao Cao hoped to show their achievements as soon as possible, so as to eliminate the impact of this incident.

on the other hand.

In Liu Bei's mansion.

Liu Bei walked around the room with his hands behind his back, "Second brother, third brother, I predict that Cao Mengde and Yuan Benchu ​​will make great strides in the future. It is very likely that Qin Ye will not be given another chance to make a move, and we are determined We cannot fall behind. If not, the world will underestimate us."

Although the three Taoyuan brothers did not suffer as much critical damage as Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

But Qin Ye's victory also brought out their incompetence.

After all, they all echoed Cao Cao and Yuan Shao that way.

Incompetence is unacceptable to Liu Bei.He came here resolutely, just to make contributions.This is the dream of the Taoyuan trio, how can it bear the stain?

Therefore, the Liu Bei brothers planned to take the lead in the future and become famous in the first battle.

And in Qin Ye's mansion.

Qin Ye looked at his subordinates and said: "In today's battle, they will definitely not dare to underestimate us. But today's battle is not a big deal, nothing to worry about. When you go back, you can restrain the soldiers."

It's no big deal?
Everyone who was ready to praise was stunned.

You know, today's record is definitely second to none in history.

I am afraid that only the lord can be so indifferent before such a record.

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, Qin Ye left.

Xun You sighed, "Everyone still needs to guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Only with such a heart as the lord can achieve a real great cause. I have been unable to calm down for a long time. The gap between me and the lord is really too far."

Young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi, at the moment, have extremely high spirits, but extremely low emotions.I originally thought that one day I would be able to be the same as the lord, but now it seems that this gap can no longer be made up with hard work.

The eldest brother cannot be surpassed, he is always better than others.

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi thought so.


Fifty miles away to the west of Hangu Pass.

The Xiliang army entered Dazhai, which had been prepared long ago, to spend the night.

Today's battle dealt a huge blow to the Xiliang Army's grassroots, and the morale of the entire army almost fell to the bottom.

10 people guarded a majestic pass, but they were defeated by [-] enemies.

Normal people can't accept this.

Therefore, the soldiers of the whole army continued to greet the relatives of the high-level people all night long.

However, although the high-level officials of the Xiliang Army were also hit hard, they could still bear it.

This comes from the fact that, as early as the very beginning, Jia Xu designed a strategy of strategic retreat, luring the enemy to go deep, and encircling and annihilating together.Withdrawing from Hangu Pass is the beginning of this strategy.

However, Jia Xu wanted to destroy Qin Ye's troops at that time, and handed over Hangu Pass to Yuan Shao and others.

And Lu Bu and others agree very much.

Because Qin Ye brought 2 people to attack the city, if it was given to Qin Ye, it would really lose face.

However, the result of the matter was not what everyone expected.

Instead of annihilating Qin Ye's troops, they were driven out of Hangu Pass by Qin Ye.

Therefore, in the big tent, everyone's faces were ugly.

Zhang Ji was very dissatisfied, "Since this is the final result, why do we still have to fight Qin Ye? Letting go of Hangu Pass earlier, the casualties of our army will definitely be much smaller."

Zhang Ji's position in the Xiliang army was inferior to that of Lu Bu and the other three, so he could not compete for the position left by Dong Zhuo, and could only submit.But he also wanted to have his own right to speak, but in today's battle, he lost the most soldiers and horses, so he was very dissatisfied.

Lu Bu and the others did not answer Zhang Ji's words, but focused their gazes on Jia Xu's face.

Jia Xu was embarrassed.

He originally planned to leave this group of hopeless people after defeating Qin Ye and washing away his stains.But I didn't expect that the water was washed dirty, but the stains became bigger and bigger, and the more they washed, the more they washed.
At a certain moment, Jia Xu was crying.Sitting on the Hangu Pass, there are five times as many troops as the enemy.Even ordinary generals can defend it.Why didn't I keep it?
How could that person be so powerful?How could every flaw be seen through.

And you can see through it as soon as you see it through, and you can also use it comprehensively.

How can this be?

Jia Xu doesn't believe that he is seen through every time, after all, he is a human being, not a god, and it is absolutely impossible to see through every time.

And Continuing is not one to talk about failure lightly.Instead, he became more and more frustrated.And, although he was defeated at Hangu Pass, it was planned.It can be said that everything is still under control now.You only need to fight in the future, surround the enemy, and calmly eliminate them.

At that time, Jia Xu could calmly leave with his achievements. Wherever he went, who would dare to be disrespectful?
But old Jia Xu also knew that he could not leave now, and people like Lu Bu would not let him go.

Jia Xu's face gradually calmed down, "Generals, don't be discouraged by temporary success or failure. Back then, Gao Zu was defeated by Xiang Yu repeatedly. But in the battle of Wujiang, who was besieged on all sides?"

"Our big defeat this time is actually beneficial. The enemy must think that our army is vulnerable, and will definitely march in a large scale in the future. This way, it will be easier to enter our encirclement."

Lu Bu and the others' faces trembled slightly, they said it was good after losing so thoroughly today.Can we stop pretending? If we don't pretend, we can plan the enemy.

They all went to see Li Ru.

The counselors here are only Li Ru and Jia Xu.

In terms of military affairs, Li Ru knew that he was inferior to Jia Xu.And Jia Xu's strategy is still very appropriate.He stood up, "It is only necessary to lure the enemy into the encirclement tomorrow. Qin, Cao, Yuan and Liu will be unable to fly. To avenge blood, we need to unite sincerely."

As a result, everyone began to set up an encirclement circle overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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