The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 170 3 Military Mentors

Chapter 170 Three Military Advisors
The news that Qin Ye conquered Hangu Pass with [-] soldiers and horses spread to the world.

In an instant, the world was in turmoil.

In fact, there are many battles in history that win more with less.But all the great military strategists, Sun Bin and Wu Qi, the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons, the Three Thousand Yuejia, etc., have a lot of such achievements in their hands.

However, the battle of Hangu Pass was a fortified battle.Coupled with the majesty of Hangu Pass and the large number of enemy troops, even ordinary people know it well.

Therefore, the meaning of this battle is completely different.

How many celebrities and heroes were shocked.

How many people praised it.

Qin Ye's historical status has skyrocketed without exaggeration, and is admired by the world.

Because of his youth, he has become the focus of gossip in several boudoir attics, so he is the dream lover of young ladies and young wives.

The appearance of Xiao Xianrou, the majestic posture of a warrior, and the wisdom of a military strategist.

What the hell...

How many coquettish boys are cursing.

Stupid, incompetent, hot chicken.The heroes envied and envied this record, and at the same time despised Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

A generation of war gods is slowly rising, which makes the princes who have the world in their hearts very afraid.


Hangu Pass.

The army has assembled and is ready to go.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were discussing matters in the meeting hall, and Liu Bei was listening.

In fact, Liu Bei knew that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao looked down on him, but he was not in a hurry. He believed that as long as he waited, there would always be a chance.

The rise of Qin Ye is definitely not a good thing for Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and everyone else.

So although no one said it clearly, they have communicated and formed an alliance against Qin Ye.

In general, Yuan Shao will deprive Qin Ye of his command as a general.And in the future battlefield, everyone will make a good record, thus suppressing Qin Ye's rise.

In order to hold everyone together, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao have more or less won over Liu Bei, which will give Liu Bei a chance to make contributions.

Liu Bei didn't like Qin Ye at all.Although Qin Ye's record is astonishing, he has no background and background.From Liu Bei's point of view, Qin Ye can't compare with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao at all, and the same is true in terms of the current situation.

In this situation, Qin Ye came to the chamber.

Everyone stood up to greet each other.

Yuan Shao said: "Meng Jie fought hard yesterday, but we waited for work with ease. I am really ashamed to say that. Meng Jie should rest more these few days and watch the enemy's raid."

Xun You and others were very dissatisfied, and this was simply an obvious attempt to grab credit.

Cao Cao smiled and said nothing, while Liu Bei watched the change quietly.

Qin Ye shook his head secretly. Although Yuan Shao was the strongest and had the highest status among the three, his mentality was far from that of the other two.Even if Liu Bei's strength is not on the stage now, but this calm demeanor is worthy of the founding emperor of the Shu Kingdom.

"En." Qin Ye nodded calmly and accepted Yuan Shao's arrangement.

Guo Tufengji and others originally thought that Qin Ye would fight with reason, but they didn't expect to keep silent and couldn't help but laugh.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei couldn't hide their surprise, and they were even more afraid of Qin Ye.


The Xiaoshan Mountains are one of the larger branches of the eastern Qinling Mountains.

To go to Chang'an, you must pass through the Xiaoshan Mountains.

The sun was high on this day.

The breeze blows the plain in front of Xiaoshan Mountain.

The killing spirit comes from the confrontation of more than [-] troops.

The huge army formation, here, has almost covered the sky.

In front of the Xiliang army.

Lu Bu leaped out, sneering again and again, "Here Lu Bu, Qin Mengjie, do you dare to come out and fight me to the death?"

Lu Bu shouted, looking down on the entire battlefield.

Behind him, Li Jue and others did not dare to take the initiative to challenge.

Yuan Shao couldn't see Qin Ye and Lu Bu fighting at this time, so he rode out first, "Lu Fengxian, now that Dong Zhuo is under execution, how dare you wait for a chariot? If you surrender, I can go to the court to absolve you of your crimes. "

Lu Bu laughed loudly and said, "Yuan Benchu, you are a clown, if you are not the descendant of the fourth generation and third father, what right do you have to talk to me?"

Although Yuan Shao is the most powerful now, he doesn't have any record to show for it.

Lu Bu's words really hit Yuan Shao's life.

Yuan Shao was furious.

"At the beginning." Cao Cao frowned, "We are gathered here today just to quell the rebellion. It seems that Lu Fengxian only knows the bravery of a man, so there is no need to argue with this person."

Yuan Shao calmed down a bit, then retreated, which meant that no one on their side would fight Lu Bu.

At this time, Liu Bei took the initiative to say: "The enemy army is gathered here. It seems that they are afraid of being chased and killed by our army. They want to fight our army head-on. I wonder if you have a strategy against the enemy?"

The field battle between the two armies, with more than [-] soldiers and horses, is not as simple as swarming up.

Among them, the mobilization of soldiers, horses and formations is really the key to victory.

"Ju Shou, Yuan Hao?" Yuan Shao asked with a questioning look.

Cao Cao is also discussing with his military adviser Guo Jia.

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and the others deliberately avoided Qin Ye, because they did not want Qin Ye to participate in this important decisive battle.This decisive battle should be able to determine the outcome in one battle.Qin Ye will not have any record, which is beneficial to them.

Qin Ye's previous record in breaking Hangu Pass was too dazzling. If he is allowed to continue to participate in this decisive battle, then the first achievement must be his.

Because of the previous incidents, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao must lose face.

They will never allow this to happen.

In addition, they also want to play a good record, so that the world can see it, and let Qin Ye understand.Their abilities are definitely not inferior to Qin Ye.

How could Qin Ye not understand the psychology of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao at this moment, and he remained silent.

However, when he saw the enemy formation for the first time, he was very surprised.This comes from the fact that the enemy's army formation is full of flaws, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are here for a decisive battle.

If it's just an incompetent person like Li Jue and Guo Si, it can also be explained.But you have to know that there are also great people like Jia Xu.

Will Jia Xu set up this kind of formation full of loopholes to die?

It seems that the previous Hangu Pass was full of loopholes?
Could it be that Jia Xu's abilities were all rumored by later generations?

Qin Ye didn't believe that Jia Xu was at this level, so he looked further away.His gaze came to the mountain behind the enemy army, and his complexion changed slightly following the message from the Supreme Dharma Eye.

It turned out to be the case.

Qin Ye smiled faintly, he has the supreme vision, as long as he pays attention to everything in this world, nothing can escape his vision.

At the same time, Qin Ye also understood why Jia Xu was only at that level during Hangu Pass.

It turned out that everything was a strategy to lure the enemy into depth.

This plan seems to be perfect, if it works, I am afraid that even the three heroes like Cao Yuan and Liu will not be able to last long.

At this moment, Qin Ye has a plan in mind.

He looked at people like Cao Yuan and Liu, and saw that their eyes were gradually shining brightly, and they looked confident.These people are deliberately crowding him out, so why remind them?

"In the beginning, I thought I had a strategy, and it would be easy to defeat the enemy." After discussing with Guo Jia, Cao Cao and Guo Jia calmly made their way out.

Yuan Shao chuckled, "Meng De, what a coincidence, I also have a strategy here, defeating the enemy is only a flick of a finger."

Cao Cao said with a smile: "Then, this battle depends on the beginning."

"Meng De is really being polite, why don't you tell us about the strategy, if there is a difference, we can do both." Yuan Shao responded.

So, under the instructions of the two of them, Ju Shou, Tian Feng and Guo Jia came out.

Everyone's eyes focused on the past. Obviously, these three military advisers were the basis for Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's victory.

(End of this chapter)

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