Chapter 171

Following Guo Jia, Jushou, and Tian Feng's talk, everyone couldn't help showing admiration.

It was the second master, with piercing eyes, and rare admiration appeared on his stern face.

From Qin Ye's point of view, the second master probably only expressed such emotions to Zhuge Liang in his life.

Young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi are behind Qin Ye.Listening to the discussion of the three seniors, I also admire them.

But Liu Bei's expression is much more complicated, thinking of Gaozu, with counselors like Zhang Liang and Xiao He under his command, he finally won the world.And only a fierce general like Fan Kuai can't win the world.

Liu Bei knew that his second and third younger brothers were as brave as Fan Kuai, and what he lacked most was counselors.

It seemed that Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Tai Shici, Xia Houdun, Yan Liang, Wen Chou and other generals were immediately attracted by the strategies of the three military advisers.The color of admiration.

Qin Ye was also very surprised. During the discussion between the three of them, the loopholes in the enemy's formation had been broken in sevens and eighties.A big victory is already within reach.

These three people do have the ability to be proud, and they have to be admired.

However, unlike others, Qin Ye waited to hear the deeper insights of the three.

Because as far as the current situation is concerned, the enemy has made it clear that it is luring the enemy to go deep.Qin Ye believed that even if they swarmed up without any rules now, the enemy would be defeated.

The key is how to deal with the enemy's back after the enemy retreats.

If you don't break the enemy's backhand, you can't call it a victory at all, and it's just a matter of repelling the enemy.

Qin Ye showed a disappointed expression. It seemed that although Jushou and the others had seen something, the most important thing was still not seen.

Thinking about it, I can't blame them for not seeing it, after all, there is an old Jia Xu on the opposite side.

Although Guo Jia and the others are three people, things like brains cannot be divided into two categories.One plus one equals two cannot be achieved.

Old Jiaxu's ability is beyond doubt.

In terms of ranking, among the three, only Guo Jia can compare.

But you must know that Guo Jia now is definitely not Guo Jia more than ten years later.

Although everyone was discussing, many people were staring at Qin Ye. These people keenly captured Qin Ye's disappointment.

The corners of Cao Yuanliu's mouth turned up.


No chance to play, right?
Do you know our capabilities?
You are not alone in marching and fighting.

As long as we are willing, it is easy to wipe out Lu Bu and those people, with or without you, it is the same.

Cao Cao suddenly looked serious and said, "General Qin, what do you think?"

Qin Ye looked over everyone one by one.

Now he has been able to use the Supreme Dharma Eye with ease. He can see the flaws in everything in the world, but he needs to concentrate.That's fine, after all, the flow of information is too big, it will block him to death.In this way, you can target the target, and the rest is out of sight and out of mind.

It's just that there is one thing that the Supreme Dharma Eye cannot see through, and that is the human heart.

Although Qin Ye couldn't see through people's hearts, he could still see clearly the psychology of Cao Cao and the others.

You must know that just now, Ju Shou, Guo Jia, and Tian Feng not only had a strategy, but also explained the details clearly.Everyone looked at them with admiration, which showed that their strategy was very unique.

They all have strategies, why are they asking Qin Ye?
It seems that such things as pretentiousness have been killed in ancient and modern times, and even a hero like Cao Cao is not exempt.

Since it's here to pretend...

Supreme Master Qinye's eyes flashed, and a worried expression appeared on his face, "This battle is very difficult."

Cao Cao made no secret of his disdain.

"General Qin, you are scaremongering. Didn't you hear what the three military advisers said just now?" Yuan Shao reprimanded.As the commander-in-chief, he is qualified to reprimand everyone.

On Qin Ye's side, Xun You and Zhang Liao's expressions became tense.

Why did my lord say that?

Could it be that the lord was distracted just now and didn't hear what Guo Jia and the others said?

Everyone heard the analysis of Guo Jia and the three of them, and they were sure about the upcoming battle.

"General Qin must have a reason for saying this. Why don't you explain it?"

Cao Cao's tone was strange.

Facing the sarcasm, Qin Ye smiled lightly, "Does this need to be explained? You can see it all at a glance."

Cao Cao and the others were immediately stunned.

Just because this sentence is too unbelievable.

In fact, Qin Ye looked at it at a glance, and the information of Supreme Dharma Eye came over. He had many explanations, and he was able to publish a book.But why tell these people?You must know that these people have been squeezing him out.

But Qin Ye is also an honest child after all, very good at telling nonsense.

However, Cao Yuanliu's ears were blinder than nonsense when he heard the truth, which was like a fake.

too blind.

Even your sister is blind, you know?

When everyone woke up, they were all furious.

You can see it all at a glance?

See it all at a glance?
Do you think you are God?Have a sense of justice?
But Cao Cao felt that this was an opportunity.Since Qin Ye had misjudged it, it happened to let him know that everyone's ability is not only not inferior to him, but also better than him.

If you can play well, so can we.

Didn't you say it was very difficult, but we won easily, doesn't it prove everything.

In fact, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and the others subconsciously believed that this was what Qin Ye said deliberately after being lost.If you use the common saying, you can't see others well.

But Qin Ye really didn't like this, if Cao Yuanliu spoke well, Qin Ye would tell them.It was obvious that they were still crowding out Qin Ye, so Qin Ye didn't intend to tell these people.

Since you want to pretend.

Then I will watch you quietly.

You can do whatever you want.

Yuan Shao looked up, stroked his beard and said calmly: "Well, it seems that General Qin was wrong this time. But it doesn't matter, after all, no one is perfect. But after all, it is wrong, then, General Qin will stay here and wait for us to wait. It's a success."

Yuan Shao was still pondering what reason to use to completely hide Qin Yexue and prevent him from participating in any battles.But now, the other party actually took the initiative to send an excuse, which is really great.

However, this is the best thing for Qin Ye.He was thinking about how to get rid of these people, and Yuan Shao took the initiative to let him watch quietly, which is really great.

"Since that's the case, the final general will just wait and see that the master at the beginning will achieve success."

Yuan Shao and the others all looked like they were blooming. Once upon a time, they were severely suppressed.This time, it is a good time to fight a beautiful turnaround.

"It should take a certain amount of time. General Qin doesn't have to be idle, he can start preparing for the celebration banquet." Yuan Shao proudly ordered.

Zhuge Liang and the others felt depressed.

"Go." Yuan Shao waved his hand, making it clear that Qin Ye would not be allowed in front of the army.

Qin Ye pulled his horse and returned to the rear army.

"My lord, why don't you argue with reason? Just find any reason, even Yuan Shao can't stop the lord from going into battle." Xun You was worried.

Sima Yi was full of worries, "Seeing that Yuan Benchu's great achievements are at their fingertips, they can take advantage of this complete victory to minimize the master's previous achievements, which is very detrimental to the master's future."

Zhang Liao and the others also shook their heads one after another, they didn't understand why the Lord didn't fight for the final victory.How can you achieve great things in the future with such aloofness?
Although none of them said it clearly, the concentration of complaints is getting higher and higher.

(End of this chapter)

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