The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 172 Can't wait to be slapped in the face

Chapter 172 Can't wait to be slapped in the face
Xun You, young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi frowned.

Zhang Liao and the others also have their own understanding of this battle.

But the exact opposite of their protagonist.

You must know that Guo Jia and the others have already analyzed it too thoroughly, and Xun You and the others know that this battle must be won, but Qin Ye is here to sing bad news.

Xun You and the others looked over, my lord, is it really okay to sing bad news like this?will be looked down upon.

They all expressed their incomprehension, in order to act like this.

Naturally, Qin Ye couldn't let his confidants get through the depression, so he should quietly look forward to Cao Yuanliu, "You don't know that if I step back, I can avoid a defeat. Yuan Benchu ​​still has to prepare a celebration banquet, he doesn't know that he might not have it." Time to have dinner."

"It turned out to be like this..., what!!!"

Xun You, Kong Ming Zhongda, Zhang Liao and the others all stared wide-eyed.

your sister!
My lord, do you know what you are talking about?

Everyone panted heavily, looking at their lord in disbelief.

If it were anyone else, they would have reprimanded them for talking nonsense.

Sima Yi's breathing was intermittent and choked up, "Master...Master, why do you say that?"

Yes, why do you say that?

Qin Ye looked at everyone, "The enemy still has back-ups, but Guo Jia and the others obviously didn't see it. Jia Xu's move is really quite covert, fortunately I..."

Qin Ye couldn't say anything about Supreme Dharma Eye, so he stopped talking here.

People simply can't believe it.

You know, outside of the discussion between Guo Jia and the three of them.In fact, Xun You, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi also had discussions.After the discussion with Guo Jia and the others confirmed each other, the two sides are similar.

Lost your sight?

The three of Xun You looked at each other, they were confident in themselves.

And, even if they were wrong, Guo Jia and the others were also wrong?
Everyone is wrong?
It is simply impossible.

Then the only explanation is that the lord has misread it.

"My lord, how did you see it?" Xun You still asked cautiously.

At this moment, there was the sound of rumbling drums in our army formation, and it seemed that Yuan Shao and the others had already launched an offensive.

Looking at the eyes of his confidants, Qin Ye calmly said: "Actually, behind that mountain, there is an encirclement circle. The enemy intentionally showed their openings to lure Yuan Shao and the others to attack. The enemy will definitely bluff and lure the enemy to go deep, thus encircling Yuan Shao and the others. In the face of such a decisive victory, it seems that Yuan Shao and the others will definitely take advantage of the victory and pursue it."

"They only saw the flaws in the enemy's battle formation, and they failed to see these flaws, just to lure them into the bait."

Everyone was shocked.

"It turned out that there was a siege, but we didn't see it. We almost missed a major event!" Xun You felt ashamed, "How did my lord find out that there was a siege?"

Before the words fell, everyone was looking at the students asking for advice.

Qin Ye was taken aback.


How did he know what the signs were.

Qin Ye cleared his throat, "I just took a look, it's true."

Everyone vomited blood.

This kind of explanation was simply a divine explanation, causing everyone to suffer from kidney stones, their body fluids were choked up, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

Everyone is shaking.

Xun You wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said privately, "Perhaps, it's because the lord has unique military skills and doesn't want to spread them to the outside world."

Everyone nodded, and that was the only way to explain it.

But there is surround this thing, is it true?
Your sister, we will never believe it.

It's no wonder they don't believe it. You must know that everyone's information flow is consistent. If there are some clues, Xun You and the others still have the confidence to see through it.

The information received was the same, only Qin Ye stood up, even if there was only one more person, everyone would consider it.

Therefore, after experiencing a brief surprise, their hearts were completely occupied by doubts.

"Maybe the lord couldn't hold back on his face and said that on purpose." The young Zhuge Liang said privately.

Sima Yi agreed deeply, nodded and said: "It makes sense, sometimes, I will do similar things."

Everyone has experienced many things. Sometimes, they are squeezed out by others, and they are powerless to resist.

Everyone suddenly realized.This must be because the lord was suppressed too much, and he had to hold on in front of people like himself.

There is a saying that the lord humiliated his ministers to death, and everyone felt ashamed that they could not help the lord.

Xun You said with relief: "My lord, you don't need to be depressed. I think of the great ancestor Liu Bang, but he is just a pavilion chief. Qin Huang Yingzheng was once a hostage."

Qin Ye still didn't believe it when he saw everyone, "Then just wait and see."

Everyone sighed and didn't say anything else, so as not to make the Lord more sad.

It didn't take long.

The sound of fighting has echoed throughout the world.

Qin Ye was behind and could not see the details of the front.But listening to the sound of fighting and the sound of our own drums, we know that we have an absolute advantage.

a while.

A messenger arrives.

This messenger soldier was wearing Yuan Jun's attire. Although he bowed in front of the horse, he couldn't hide his arrogance. "General Qin, my lord invites General Qin to go to the front."

Qin Ye showed a faint smile.

The faces of the others changed.

You know, just now Yuan Shao himself said to let Qin Ye come down, but now he let him go up again.

Why let it go up.

Even the blind can see now.

This was Yuan Shao's immediate victory, and he specially asked Qin Ye to come over, he was so pretentious.

So hateful.

Everyone was furious.

Suddenly, everyone became even more annoyed.What's your expression, messenger?Damn, you dare to pretend!
Unexpectedly, a small soldier dared to pretend to be aggressive.

It can be seen how chic the lord is now.

They looked at Qin Ye with annoyed eyes again.

This is largely due to the strong words of the lord.

Now that someone has caught him, how can he not be proud?
My lord, you saw it.Yuan Shao immediately won a big victory, and asked us to accompany him to pretend to be aggressive.

And you just said that Yuan Shao will fail.

Fail your sister.Everyone was angry and sad, if Qin Ye hadn't said those unconvincing words in front of Yuan Shao, he would have been able to face it.Now, being humiliated, having to accompany others to pretend to be coercive, and having to endure a summoner to pretend to be coercive, it is almost fatal.

How could Qin Ye fail to see the mood of his confidantes, and comforted him: "Don't worry, later, someone will feel ashamed."

The confidantes are already crying in their hearts.

They are ashamed.

My lord, don't hit us any more. If you continue like this, not only will we be bruised and bruised, but we will also be sprinkled with salt.

Xun You and the others really didn't expect that it was already at the last moment, and the lord still said so.

Yuan Jun's messenger stared wide-eyed, with contempt flashing across his eyeballs.How could he fail to understand the meaning of Qin Ye's words.

My lord will soon win a complete victory, and I asked you to go to let you see the capabilities of our army.


Who is ashamed?
You must be ashamed.

Qin Ye, your record is impressive, it's true.But don't look down on others too much, you must know that other people's abilities will not be weaker than yours.

"General Qin, please don't delay, my lord can't wait any longer. My name is Wang Lin." The messenger said.

The messenger specially mentioned his name. You must know that after a while, he will be the one who spread the news of the victory.At that time, he really wanted to see Qin Ye's reaction, what else to say, and whether he was convinced.

Moreover, when he said his name, he would pass it on after a while, and let Qinye know the stupid things he had heard.

Unexpectedly, when I, Wang Lin, acted aggressively, I was still in front of such a big man.

Wang Lin is really looking forward to it.

Qin Ye said calmly: "I can't wait too."

When Wang Lin heard this, his eyes popped out.I have always tried to pretend to be aggressive in front of others, and I can't wait to be pretended to be slapped in the face.

Hearing this, Xun You and the others wished they could cover their faces with their sleeves.

Qin Ye didn't give much explanation. Since no one believed the explanation, everyone would definitely change their minds when faced with the facts.

Speaking of which, Qin Ye has been slapping Cao Yuanliu in the face, and the tens of thousands of soldiers under Cao Yuanliu's command have also been frustrated.

He probably doesn't know yet, but now, he can't wait to see the lord slap him in the face.Wang Lin nodded fiercely, and made a gesture of please, since you can't wait to be slapped in the face, then hurry up.

(End of this chapter)

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