Chapter 174


As a part of the eastern part of the Qinling Mountains, Xiaoshan has a vast area with crisscross canyons extending in all directions.

The area is hundreds of miles in radius.

It is the only place to pass through Hangu Pass to Chang'an.

Cao Yuanliu's allied forces pursued and killed the Xiliang Army very smoothly, and lost an unknown number of enemies along the way.This made the coalition soldiers unable to stop at all, and they were unwilling to stop at all.

Until the upper ranks of the enemy army were caught up.

In an instant, the fighting sound subsided.

Tens of thousands of coalition soldiers, with high morale, looked down on the enemy's remnants of less than [-].

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei stood proudly in front of the battle.On both sides, there are generals like Guan Yu, Yan Liang, and Xiahou Dun, shining stars.

Yuan Shao rode out and looked over with disdain, "Zhang Ji, Jia Xu, why didn't you run away?"

Jia Xu smiled calmly, "Yuan Benchu, we never planned to escape."

"Get off the horse and be bound now, maybe you can wait for a dog's life." Yuan Shao said proudly.

At this moment, Jia Xu's mind is completely relaxed. After this battle, the stain will finally be washed away.He looked around, "Where's Qin Mengjie?"

Cao Cao said coldly: "Don't mention that coward, he dare not come to fight at all."

Liu Bei took the initiative and said: "He also said that this battle must be defeated, which is really a joke in the world."

"What!" Jia Xu exclaimed, and suddenly lost color, his face turned pale.


Cao Yuan and Liu looked at each other in blank dismay. If Qin Mengjie didn't come, you would have one less enemy. Even if you are unhappy, you shouldn't have such an expression, right?Qin Mengjie didn't come, but instead scared you like this?What's wrong with you?

The three of Cao Yuan and Liu immediately lowered Jia Xu's rating by N notches.I thought he was also a generation of military adviser, but it seems that this person is just a vain name.

"Mr. Wenhe!" Zhang Ji was shocked.Qin Ye didn't come, he saw through it!It's scary, is this still human?We gave you tens of thousands of troops for nothing, just to tempt you to take the bait, but none of them took the bait.Is there such a calm person in the world?

Jia Xu was frightened and raised his hand to signal that there is no need to say more, then asked Cao Yuanliu, "Did you not listen to him?"

Yuan Shao laughed loudly, "Qin Mengjie is an incompetent man, why should we listen to him?"

Jia Xu sighed, took out a handkerchief, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's a good thing you didn't listen to him."


Cao Yuanliu was stunned, what did he mean by this?As if we hadn't listened to him and were wrong.

Jia Xu didn't talk too much, but said to Zhang Ji: "Take action quickly, so as not to change."

In fact, Zhang Ji was terrified at the moment. After all, Qin Mengjie was outside, so he was really uneasy.Following his order, he saw billows of wolf smoke rising from the surrounding highlands.

At the moment when the wolf smoke rises, in an instant, the wolf smoke is everywhere in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of killing came rolling in.

From all directions, countless Xiliang troops arrived.

In an instant, Cao Yuanliu and the others were surrounded in the canyon.

The entire coalition army immediately fell into chaos, the high morale suddenly fell to the bottom, and the entire army formation was in turmoil.

"What's the situation?" Yuan Shao asked in surprise.

The soldiers around him were heartbroken.

What else did he ask?
Could it be that he vented his anger with his eyes?


You don't have to think too much, the facts are already in front of you.

Nima, it is right to come to Qin Mengjie.He is not a fool, but his master is the real fool.

You said, why did we follow such a protagonist, who seemed to be particularly heroic, with extraordinary backgrounds, how could it be different when it comes to things?
The soldiers all cried.

At this moment, Cao Cao yelled, and Liu Bei's ears trembled.

To say that the three of Cao, Yuan and Liu had won so far, and they were suddenly reversed, one can imagine the mood.

After Yuan Shao saw the facts clearly, he didn't need to explain anymore, his face changed, and he immediately drew away.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei are not much better.

I thought it was a victory that would determine the world, but unexpectedly, Nima turned out to be an unprecedented fiasco.

I go with that.

Only now did they realize that what Qin Ye said all along was true.

It's ridiculous that these people still laugh at him self-righteously.

Now, it has entered a desperate situation.

Regret, shame, and fear surged into the hearts of the three heroes.

If there is a chance to do it all over again....

The three of them looked at each other, feeling ashamed beyond measure.

At this moment, the two sides have not started a real battle.

But in the hearts of the three of Cao Yuan and Liu, they had already been killed utterly.

The three of them could hardly accept the reality, their scarlet eyes showed that their consciousness was on the verge of collapse.

You know, they planned to severely humiliate Qin Ye with a brilliant record.Unexpectedly, the person whose cheeks were swollen turned out to be themselves.

You didn't listen to him.

You should listen to him.

Jia Xu's words echoed in the hearts of the three heroes.


Jia Xu didn't look happy, "You three, do you regret it now?"

If the three of Cao, Yuan and Liu were struck by lightning, they would stagger for a while even on horseback.

To be honest, the three of them really regretted it, their intestines were green with regret, and they all cried.

Qin Mengjie was really right.

Nima, if you want to treat us like this, can't we make his judgment right once?
You must know that Cao Yuanliu was very judgmental in the past.

Why did he make a mistake in judgment when he arrived at Qinye's place?
They scratched at their hair, unable to understand.

If they were given another chance, they would definitely trust Qin Ye without hesitation.Even if you get swollen in the face because of this, it's much better than now.

Even if he pretends to be aggressive because of this, he will cooperate with him.


Jia Xu's disdainful gaze hit Cao Yuanliu's heart heavily.

There is no chance to regret it, and the shame is all over their hearts.

What kind of characters are Cao Yuan and Liu, they dare to face reality.

"You must not die here, break out immediately!"

Cao Cao was the first to wake up.Even if it was death, he would never allow him to just sit on the ground and wait for death.

Die fighting hard, or die on your knees?
At this moment of life and death, they chose the former.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan and others gathered around Cao Yuanliu.

They never expected that everything Qin Ye said was true.It turned out that they were always facing a fatal crisis, but they didn't believe what Qin Ye said repeatedly.

Now, finally tasted the bitter fruit.


Dare to fight?
Needless to say.

As the sound of killing rushed into the sky, a tragic battle kicked off.

But this time, it was no longer the Xiliang army who were at an absolute disadvantage.

Lu Bu, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Xiu began to encircle and wipe out the enemy from all directions.

"Why doesn't Mr. Wen He like it?" Zhang Ji, who was laughing heartily, stopped smiling. In his opinion, Jia Xu should be happy.After this battle, our position in the world has been established.Yuan Shao and Cao Cao died here, and the Kwantung feudal lords collapsed and dominated the world, which is already predictable.

Jia Xu shook his head and said nothing. He knew that because Qin Ye had seen through him, even if he won this battle, he would not be able to wash away the previous shame and stains.

Even if he killed Cao Yuan and Liu, so what, in front of that person, he didn't have a single victory to speak of.At this moment, Jia Xu would rather exchange Cao, Yuan and Liu for Qin Ye.

At this moment, that young man weighed heavily on Jia Xu's heart like a mountain.He knew that as long as the two parties were still alive, they would meet again in the future.At that time, it was just the mentality that fell behind.

"Next time, I will definitely defeat him. After all, he is just a mortal, he is not a god." Jia Xu said.He knows very well that in terms of mentality, he must not be left behind.In that case, he would not be able to become a counselor.

And on the other side.

outside the valley.

Guo Jia Tianfeng and the others sneered at Qin Ye's questioning of the summoner.

He also asked how the battle was going.

you still need to ask?

Definitely won.

He's worried now, regretting what he said?

Guo Jia approached the messenger, even though Cao Cao is not present, he will take the place of the lord and tear off Qin Ye's mask.

Do you still dare to speak out?
Can you still be calm?
Ju Shou Tian Feng and the others also walked over.They are quite confident in themselves and have great opinions on Qin Ye.

You must know that their years of studying the art of war are longer than Qin Ye's life.

He is a young boy, he just refuses to admit his mistakes, and he is so stubborn and arrogant in front of us.Now that the result has appeared, let's see how he faces it?

 Seeing the chapter message of ~No Brother, suddenly looking back, it has already reached 40 words.

  Staying in the same boat through thick and thin, don't forget the original intention, and move on.Despite all kinds of catastrophes, the old man is stubborn, hehe...

  There are two updates every day. As for yesterday, everyone understands because he suffered [-] points of critical damage.

  Also, Lao Yi is really ashamed to say that he is pretending a bit too much, because there is another big wave on the way.

  What's more, after all, writing a book is the same as living a life. If you write it down, that is the most missing thing.

(End of this chapter)

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