Chapter 175

The summoner Wang Lin rolled off his horse and fell to the ground, his shoulders trembling.

He remembered that not long ago, he still wanted to see Qin Yexin's convincing appearance, and he wanted to pretend to be aggressive in front of others.Now it seems that people are completely right in their judgment, and everyone is wrong in their judgment.It was horrific.

Thinking of the news he had brought and the danger the lord had encountered, the summoner burst into tears.

"You shouldn't listen to General Qin's judgment. Wang Lin was wrong, and we were all wrong." Wang Lin cried.

"What's wrong, how is the war going, tell me quickly?" Guo Jia, who was standing nearby, was stunned, and immediately scolded.

"We are surrounded, we are all surrounded!" Wang Lin shouted in fear.He looked at Qin Ye with a calm expression, and his eyes became more frightened.Then I felt that at my own level, I still wanted to pretend to be aggressive in front of others.Even his own lord, as well as big figures like Cao Cao and Liu Bei, couldn't pretend to be aggressive to this young man.

And the fate of pretending to be strong has already appeared.


Originally, Guo Jiatianfeng and the others approached, just waiting to hear the news of victory, so that they could tear off Qin Ye's mask and hit him in the face.

And now.

Everyone's eyes have popped out of their sockets.

how can that be!

The news is horrific.

Everyone seemed to be hit by a hundred sets of boxing sets, and they were punched at Tyson's level.

It was drunk again, and it was staggering again.

"Nonsense, you nonsense! How did you get out after being surrounded?" Guo Jia said precariously.

Wang Lin cried: "The lord asked me to report the news of the victory ahead of time...."

Obviously, it must be Yuan Shao and the others who couldn't wait to slap Qin Ye in the face. They didn't expect to save the messenger's life, but they all fell into it.

Guo Jia smoked it at that time.

Tian Fengjushou and the others also fell down.

It seemed that at the last moment, Yuan Shao and the others thought they would win and were still preparing to hit Qin Ye in the face.And he didn't want to delay for a second, and started the fight ahead of time.

Have you ever imagined that the reversal is so fierce and fast?
Before he had time to react, Qin Ye didn't even make a move, and he was beaten to pieces.

If you are beaten, you will accept your fate.Nima was also surrounded.

What the hell...

Can you not hit us like this!

Guo Jia and the others cried. If there was a hole in front of them, they would definitely jump into it on their own initiative.

Xun You and the others focused their gazes on the lord with great speed and strength.

Is he a god!
What else can be used to describe the lord's prediction, what else can be used to describe, huh?

It can only be described as such.

Everyone's strands of hair were grabbed by him.

The mental outlook of young Zhuge Liang and the others changed in an instant.

it is true!
It turns out that everything the lord said is true!
Zhuge Liang and his backs, which had been sluggish for a long time, immediately became firm and majestic.

In front of this Xiongqi, Guo Jia and the others, who were originally disdainful, were terrified and ashamed, and no longer dared to meet anyone's eyes.

They don't even need to do anything, they have already started to slap themselves in the face.

The original eloquent talk, the original analysis strategy, turned out to be just a joke, and he also deceived his protagonist.Originally planning to watch other people's monkey show, it turns out that I am the monkey paper.

Guo Jia and the others were full of self-blame, beating their chests and faces.Only such self-abuse can slightly offset the unconcealed pain.

Qin Ye calmly said: "Okay, don't blame yourself. You don't listen to me, and you have such a result. It's useless for you to harm yourself now. You should quickly think of a way to restore the current situation."

"General, save my lord!" Guo Jia knelt down at that moment.Although he was 1 unconvinced in his heart, he couldn't do it.

Tian Feng, Jushou and the others also knelt down, suddenly feeling that half of their life's research had been devoted to the dog.It was as if none of the teenagers had a quick glance. At this moment, they were at a loss, and only in Qin Ye could they see a glimmer of hope.

Qin Ye looked into the distance, and there were many inexplicable things hidden in his eyes.He actually wanted to make a mistake once, but it seemed that it was really difficult.

"You are well-educated in military art and understand war. In fact, I know more than you just by looking at it. You don't understand war at all, and I don't want to understand at all."

Tian Feng and the others were vomiting blood.

The gap, that's the gap.

We try our best to understand, but others are unwilling to understand, so they know more than we do.

Tian Feng shed tears.

He studied hard for more than ten years in the cold window, hanging his head on the beam and piercing his buttocks, and sharpened himself. It can be said that he has suffered a lot from his mind, starved his body, and emptied his body, so he has some military confidence.

If Qin Ye is a veteran who has worked hard for decades to have the vision he has today, Tian Feng will recognize it.

But what about reality?Tian Feng studied hard for longer than Qin Ye.What happened this time hit Tian Feng too hard, almost covered in bruises.

No one dared to question Qin Ye.

Please don't hit us anymore, but have you ever thought that we are already bruised and bruised at this moment.


There was a shout of killing in the distance.

It was Cao Yuan and Liu who broke out.

But it seemed that there were only a hundred or so people left, and it was obvious that Lu Bu led a thousand elite cavalry in pursuit.

"General Qin, please send troops to rescue my lord!"

Guo Jia and the others all knelt down.

"Wen Yuan and Gong Ming, you two lead troops to rescue them. The enemy retreats, so there is no need to pursue them." Qin Ye said calmly.


Zhang Liao and Xu Huang strode out, their eyes fell on Guo Jia and the others, and they immediately disdainful.You were so calm and confident earlier, you looked down on my lord, but in the end, you still begged my lord.

Thousands of camps are flying away like the wind. Originally, they have been suppressed for too long. At this moment, how high-spirited they are.

And Lu Bu, who was chasing him, proudly looked at the bereaved dogs not far away.Why don't you continue to be arrogant, aren't you very good at acting?Why don't you pretend now.

"Who just said that he wanted to kill me, Lu Bu? Who is it? Huh?"

The three of Cao Yuan and Liu vomited blood.

There were only a hundred or so remnants of the three of them, and if Qin Ye hadn't responded, they would have been captured by Lu Bu.

Lu Bu restrained the cavalry, and laughed loudly: "You native chickens and tile dogs. You can run past the first day of the junior high school, but not the fifteenth day. When you finish killing all your troops, I will come back and deal with you."

Lu Bu withdrew.

Although Cao Yuanliu escaped with his life, but at this moment, his mood did not improve even a bit, but it was even more miserable.

Faced with the tragedy of the three, Zhuge Liang and the others were shocked when they heard Lu Bu's shout.But it was very happy soon. Among those surrounded inside, there was not a single soldier from the real side.

There is nothing to worry about.

Now, it depends on how you beg my lord.

The only combat-capable army remaining here is Qin Ye's one thousand trap camp.This thousand camps were all armed to the teeth by Qin Ye.Although there are only 1000 people, on a local battlefield, it can be worth [-] soldiers.

Yuan Shao and the others all cried.He couldn't face Qin Ye at all. If there was a gap in front of him, even if it wasn't wide enough, he would slip in without hesitation.

God, can you not torture us like this.

Why is it so difficult to win once in front of Qin Mengjie?

One must know that Yuan Shao and the others were invincible in all battles before, but now they have become like this, what a shame for these heroes.

Qin Ye didn't say a word.After all, these people underestimate Jia Xu too much.With Jia Xu's armed forces, if you still pursue him so fiercely, if you don't fall for him, who will fall for him?

However, although Cao Yuan and Liu are all heroes of a generation, their grasp of today's characters is far inferior to that of Qin Ye.Now after suffering a loss and being fooled, I realized that Jia Xu is really difficult to deal with.

The young Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, very indignant at the three people's despise of Qin Ye before, but there was nothing he could do.But now it's completely different, and it turns out that only my lord is right.

Although he didn't believe it before, it was his master.Therefore, Zhuge Liang's mentality is completely different.

Zhuge Liang was surprised and said: "Oh, my lords came back so soon, have you won?"

Cao Cao and the others immediately smoked when they heard this sentence.

Win hair.

I have never lost so badly, and I made dumplings for others.

The young Sima Yi couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, and reprimanded: "This is your fault. My lord has already said it, but you didn't listen. It's really playing the piano to a donkey."

Cao Cao and the others vomited blood. You must know that they are all famous princes. Now they are so stunned by a young boy, and they are speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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