The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 176 Let Me Take a Look

Chapter 176 Let Me Take a Look

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei walked away calmly with contempt, arrogance, and great victory.

Now, returning with a tragic defeat.

Are you still proud?
Do you still pretend?

Are you guys continuing to pretend?

It's fine for you to act aggressive in front of us, but how dare you act aggressive in front of my lord?
You don't even look at it, remembering the past, what kind of fate will happen to those who dare to act aggressively in front of my lord.

The mentality of Qin Ye's subordinates is completely different from that of Cao Yuan and Liu and their subordinates.

Cao Yuanliu was unable to face it, and lowered his head.

The second master held five strands of long beard in his hand, and originally raised his eyes 45 degrees, but when he saw Qin Ye, he subconsciously turned his head away.

For the second master, today is really embarrassing.

At first, the second master thought he could finally feel proud, but click, the cooked duck turned into a kitchen knife, and he turned into a duck instead.

Do you want him to be so magically reversed?
Can it be reversed so that people can bear it?

The only thing I feel lucky is that I was not cooked by the enemy.But after I came back, I realized that just by looking at Qin Ye, I was already familiar with him, and I was already familiar with it.

What the hell...

The second master is really angry, you say you people, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, which one is not a figure in Mingsheng world.Guo Jia, Tian Feng, and Ju Shou are more confident than each other.

When you add it up, you can't compare to a young man. Would it be embarrassing to say it out?
Can you still put on a face?
It's fine if you don't put on a face, but you should be more reserved.You are not only unreserved, but also so contemptuous of others.Well now, how do you despise others, and now add ten thousand times to yourself.

You should learn from others, Qin Ye, not to be surprised by favor or humiliation, and to be calm and calm, so that you can face everything.

Qin Ye didn't say a word, he had nothing to say to these people.

He clearly knew that Cao Yuanliu was pretending to be aggressive with him earlier.How about now, it's falling apart.

Although Qin Ye didn't speak, the heat on Cao Yuanliu's face was getting higher and higher, and he was able to melt the world.

It's really embarrassing for him.

If Qin Ye taunted him, just like Cao Yuanliu taunted him, the three of them would feel better.

Qin Ye didn't say a word, but he was even more deadly.

No one spoke at the scene, which was very strange.

But it is divided into two sides, Qin Ye's side, and Cao Yuanliu's side.

Guo Jia and the others all bit their lips tightly, looking like they had been humiliated.Ruoyou Ruowu looked at him from the opposite side, and he bled from his bite.

Qin Ye, as a traveler, grew up listening to the legend of Cao Yuanliu.Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Liu Bei are all unrivaled heroes, and it is really unexpected that they are in such a mess now.

As a traveler, Qin Ye still comforted him: "Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Don't take it to your heart. Wherever you fall, just get up from there."

The voice did not fall.

Cao Yuan Liu and the others all twitched.Is there anyone who comforts you like this?

Still don't take it to heart?
Your sister, it's not on you, it's on you, don't you try it in your heart?
Where do you fall, and where do you get up?
I can't get up anymore, and all the soldiers and horses have fallen into it.

Cao Yuan Liu and the others cried.

Suddenly, the sound of shouting and killing penetrated into the ears of everyone.

In fact, the sound of killing has never been interrupted, but just now, everyone ignored it.

The sound of killing came from the enemy's encirclement.

It is more than ten miles away from here, and it can be seen that the fighting in the encirclement is fierce.

Not many people from Cao Yuanliu and the others came back.

Qin Ye took a look and found that a few heads were missing.Ordinary people would not be able to find even Qin Ye with a few fewer heads, but these few heads are unusual.

Xiahou Dun, Yan Liang, and Zhang Fei were gone, and it was obvious that the queen was surrounded inside.

Cao Yuanliu's expression changed again and again at this moment, and the shout of killing reminded them.

They wanted to ask Qin Ye to save the people inside the encirclement, they must know that those people were the foundation of their survival.

But because of the previous incident, if he did this, he would be slapped and swollen in the face, and would be ridiculed by the world.

However, the man did not flick his tears easily, because he did not reach the sad place.

Cao Yuanliu is too hurt now.

The three of them looked at each other.

In the end, Liu Bei came out and begged: "General Qin, can you lend a helping hand and rescue the soldiers and horses that we were surrounded by?"

Qin Ye didn't say a word.

His subordinates are quite dissatisfied.

Xun You walked out immediately, "Mr. Xuande, this is your fault. You have already been defeated. Why do you still have the face to let my lord into a dangerous situation?"

In this situation, even if Qin Ye sent troops, it would not change the ending.

You also let my lord go.

You are clearly asking my lord to die.

Can you still show some face?
Don't you have any clues in your heart?

The young Zhuge Liang Sima Yi, Taishi Ci Huaxiong and the others were all filled with righteous indignation and glared at them.

After Xun You's words, Cao Yuan, Liu and the others fell silent.

"Third brother..." Liu Bei was crying right then.

But no one underestimated Liu Bei.

Even the second master shed tears.

Of course everyone knew that what Xun You said was true. After all, Qin Ye only had a thousand soldiers, even if he was willing to save them, he would just die.

Liu Bei and the others begged just now, but they also subconsciously grasped at straws.

Qin Ye was thoughtful, it seemed that the annihilation of Cao Yuan and Liu's army, and the expansion of the power of Lu Bu and others were not a good thing.Moreover, Qin Ye is a friendly army after all, if he doesn't do anything, it won't sound good if it spreads.

Moreover, Cao Yuanliu has suffered enough losses.

"Okay, don't cry. I can't guarantee if I can save it now. However, I will have a look, and there will be a result." Qin Ye said.

After everyone was stunned for a while, they suddenly became turbulent.

Nima, do you know how difficult it is?He just took a look and knew the result?

In fact, if Qin Ye said how difficult it was for him, and thought about it, everyone would agree.Even if it is directly said that it is impossible to save, retreat, Cao Yuan Liu and the others will also admit it.

But Nima said he could tell at a glance.

He is a bastard, he is just adding insult to injury, he has no intention of saving our soldiers and generals at all.

Cao Yuanliu was very angry, but also wanted to cry but had no choice but to cry.

They also knew that they deserved it, who told them not to listen to Qin Ye.

Now that Qin Ye turned them into an army, they could only endure it.

Even if they knew Qin Ye was pretending to be coercive, they had to accompany him.

your sister's.

Please don't treat us like this, we are already so miserable, we can't take it anymore.

Qin Ye looked at everyone, and said calmly: "Are you thinking that I'm just pretending. Actually, what I'm saying is the truth. I'll take a look, and if I can save it, I will help."

Damn, he still said that!
Cao Yuanliu and their subordinates collectively drew over.

(End of this chapter)

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