The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 177 A Deliberate Opening

Chapter 177 A Deliberate Opening

What Qin Ye said was really kind.

But because Cao Yuanliu and the others were full of crooked thoughts, they thought that Qin Ye was humiliating them and slapping them in the face.

However, although Cao Yuanliu was angry about what happened now, he could only cover his face, trying his best not to get too swollen.

However, Zhuge Liang and the others had completely different ideas. Sima Yi secretly gave a thumbs up.

That's the way to deal with them.

It's no wonder that everyone under Qin Ye's command had such thoughts, it was because Cao Yuanliu's previous actions were too much.

"Go and have a look." Qin Ye took a step ahead.

Immediately afterwards, everyone went to the outside of the encirclement together.


At this time, enter the entrance of the encirclement.

Lu Bu personally led [-] soldiers and sat here.

Lu Bu is here to prevent the enemy from possible rescue operations.

But Lu Bu sincerely believed that this situation was impossible, because the enemy had no more troops.

"Report..., my lord. An enemy army is approaching here!" A school lieutenant came galloping, got off his horse and bowed.


Recently, whenever Lu Bu heard this title, he would be in high spirits.

Lu Bu asked, "How many soldiers and horses are here?"

"More than 1000 people." The captain said.

The captain didn't have any sense of urgency at all. In his opinion, more than 1000 people are the same as no one.

A school lieutenant doesn't care, but Lu Bu will care?
a while.

Qin Ye and others came here.

Lu Bu was already on his horse, with 1000 elite soldiers behind him. He looked at the enemy line hundreds of meters away, and said to Cao Xing, "There are only 1 soldiers and horses, and you want to come to the rescue? I have [-] soldiers here, and they can't open the gap." Yes. Let them watch their soldiers and horses wiped out before their own eyes, and then they will be satisfied."

"Pass my order, without my order, the ministries must not act rashly."

"Here!" Cao Xing exclaimed.

"General Lu is satisfied now?"

A voice came from behind the army.


Lu Bu was very dissatisfied, and looked back, and saw that it was Jia Xu who had come.

His attitude changed drastically.

Now that Lu Bu is his own master, he has military power and knows what he lacks, except for a top counselor like Jia Xu.

I didn't know whether it was top-notch before, but at this moment, Lu Bu knew it very well.

Corporal Lixian, Lu Bu has already mastered the necessary skills for this lord.

"Mr. Wenhe?" Lu Bu didn't know why Jia Xu appeared here.

Jia Xu came here to defeat Qin Ye and wash away the stains.

Just defeating Cao Yuanliu can't satisfy Jia Xu's psychology at all.

Jia Xu came to the front of the formation and looked at the enemy's line opposite, and saw the flags of Qin, Cao, Yuan and Liu flying, and there were not many of them.Especially the figure of that young man made Jia Xu feel very heartbroken.

Jia Xu said to Lu Bu: "If you can catch Qin, Cao, Yuan and Liu, wouldn't it be more satisfying?"

catch them?

If this is the result, then of course it will be more satisfactory.

But obviously this is a difficult thing to do.

How to catch?These people are all good BMW horses, they must have run away if they rushed over.

Lu Bu expressed his thoughts.

At this moment, Jia Xu already had an idea in mind, facing Lv Bu's questioning gaze, he calmly said, "It's definitely not possible for us to rush over, but let's set up a game and let them attack on their own initiative and surround them."

Lu Bu was overjoyed.

So, under Jia Xu's guidance, Lu Bu began to make arrangements.

on the other hand.

Qin Ye's side.

When they came here, they naturally saw Lu Bu guarding the entrance of the encirclement.

The reason why Lu Bu appeared here was obviously to prevent someone from coming to the rescue.

The entrance is not too big.

However, Lu Bu has [-] elites, and they have already formed a formation, which is tantamount to "going down to the stronghold".

On Qin Ye's side, there were only a thousand people left, and to attack the enemy's formation would be tantamount to suicidal.

When Cao Yuanliu and the others came here, they looked anxiously, and their eyes were immediately filled with ashes.

Advisors such as Guo Jia, Jushou, and Tian Feng have stood for a long time.Judging from their expressions, one can tell that they are rapidly analyzing the current situation.

Shortly after.

Guo Jia, Jushou, Tian Feng and others shook their heads and sighed one after another.

This made Cao Yuanliu and others, who were looking at them eagerly, look even more bleak.

Guo Jia and the others looked at each other and understood their thoughts.

"There is a flaw." Guo Jia said dejectedly.

Cao Yuanliu's eyes immediately widened.

Nima, what are you doing downcast if there is a flaw?
Guo Jia naturally saw what the lord was thinking, and before everyone asked, he said: "The enemy deliberately left this loophole to lure us. If we fight like this, we will definitely be surrounded."

Yuan Shao hurried to see his counselor.

Jushou and Tian Feng nodded again and again.

Everyone suddenly turned pale.

The enemy is really despicable. There are not enough soldiers and horses to surround us. They are still planning to surround us. Fortunately, they were seen through.

There is no rescue.

Even if Qin Ye's camp has strong combat effectiveness, it's hard to do it alone.After all, there are only 1000 people. If there are 1 people, there may still be a chance.But the difference of ten times has already decided everything.

Although Zhuge Liang and the others have different mentalities, they also pay attention to observation.

As outsiders, they see more clearly.

After discussing with Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi, Xun You shook his head repeatedly at Qin Ye and offered his own opinion, "My lord, I am powerless to save you. The most important thing now is to save yourself."

"Lu Bu definitely doesn't have this ability. That Jia Xu is really vicious. He even showed me weakness and tried to catch us all." Sima Yi said.

They also saw the enemy's flaws, and at the same time, they also saw that Jia Xu left it on purpose.

Taishi Ci Huaxiong Gao Shun and the others were very fortunate.

Because of the lord's wisdom, a catastrophe was avoided.If the lord had the same idea as Cao Yuanliu, people like himself would have fallen into it now.

Although the battle was defeated, none of our soldiers fell into it. This is already the most fortunate thing.

Was it a fluke?
Not at all.

While everyone was observing the enemy's situation, Qin Ye was also paying attention.

His Supreme Dharma Eye flashed continuously, and a large amount of information flowed into his mind and became his own memory.

Therefore, they immediately saw the flaws in Lu Bu's formation.

This is a loophole deliberately left by Jia Xu, and there is nothing wrong with it.But Jia Xu certainly never thought that Qin Ye possessed the supreme vision, he intentionally left a flaw, and it became a fatal wound instead.

The corner of Qin Ye's mouth curled up slightly. He knew very well that if Jia Xu hadn't intentionally left these loopholes, he might have no way to recover.

The Supreme Dharma Eye is really powerful, able to see through the flaws in the flaws.No matter how many layers are arranged, the truth can be reached directly.

"General Qin, what do you think? Are these loopholes intentionally left by the enemy?" Liu Bei asked.He asked at this time, because he had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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