The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 178 Meng De, You Have a Backbone

Chapter 178 Meng De, You Have a Backbone
"Feng Xiao and the others are right." Qin Ye affirmed.

Liu Bei and the others suddenly showed despair.

As for Guo Jia and the others being able to see the flaws that Jia Xu deliberately left behind, Qin Ye affirmed, saying: "It is not easy for you to be able to see the flaws that Jia Xu has left."

Guo Jia and the others smiled miserably, resentful and angry.

One must know that Guo Jia and others racked their brains to achieve something, which is not easy.

It was as easy to listen to him as he saw it.

I'm afraid you only found out after we said it.

Although Qin Ye had demonstrated his abilities before, in Guo Jia's heart, no one in the world could count on everything.

Moreover, they have been hit repeatedly, and they have developed a rebellious psychology.I sincerely want to see Qin Ye make a mistake.

If they knew that Qin Ye had the Supreme Dharma Eye, they would be able to vomit blood and die if they just took a look.

At this time, Cao Yuanliu, their mentality has also undergone many changes.

This comes from the fact that their soldiers and horses have fallen in, that is all their troops, and their anger can be imagined.

And before they asked Qin Ye for help, Qin Ye didn't say to save or not to save, but said to take a look first before making a decision, which was clearly pretending to be coercive.

During that period of time, they were unable to face Qin Ye.And now, they were angry.

They are all like this, and Qin Ye is still pretending to be aggressive in front of them, how can they not be angry.

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have a lot of background, at worst they start all over again, at this moment, they have to tear off Qin Ye's hypocritical mask.Right here, let the world know his shamelessness.

Moreover, they also developed a rebellious psychology.

Cao Cao said coldly: "Qin Mengjie, you have already taken a look. After Feng Xiao and the others told Jia Xu's trick to lure the enemy, you followed suit. Can you retreat now?"

Everyone doubted whether Qin Ye had seen something just now, and it couldn't be that he listened to others and echoed what others said.

He said that he decided to save it after just one look. Even if he looked ten thousand times, even if he didn't look at it, he would know that he couldn't be saved.Isn't this pretentious?Are you still pretending?

He must have said to retreat, so hurry up and say it, and the world will know your shamelessness if you say it.

Even if tens of thousands of us are gone, we will hold you back, just say it, say it!

Cao Cao and the others were roaring from the bottom of their hearts, but their faces were already so cruel that they were mean.They have prepared thousands of words and are waiting for Qin Ye to speak.

"Retreat? How can we retreat now? It is a good time to rush in and rescue the trapped soldiers and horses."

Cao Cao laughed angrily, "Hahaha..., Qin Ye, you..., eh? What did you say?"

For Qin Ye to take a look before he came, it was obviously an excuse.If you directly say that you cannot be saved, we do not blame you.Even if you don't say anything, we won't make it difficult for you.You also said to take a look, you can really pretend.

Regarding the current ending, Cao Cao and the others were so angry that they were ready to vent all their anger on Qin Ye.

Just wait for Qin Ye to say to retreat.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ye didn't say to retreat, but said that he could be saved.

Cao Cao and the others immediately rolled their eyes and were suffocated.

"What did you say?" Everyone couldn't believe their ears, eager to listen again.

Qin Ye said lightly: "I said it can be saved, but it looks very difficult, but it is actually very simple."

This sentence is tantamount to a blockbuster, and the crowd is detonated.

Pretentious!He is pretending.

It can still be saved!Still very simple!
Does he see the situation clearly?How dare he say that?

What is it if it is not pretense?
Zhuge Liang and the others were also shocked, can they be saved?

How to save?
My lord, just now we praised you for being wise, why are you so unwise.It's okay to be unwise, we can't make mistakes, can we?
It is like a man coming to a crematorium and claiming to be able to revive the person who is about to go into the furnace.Nima, whoever believes in you is really a hell.

Cao Cao and the others felt that they had been humiliated, and they were furious.

You know, Guo Jia and the others had pulled their hair out before, and they couldn't think of a way.There is no solution to this, even if Sun Wu, the soldier saint, is resurrected, he would not dare to save him, how dare you save him?

who do you think You Are?

I have seen arrogant ones, but I have never seen such arrogant ones.

Although Qin Ye had many miraculous achievements before, the current situation is different from before, and it is impossible to save him.

Cao Cao said angrily, "Qin Ye, you really dare to save him?"

Qin Ye frowned, "Cao Cao, what are you talking about? If you don't want to save, then forget it."

Everyone was silent for a while.They found that Qin Ye would definitely not say these words for no reason.

Qin Ye continued: "I have already seen the real flaws. Jia Xu wanted to trap and kill us with intentional flaws, but he never thought that it was these flaws he left that gave us a chance instead."

"This is impossible!" Guo Jia questioned very much.

It was obvious that Guo Jia's eyesight was too poor, and they didn't see any deeper flaws at all.

In front of everyone's questioning and disdainful gazes, Qin Ye calmly said: "It's not easy for you to see Jia Xu's flaws in luring the enemy. I hope you can see too much, and it is indeed difficult for others. I can understand why you question it." .”

Everyone was shocked.

Nima, he can understand!Does he know that we can't understand what he said?

It is difficult for us to see it, so he just took a look, can he see it?

Everyone was furious at first, but suddenly they were sweating profusely.

They thought of a possibility.

You know, Qin Ye had already seen that the enemy had backhands before, and they didn't believe it.Instead, they were surrounded.

It can be seen that Qin Ye definitely has military capabilities different from ordinary people.He must have discovered something again, but everyone didn't discover it at all.

Because of this, Cao Cao's expressions changed drastically.

Qin Ye would never make fun of his own soldiers and horses, he must have really seen the flaw.

Then, whoever misses this opportunity will be a pig.

Cao Cao immediately changed his tune and said, "Then act quickly."

Qin Ye sneered, "You doubt me so much, sometimes you save me, sometimes you don't. When you believe me, let me save you, and when you don't believe me, just talk like that. Do you want to show some face? Why should I listen to you?"


After Cao Cao made a few strange noises, he pulled over.

Guo Jia and others rushed to help Cao Cao so that he would not fall off his horse.

Everyone was shocked, but also speechless.

After all, what Qin Ye said is reasonable, if you put yourself in the situation and think about it, if it were him, he would do the same.

"It's disgusting!" Yuan Shao was furious.

Tian Feng and the others were frightened, Tian Feng hurriedly said: "My lord, please calm down. If you ask someone to do something, you need to be more respectful."

Feng Ji Guo Tu and the others nodded in agreement. They had already offended Qin Ye badly before, and now it seemed that Qin Ye was willing to make a move, which was commendable.If he can save the soldiers and horses inside, Qin Ye can do whatever he wants.

Even if we want to pretend, we have to cooperate.

Yuan Shao snorted coldly, and shouted at Cao Cao, "Meng De, you must have a backbone. You are a descendant of a famous family. The honor and disgrace of the Cao family and the Xiahou family belong to you alone."

Cao Cao took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Have backbone!

Cao Cao looked at Qin Ye coldly.

After everyone was stunned, they also lamented that Yuan Shao really had the backbone, he would rather die than ask for help.It is worthy of being the descendants of the four generations and three princes.

Jushou gave them all admiring gazes, since the lord would rather be broken than whole, they will definitely follow each other to the death!
Under their admiring gazes, they noticed that Yuan Shao quickly got off his horse, walked up to Qin Ye's horse in short steps, and saluted cautiously and respectfully: "Shao made a mistake, I beg the general to forgive me. The general is really a man of modesty, and he doesn't care about past suspicions." , Such generosity, Shao is really ashamed. If you ask the general to save you, you will definitely feel guilty, and you will never forget it."

What the hell!

Cao Cao fell off his horse all at once.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Cao Cao was furious, Nima coin, he also said he wanted me to have a backbone, where is his backbone?I am a famous queen?Are you a descendant of the fourth generation and third father? What about your backbone?
You let me have a backbone and don't ask for help.You go up first.Can you show some face as a human being?Really don't want Nima at all?
Liu Bei was also shocked, but he immediately followed, and went to beg: "General Qin, I am different from some people. He has no shame and no good heart. This kind of person doesn't matter if he doesn't save it."

Cao Cao vomited blood again and again, and he found that he had fallen into a huge deep pit, so he pumped it right away.

(End of this chapter)

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