The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 179 Don't Believe Him

Chapter 179 Don't Believe Him

Liu Bei and Yuan Shao stood in front of Qin Ye very respectfully, under Qin Ye's indifferent eyes, they were so at a loss.

The heroes of Hebei want to draw quickly.

Nima, my lord, how can you be so unappealing?
Would it be better for jade to be broken than for tiles to be whole?
What about integrity?
Have they all been licked by pigs?

The second master, who was stroking his beard and watching Yuan Shao's jokes, saw his eldest brother also go up, shook his hand, and pulled down several long beards.

The second master's expression changed colorfully, and finally changed from looking east at 45 degrees to looking west, everything was so calm and natural.

Qin Ye nodded, "It seems that you also know that you are wrong, and there is a way that knowing your mistakes can make a big difference."

Yuan Shao and Liu Bei breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately stood behind Qin Ye, looking at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao cried.

He is a cheating father, you guys are cheating allies.

Cao Cao's current mood is like being cheated when he formed a team in later generations.In this life, I don't have any extravagant hopes for the five rows of gangsters. It's really careless to make friends.

Guo Jia and the others were so angry that the descendants of the fourth generation and the third master behaved like this.

They have no spine, we have!

They are shameless, we have dignity.

I would rather die standing up than live on my knees!
Even if you hold on, you have to finish this wave.

They looked at Cao Cao firmly, and came to stand behind the lord, everyone was stunned.Their protagonist is the most flesh-and-blood person among them all.

Under their shocked gazes, Cao Cao walked towards Qin Ye.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Jia and the others fell to the ground.

special code...

all the same.

"Meng De doesn't need to be too polite." Qin Ye sighed: "We are officials in the same dynasty, how could I just refuse to save you, you are too polite."

Cao Yuanliu began to tremble.


Ghosts believe you.

Cao Yuanliu cried again.

Don't say these things are useless, hurry up and save people, brother.

"Don't worry, let me take another look." Qin Ye said.

Have a look…….

We have served it, please take a good look.

Everyone smoked it.


Jia Xu saw many unimaginable things happened in front of the enemy's battle. Cao Yuanliu scolded Qin Ye angrily for a while, and then went to salute Qin Ye in a blink of an eye.

It's so weird.

Jia Xu thought about it, nodded his head, and he walked out, "You don't have to hesitate, if you surrender and admit defeat, I will spare your lives."

admit defeat?

What kind of characters are Cao Yuanliu and the others, how can they admit defeat.

Even if they die in battle, they will not admit defeat.

However, Jia Xu didn't expect Qin Ye and the others to admit defeat, but just wanted to hit them.Although Qin Ye didn't fall into the trap, his reputation must be defeated by him.

After thinking about it, Jia Xu said bluntly: "Do you want to save the soldiers who are surrounded inside? You must know what will happen to you without these soldiers and horses. But do you know that as long as I, Jia Xu, Now, any of your ideas are just wishful thinking. Since you don’t admit defeat, then you run for your lives as soon as possible.”

The three of Cao Yuan and Liu burst into anger immediately, and their hearts were bleeding again.How could they not see that Jia Xu was pretending to be coercive, but he had the confidence, so the three of them who pretended could only stand by and watch.

Is there anything more miserable than being with someone else?

Why can't I have a wave?
Even a small wave will do.

"We will return to Luoyang later... I will inform you in advance so you can take care of yourself." What Jia Xu said was true, and he was not afraid that Qin Ye and the others would know, because Qin Ye and the others had no soldiers to resist.

At this moment, Jia Xu is really comfortable all over, every pore reveals joy.This is the feeling he has always enjoyed, and this feeling has finally returned.

Jia Xu looked at Qin Ye with that gaze.

Although Cao Yuanliu's expression made him happy, he hadn't reached the peak of his excitement yet, so he said to Qin Ye specifically: "You only have so few troops left, what do you think you can still make waves? If you surrender , I can be the master to forgive your sins."

Jia Xu smiled lightly.

How could Qin Ye fail to see that Jia Xu wanted to slap him in the face.

But are you really capable of hitting me in the face?

Qin Ye smiled and said, "Did you drink too much?"

"Hehe, I didn't drink too much." Jia Xu's self-confidence made him go back straight away, not caring about Qin Ye's words. "These people salute you, do you have any ideas. But I can tell you that any ideas you have are unrealistic and impossible to realize."

"Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei, you three should trust me instead of trusting him."

Jia Xu has already made up her mind to slap Qin Ye in the face today to wash away the shame from the past.There is no better condition and opportunity than today, than at this moment.

It doesn't even work if you don't accept it.

Jia Xu looked over coldly.

Cao Yuan, Liu and the others looked ugly. Although Qin Ye said there was a way to rescue them, Qin Ye hadn't said anything yet.And judging by Jia Xu's appearance, he is ready to deal with everything.

Can you still rescue?
Cao Yuanliu and the others looked over, and they really didn't believe Qin Ye in their hearts.

"I don't intend to admit defeat, but I won't run away either." Qin Ye said.

Jia Xu sneered, "It seems that you drank too much, if you don't run away, are you going to die here?"

Qin Ye chuckled, "I'm afraid you will be the ones who die here today."

Before the words were finished, Cao Yuan, Liu and the others felt their eyes go black.

Brother, why do you say that, are you kidding me?
Jia Xu sneered again and again.

Qin Ye continued: "I am going to fight you, do you dare to fight?"

Jia Xu was stunned.

What, did I hear correctly?He still has to fight, he just came to fight me with just a few soldiers?

If Jia Xu realized something, she laughed and said: "General Qin is really boring. Your camp is really strong. I admit that I am no match for one-on-one, okay? If this matter gets out, no one will laugh at me. I will laugh at you, Qin Mengjie, for your lack of level. Your wishful thinking is probably just your wishful thinking."

Qin Ye said: "Who said one-on-one. I can one-on-ten. One thousand to ten thousand, do you dare to take it?"

Everyone was stunned immediately.

What!One thousand against ten thousand?Is he crazy?

Brother, are you out of your mind?
1000 people have to fight 1 people. Although you are a cavalry, as long as the opponent is prepared to fight and form an formation, you have no hope at all.

Moreover, the enemy here is mostly spearmen, who specialize in restraining cavalry.You rush up, looking for a thorn.

Everyone under Qin Ye's command was also dumbfounded.Can't believe it at all.

My lord, can you stop acting like this, are you sure you're not joking?

Not only Cao Yuanliu and the others were stupefied, but even Jia Xu and Lu Bu were in turmoil, so they managed to avoid it.

"Set up a battle? Are you going to use these 1000 people to challenge me to 1 people?" Jia Xu snorted, this is really a joke in the world.If 1 people were suddenly attacked by Qinye's [-] cavalry, Jia Xu couldn't guarantee that he would be able to retreat unscathed.

But everything is ready for the formation, and it is impossible for a thousand cavalry to break through a formation of ten thousand soldiers.

Lu Bu seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. With 1000 people in formation against 1 enemies, even the reborn God of War would not dare to say that.

If you want to win more with less, you need special conditions such as surprise attack and ambush.

It is true that in a head-to-head battle, fewer can win more, but with a difference of ten times the number of troops, this possibility does not exist at all.

In the tens of thousands of wars in history, this situation has never happened.

Cao Yuanliu and the others' expressions changed drastically.

Qin Ye, this is how you rescue our army?

How different is it to die?

What a difference!

You are simply taking the initiative to let people slap your face, or just hit it casually.

Damn, he is definitely sick, so it’s okay for him to embarrass himself, and he still pulls us together!
Cao Cao and the others felt that they believed in Qin Ye before, and they really took ecstasy.

Don't believe him!

Can we not be like this, we can actually be teammates without such pitfalls.

Now it's all up to you to output, you just output like this?

The crowd went straight to it.

"It's fine if you're scared." Qin Ye ignored everyone's reaction and looked over at Jia Xu.

I am afraid?
Your eyes saw me scared.

I'm shocked why you are so stupid.

Even if I'm afraid, I'm afraid of killing you, okay!

Jia Xu was about to explode. He planned to play it up so that he could see Qin Ye's pitiful appearance.Unexpectedly, Qin Ye was better at pretending.You said you have to be capable, and you pretended to be older than me, and I accepted it.

You don't look at the current situation, you pretend like this, in the end, it can only make me feel better, you know that?
Since he took the initiative to show his face, I can't take care of myself if I don't beat him. I'm really sorry for him.

Jia Xu laughed and said, "Since you are looking for your own death, how can I not help you? Don't worry, I will bury you generously after you die."

He had already made up his mind that he would kill all of Qin Ye's proud traps as soon as they faced each other.

Let's see if you can still be so calm and pretend at that time.See how you still face me.

(End of this chapter)

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