The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 180 Ready to Slap Him in the Face

Chapter 180 Ready to Slap Him in the Face

"General Qin!"

Seeing that Qin Ye really planned to fight Jia Xu, Cao Yuanliu and the others panicked

He suddenly appeared with a thousand cavalry to launch an assault, and it was hard to say that he could win.Now he still lets the enemy form an array first and fight against each other.

Are you kidding me?
How dare he fight?

That's not as convenient as admitting defeat directly, why add an extra link?
Jia Xu waved his hand. Under Lu Bu's mobilization, [-] soldiers and horses suddenly changed into a square formation, which is the most defensive formation, especially effective against cavalry.

Lu Bu sneered again and again, even he was sure to defeat Qin Ye's thousand cavalry.

After Jia Xu arranged the formation, she looked over proudly.

Guo Jia and the others looked ugly. Although the cavalry had an advantage, they had no advantage at all in the face of ten times as many enemies who had already formed formations.If you rush over like this, you will undoubtedly die.

And they found that all the flaws in the previous enemy formation were gone.Obviously, since Qin Ye would take the initiative to die, why would Jia Xu show his flaws on purpose.Now that he has used all his strength, he is waiting for Qin Ye to die.

Everyone looked at Qin Ye.

At this time, Qin Ye's Supreme Dharma Eyes flashed repeatedly. Although the previous flaws were gone, new flaws appeared.He was still confident, so he signaled, "Don't worry, I have my own arrangements."

Everyone is going crazy.

You have an arrangement, how do you arrange it?

Do you know what a clever woman can cook without rice?
You only have a thousand soldiers, facing a large formation of ten thousand people, no matter how you arrange it, it is useless.

Jia Xu said with a smile at this time: "General Qin is really the most respectable opponent I have ever met. My troops will stay here and let you attack."

Cao Yuanliu and the others trembled, not only were they defeated in battle, but they were also humiliated here.

What Jia Xu said sounded nice, but she was actually taking advantage of Qin Ye.Facing the cavalry trapped in the camp, his movement and maneuvers would cause accidents.The formation does not move, but it has the advantage.

Qin Ye didn't care about the expressions of Cao Yuan and Liu, "That's fine, I like passive opponents the most."

Jia Xu almost didn't take it, he couldn't even hear what I said?Still so confident?I'm afraid that with one assault, more than half of his soldiers will be lost. 500 people, 200 people, I am afraid I still have more than 9000 people at that time, how does he want to fight?
That's why the few can't beat the many.Although it looks like there are 1000 people now, you can't afford to lose.With a slight loss, the enemy's combat power will increase exponentially.

Qin Ye ignored Jia Xu, but looked at Cao Yuanliu and others.

Everyone's faces were ugly.

Although Qin Ye is calm, in the eyes of everyone, no matter how you look at it, it looks like he is going to die.

"Don't be nervous, there's nothing to be nervous about." Qin Ye looked at everyone and said.

Nothing to be nervous about?

Calm?Calm down your sister.

No one will be calm when 1000 people go to assault the 1 people who have already listed the strongest defensive formation.

"Don't worry, we will win." Qin Ye reassured.

Win your sister.

No wonder everyone didn't believe it. After all, cavalry are very maneuverable. If there is a sudden attack, the 1 people can't say that they can't eat it.

But to confront the enemy so blatantly, the enemy is now laying down their formations, ready to deal with you.With ten times the difference in your troops, no matter how powerful your cavalry is, you still can't beat a formation of 1 people.

Is he sick?

"Trust me."

Looking at the solemn Qin Ye, everyone fainted.

You want us to believe that you can do it, but you also have to come up with a feasible plan.You make it so clear that you are going to die, and you still want us to believe you?

We believe in your sister, but never in you.

In fact, if Qin Ye is only on his side, he is not sure.But don't forget, there are also generals like Guan Yu, Xia Houyuan, Wen Chou, Cao Hong, Cao Ren, etc.

Especially with the second master.

These fierce generals are used properly, and it is still possible.

Although they can't kill thousands of people, kill thousands of people.But there must be no problem if each person kills 80 people.

Cao Cao took a deep breath and looked coldly, "Meng Jie, how do you plan to attack."

Cao Cao had already considered it. If Qin Ye couldn't come up with a good strategy, he would turn around and leave.I really can't be ashamed of staying here anymore.

"This is how I think about it..." Qin Ye pointed to the generals, "They are all capable generals, we can trust them. Divide into ten teams and charge against the enemy's formation from all directions."

Before the words fell, everyone's eyes darkened, and they almost fainted.

Brother, please stop being so pretentious.This is a decisive battle of life and death, how can you make such a joke?

You want to pretend that there is no problem at all, can you pretend to be something suitable for the situation?
1000 people face 1 people, and it is too small to gather together.If you are divided into ten teams, it is like 100 people going to attack 1 people.You insist on closing the gap of ten times, and you open it up by a hundred times.

You are digging a hole for yourself, do you know that?
The formation of 1 people on the opposite side is terrifying.People only need to take one step ahead collectively, and they will crush you, 100 people.

Everyone's faces were twitching.

Cao Yuanliu almost covered his face. Losing today is humiliating enough, but it will be even more humiliating.Do you know that the enemy on the opposite side must be laughing at us.

Cao Cao turned around, but he stopped, suddenly he didn't intend to leave.He also went all out today, just to see how Qin Ye lost.He has already prepared a basket of languages, which will be poured out for him when the time comes.

If we leave, wouldn't he succeed in pretending?

Yuan Shao and Liu Bei suddenly realized.

Nima, this man is too despicable.

If we leave, he won't have to attack the enemy's formation.People in the world will only laugh at us, but instead make him a success.

It turned out that he did this to force us to leave.

OK, let's not go.

As a result, Cao Yuanliu's consciousness completely changed.They want to stay, and when the time comes to see Qin Ye's entire army wiped out, they will even slap him in the face severely.

When we stayed, he didn't dare to attack anymore, and even if he broke his promise to get fat, he still hit him in the face.

Seeing Cao Yuanliu and the others changed their appearance, everyone under Qin Ye's command also realized something.Immediately I became nervous, it was broken, now the lord can't pretend anymore.

Yuan Shao said coldly: "Meng Jie, we will not leave, your wishful thinking has come to nothing."

Liu Bei said: "Meng Jie, then quickly launch an attack, we can't wait to see your victory."

Everyone knew that what Liu Bei said was ironic, and they were ready to slap.

Cao Yuanliu and the others looked over, if you say no to attack, we will slap you in the face.If you fail to attack, we will still hit you in the face.

See what you do.

Cao Cao said: "Don't wait any longer. Didn't you say to divide into ten teams? Make arrangements quickly."

"Okay." Qin Ye named Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Gao Shun, Hua Xiong, Tai Shici, Guan Yu, Xia Houyuan, Wen Chou, Cao Ren, and Cao Hong.

Cao Yuanliu's complexion became even more gloomy.

Except for the five generals under Qin Ye's command, everyone else looked ugly.

"Yun Chang, come here. Your route is more important. I'll arrange it for you first, so you have time to digest it. If you don't understand, you can ask me in advance." Qin Ye called.

The second master reluctantly walked over, turned his head aside, and raised his eyes 45 degrees upward.Facing such a huge disparity in military strength, Second Master didn't believe that Qin Ye could make any arrangements at all.

 Thank you book friends, without you, there would be no Lao Yi writing books.No matter whether he came, stayed, or left, Lao Yi will always be here, presenting the relaxed Three Kingdoms.

  Studying and living will always be a little tiring. After that, there is no need to continue with seriousness and depth.Let's relax and watch a few jokes. If the brothers don't laugh, Lao Yi has lost.

  ——————Love your old Yi. January 2018, 1

(End of this chapter)

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