Chapter 181 Second Master's Anger

Hearing that General Qin Ye's few soldiers and horses were divided into ten parts again, everyone felt completely uncomfortable.

They came close to yelling.

Hearing that Qin Ye had other plans, everyone couldn't believe it.


What can be arranged?
You must know that there are [-] enemy troops on the opposite side, and the strongest defensive formation is also listed.

And Qin Ye only had one thousand soldiers and horses, and he divided them into ten teams.

It must be attacking the enemy's large formation from multiple directions. It can be regarded as the strongest defensive formation for 100 people to assault the enemy's 1 people.


You call this arrangement tactics?This is an arrangement, do you know that?
Facing Qin Ye like this, although Cao Yuanliu had already lost the qualification to pretend to be aggressive, he was ready to face him.

They have already begun to think about their words. This time, they must slap their faces severely, and settle the previous slaps all at once.

Everyone doesn't believe it.

Especially the second master who was the first to listen to the arrangement. After listening to the tactics Qin Ye arranged for him, his red face turned black at that time.

Everyone could see that Second Master's facial expression twitched.

The second master was really furious, Qinglong Yanyue was trembling in his hands, the second master was thinking whether he should strike Qin Ye to death with a knife.

Nima, I know I fought you when Hulao was closed, but I missed you, right?

Not only did I miss you, but you also cut my elder brother's arm.

Why are you having trouble with our brother, where did our brother offend you?

You can't avenge yourself like this.

Are you asking me to win the battle?
What does the second master think, how does it seem that he was sent to die?
He has experienced hundreds of battles, and he knows the danger at this moment. After the enemy forms an formation, the [-] cavalry on his side will have no chance at all.And Qin Ye's arrangement was to die.

Guan Yu was about to tell Qin Ye his opinion, but Qin Ye's indifferent voice had already been heard.

"It seems that General Guan has also seen this tactic. Now is not the time to be excited. You still need to calm down and defeat the enemy to rescue the besieged soldiers. It will not be too late to celebrate at that time."


Guan Yu was shocked at the time.

Excited you bastard!

Am I excited?You take a good look again.

I am excited, but I am excited to die.I was so excited that I chopped you down!
"Get ready." Qin Ye gave the second master a look of responsibility,

The second master cried, he had never been arranged like this in his life.In fact, I appreciate you very much, you can't treat me like this.

Qin Ye ignored the second master and went to arrange tactics for the others.

After everyone heard the arrangement one by one, their faces changed drastically.

Except for the people under Qin Ye's command, everyone else looked at Qin Ye angrily.

"Meng Jie, if this arrangement is made, he will die." Yuan Shao couldn't bear it anymore.

Qin Ye said lightly: "If you don't believe me, then forget it."

Cao Yuanliu and the others looked at Qin Ye's indifferent expression, and they understood each other.

They see the problem.

This person is pretending to be coercive, if they don't agree, it happens that this person doesn't have to attack.

It can pretend to be successful without taking risks.At that time, people in the world would only say that Cao Yuan and Liu were villains.

It turned out to be like this, and everyone suddenly realized that it was really easy to calculate.

Cao Yuan and Liu exchanged glances with each other.

If we go all out today, even if we die, we will slap him in the face.

Supreme Lord Qin Ye flashed his eyes, and after confirming that it was correct, he said: "After a while, the enemy's formation will definitely be in turmoil. When the enemy's formation is scattered, you will have a chance to enter the interior. After entering the interior, you must see My command flag acts. Never act without authorization."

He also solemnly said: "Only by forming a system of ten soldiers and horses can we completely defeat the enemy's large formation."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly felt clouded and foggy.

what? What?Will the enemy formation be turbulent?
Shake the yarn.You hit the cow with a small piece of dough, do you see that the cow is in turmoil?

What what, forming a system?

What is the system?
"Yun Chang, look at the Black Flag operation, Wen Chou, look at the Black and Yellow Flag."

Cao Cao couldn't help reminding: "Meng Jie, there are no black and yellow flags."

"It doesn't matter, just overlap the black flag and the yellow flag." Qin Ye said.

Everyone smoked, thankfully he could figure it out.

"Since that's the case, let's explain it."

Cao Yuanliu then summoned his generals to give them face-to-face instructions.

At this time, Zhuge Liang and the others surrounded Qin Ye.

"My lord, it can't be like this."

"We are retreating now, and Yuan Benchu ​​and the others can't say anything."

"This is our only army, so we can't take such a risk."

As we talked, there was an urge to cry.Everyone thought that Qin Ye could not bear face, so he bit the bullet and made such a move.

But do you know, my lord, face is optional.With no soldiers and horses, there will be even more shame in the future.

Qin Ye explained: "You must know that if you lose the battle, Lu Bu and others will definitely fight back, which will be even more detrimental to my future. That's why I came to rescue."

Everyone nodded heavily, they also thought of this.

But my lord, you are obviously sending yourself to death, can't you see it?
Let's not be so pretentious, okay, we still want to live a good life.

"After seeing the result, you will understand." Qin Ye said.

After seeing the result, everything came to naught, and everyone cried.


Amidst the sound of war drums, Qin Ye gave the order to assault the enemy's formation.

Guan Yu and the others led the attack with mixed feelings.

on the other hand.

Jia Xu and Lu Bu are already ready for battle.The [-] troops under their command have already lined up. Under such a situation of early preparation, they are not afraid of the assault of Qin Ye's [-] cavalry at all.

But when Jia Xu and the others saw that Qin Ye had really started to attack, their expressions became serious.

After all, under the shadow of a famous tree, Qin Ye's record is there. Could it be that he has some tactics unknown to outsiders that can break such a big formation?

However, when seeing the opponent's attack.

Jia Xu and Lu Bu were smoked at that time, not only them, as long as veterans with military knowledge were smoked.

I saw that the enemy army was divided into ten teams and launched an attack on our side.

A team of 100 people is simply too small compared to a large formation of 1 soldiers.

100 people want to break our formation?
You're a circus for a joke.

"Is this also called attack? Even a group of animals know how to swarm."

"Meeting such a general is really a soldier's sorrow..."

At this time, Qin Ye's tactics have been fully activated, so there is nothing hidden about such a confrontation with open swords and bright guns.

Jia Xu, Lu Bu and the others never expected that Qin Ye would launch an attack like this.

Jia Xu was very disappointed, and proudly said: "The formation I set up, let alone 1000 people, even 1 people can't shake it. I thought Qin Ye's ability would have some special method, but I didn't expect it to be a dead end. "

Jia Xu is full of confidence in his formation.

You must know that the cavalry is powerful.The most obvious advantage is maneuvering.As long as the infantry is formed in advance and the spearmen are in front, they will not be afraid of the cavalry's assault.And a single assault like today, let alone 1000 people, even 1 people, is not afraid.

Now Qin Ye has given up his greatest advantage and charged my formation head-on, making him come and go.

"Still too young." Jia Xu said old-fashioned.

He gave up, confessed his cowardice, and ran away with defeat, and the matter was over.

He is so arrogant, he has to pay the price, you know?

Even if he is the strongest in the world, today he will be beaten all over the place.

"This is also our chance. It's up to General Lu." Jia Xu said to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu didn't expect Qin Ye to make a foolish move, and said: "There is absolutely no problem. I know all the tactics of cavalry. No matter how Qin Ye uses tactics, I will wipe out his entire army. And now he is using the most stupid If you lose more than 500 people, it won’t count as my victory.”

Jia Xu nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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