Chapter 183
Jia Xu was in a hurry. Although his side had the upper hand, the soldiers couldn't act like this.

But even though they were close at hand, just below the hillside, Jia Xu didn't plan to deal with them anymore.

Because he already planned to leave these people forever.

no future.

Moreover, he does not intend to stay to receive meritorious service.

He didn't need to do this, as he defeated Qin Ye here, his reputation would be praised by the world.

"Get ready to beat the drum, and the trumpeter is ready to sound the trumpet of victory."

Jia Xu gave orders one by one, and he believed that once the drum beat, he would be able to leave here calmly amidst the sound of the horn of victory, with a world-renowned record.

Then wherever he goes, he must be walking backwards.

"Beat the drum and march into the army!"

Following an order, the rumble of war drums resounded throughout the world.

Jia Xu looked up at the sky, and felt that the sky today was extraordinarily blue.A color gradually appeared on his face.He thought of Guowang's life, "This is the most difficult battle this old man has ever experienced in his life. I didn't expect Qin Ye to be so difficult. I thought he..."

"My lord, look quickly!"


Jia Xu was furious. On the eve of victory in this decisive battle, how important it is to a counselor.He just wanted to express something, but was interrupted continuously.

This is more unacceptable than interrupting the inspiration of a great poet.

Jia Xu cried.

Before I leave, can you please let me express my feelings.

He scolded angrily: "Bastard, I don't need to look to know victory. You should listen to me carefully. What are you excited about? Nothing will happen."


Who said victory?
I originally thought that the soldiers would be scolded beyond recognition, but I didn't expect that the soldiers were all hideous.

Victory yarn!
"Our formation has collapsed!" All the soldiers shouted.

Crash... Crash?
"???"Jia Xu.

At this time, the Lv Bu army's formation was like an unfixed cube, which was constantly shaking into an irregular quadrilateral or polygon.

Immediately afterwards, the entire formation collapsed.

What the hell...

Jia Xu couldn't believe what he saw. He thought it was a big victory. Why did the soldiers on his side fall to and fro and the entire formation fell apart?
Are you guys going into battle drunk?
Or, have I been dreaming?

To be sure, Jia Xu slapped herself, and it hurt instantly.

The soldiers all cried, and couldn't believe the scene in front of them.The formation on our side was in turmoil, and the soldiers were staggering here and there.Seeing Jia Xu slapping herself, she was even more frightened.

"My lord, don't hurt yourself first, think of a way!"


"The drums are sounding, the enemy is about to attack." Yuan Shao said with a blank expression.

"Our assault force has been completely digested, and it is just right to launch a counterattack at this time." Liu Bei sighed.

"The defeat is imminent." Cao Cao said grimly.

Everyone looked at Qin Ye, they didn't believe that Qin Ye's ability would not be able to see it.

What else can he say now?
Qin Ye didn't look at the crowd at all, and his supreme eyes flashed, "The enemy's defeat is complete, and our victory is just around the corner."

There was excitement in his words. After all, 1000 people defeated 1 people, who could not be excited.

Everyone originally wanted to see Qin Ye flustered, but they didn't expect to see this.

One after another wanted to smoke and then quickly.

He actually said that?Why did he say that?

Everyone was furious. To what extent does a person have to say such things again.

Too shameless, right?

Can you show some face!

He must have done it on purpose!But is this really good?After a while your entire army will be wiped out, do you know what will happen to you?Are you still pretending?
The three of Cao Yuan and Liu couldn't bear to go up and beat Qin Ye, but they still held back.They've endured it for so long and don't mind a little longer.It only takes a short while, and they can return the oppression of the past tens of thousands of times.

"My lord!" Xun You felt that he couldn't let the lord go on like this.

After all, the protagonist is still too young to save face.

Qin Ye interrupted with a wave of his hand, "Don't talk too much, immediately play the semaphore, the ten-way attack!" Qin Ye needs to direct the semaphore himself, so he has no time to pay attention to other things.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

He still attacks?

1000 people and 1 people fought with bayonets!

You are committing suicide, do you know that?
Rao Cao Cao and the others were ready to humiliate Qin Ye, but at the moment they were also blown away.It's too pretentious.

But Xun You led young Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Before the battle.

Guan Yu in the southeast is ready to retreat. As long as the loss of soldiers exceeds [-]%, he will retreat. This is what Liu Bei ordered in advance, and he agrees with it.He has worked very hard to lead his team and opened a gap.But there are too many enemies, and they are simply unable to expand the gap.

It is also unable to stir up the enemy's large formation.

And the enemy's large formation does not fall apart, and there is no chance of winning.

He had indeed tried his best. In this gap, he had killed more than 100 enemies.Although 100 people are not many, but you must know that it is no small matter when the enemy forms a phalanx.

The second master admired the soldiers of the trapped camp around him.It is said that if you kill a thousand enemies, you will lose 100, but now you have killed [-] people, and even [-] people have not lost.

But the second master knew that there were also reasons why the enemy hadn't taken the initiative to attack, but it was enough to prove the strength of these soldiers.

"Unfortunately, you followed an incompetent lord." Guan Yu sighed.

In Erye's opinion, a good protagonist should make the most correct judgment at the most critical moment.And at other times, no matter how good the judgment is, if the chain is lost at a critical moment, it is not a good protagonist.

Qin Ye is a typical example.

Guan Yu listened intently, he was listening to the sound of drums.As soon as the enemy's drums sounded, he began to retreat.Although he was very worried about the third brother in the encirclement, he also knew that he had to save his life so that he could continue to save the third brother.

The drums of the enemy sounded.

Guan Yu sighed and went to poke the horse's head.

He can be sure that the soldiers around him will be surrounded in the next second.

Guan Yu pulled his horse and left.

"General, my lord has already conveyed the semaphore, and now we should follow the instructions to advance. Why did you retreat?" asked the hundred-man officer with him.

Of course Guan Yu saw the semaphore, and the moment he saw it again, his evaluation of Qin Ye had plummeted to the bottom.

He didn't turn his head, but said earnestly: "The enemy is beating the drum, and the army is about to attack. We only have a hundred people, and we have no ability to resist the enemy's attack. We can only die. Your master's tactics are not feasible at all. Escape with me."

"I can appoint you as my personal guard, it's better than dying here with Qin Ye." Guan Yu still admired the ability of this officer who was in the middle of the battle.

Therefore, even though Guan Yu knew it was possible to say these words in vain, he still couldn't help soliciting.

The officer sneered and said, "I thought General Guan was a rare hero, but unexpectedly, he is just an incompetent person."

Guan Yu was shocked, but he still didn't turn his head. Instead, he held his five long beards and raised his eyes at 45 degrees, "It's useless what you say. This is a wrong battle. people, but stay here."

Just when Guan Yu thought the officer would be speechless, a disdainful voice came from behind him, "Even stupid people like us can see that victory is imminent. But a man as smart as General Guan didn't see it?"

"I heard that only animals like tortoises don't care about what's going on. They just shrink their heads when there's a movement."

The second master was immediately angry.

Nima, how dare you speak so brazenly?

let me see!What are you looking at?Did you see how you died?
I admired your bravery and fearlessness, but now it seems that you, like Qin Ye, are just a bunch of arrogant pigs.

The second master looked up to the sky and laughed, "Okay, I'll just take a look. I'll go calmly when I see your heads fall to the ground."

He slowly turned the horse's head, his face was still facing upward at 45 degrees, but his eyes slid in their sockets, looking towards the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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