The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 184 Lu Bu's Injury

Chapter 184 Lu Bu's Injury
When Emperor Guan turned his head to look at the moon, his eyes widened.

Ah ~!

Guan Yu let out a few strange sounds, as if he saw a ghost, his beard and hair were automatic without wind.The arrogance is gone, replaced by horror.

I saw that the gap just now kept expanding, and the soldiers trapped in the camp were beheading the enemy like chickens.

The enemy's attack originally thought did not exist at all.

The enemy's dense formation has completely fallen apart.And the turmoil visible to the naked eye is like a half bottle of vinegar, constantly clanging.

Because of this, the soldiers trapped in the camp can slaughter the enemy overwhelmingly.


How could this be?
Why is the enemy in a state of confusion after the drum beating!

Are you sure that the sound of the marching drum just now was not the mourning drum?
Guan Yu only thought he was in a dream.

The officer said coldly: "What does General Guan say now? When our army should open up the situation, General Guan wants to retreat. What do you mean by deserters?"

"You still say my master is incompetent, who is incompetent?"

"You can still say that in front of the facts. You have never seen such a shameless person like you."

Under repeated questioning by the officers, Guan Yu was like being hit hard.

Guan Yu felt his face burning hot, as if he had been whipped.

"This is impossible, how is this possible?"

"I didn't expect you to say that."

Guan Yu wanted to cry but had no tears.

If there was a crack in the ground in front of him, the second master would have slipped in without hesitation.

But not in front of me.

Seeing that Guan Yu's eyes were red, everyone who saw him thought he was on the verge of madness.

With a roar, Guan Yu rode his horse into the enemy's formation, immediately brought out a bloody storm, many heads flew up, and many corpses fell to the ground.


Guan Yu's grievances and shame were all vented on the enemy.He alone killed more than 30 enemy troops in an instant.It can be seen the force of the second master and the chaos of the enemy at that time.

"Wu Yong is still there, but the character is not good." Said the officer.

Guan Yu cried.

You see, I even risked my life to work for you, which already shows that I still have some character.

Please stop talking, okay?

Under Guan Yu's continuous enlargement of his moves, the battle here went smoothly.

But where to kill, it depends on Qin Ye's command from behind.

Here, Guan Yu and the others continue to oppress the enemy.

The enemy retreated one after another.

And because of the enemy's previous Phalanx, an invisible pushing force was continuously injected into the formation.

Others also encountered the same situation at the same time.The enemy's formation is in turmoil, and it is difficult for the enemy's soldiers to stand firm.It's like standing on a heaving boat with no roots under your feet. How can you fight?

But Zhang Liao and the others took the opportunity to kill. With the continuous killing, the enemy's formation became more turbulent.

Lu Bujun's liver and gallbladder were torn.

Many people were shouting, "Squeeze, you will kill me!"

"Don't squeeze..." Some soldiers were squeezed out of their positions just as they were about to fight the enemy. They couldn't aim at the enemy at all, and were killed instead.

"I didn't squeeze it?"

Nearly ten thousand soldiers are complaining about being squeezed, but they can't find the source at all.

Who is squeezing whom?

In the center of the formation, Lu Bu, who was commanding in the center, became angry.

"What are you doing? Line up and stand firm!"

"Where are your daily training results? Have they all been eaten?"

The soldiers cried, "My lord, it's not that we don't want to stand firm, but we really can't stand firm, and the people next to me are squeezing me."

"Hold your knives and guns, your knives and guns can't be aimed at the enemy, how to meet the enemy?"

"My lord, it's not that we don't want to hold it well, it's just that we're pushing it back and forth, and we can't hold it securely at all."

Lu Bu, who was sitting on the horseback, suddenly changed his face.He saw a wave like a Mexican wave approaching from all directions and from a distance in an instant.


The moment the wave of people arrived, there was an enhanced version of popping sound from the central point.

As the center, Lu Bu was instantly turned into a meat clip by the soldiers around him.

Herod, Lu Bu's mount, was obviously squeezed into a piece of paper.

Lu Bu has fought all his life, and he has never encountered such a situation before, and he has no time to react.

"my leg!"

With a yell, he fell off his horse and fell into the crowd of soldiers.

Soon, Lu Bu had only one head left, and all around were the heads of soldiers.

"What are you going to do?"

"What are you squeezing?"

"Don't squeeze, okay, so we will be killed by the enemy at will." Lu Bu cried.

He could actually see that it wasn't the soldiers who took the initiative to squeeze around like this, causing the entire formation to be in turmoil.

Then why did it start to squeeze around?
Why?Lu Bu scratched his head and couldn't figure it out.

Lu Bu felt that someone had kissed his mouth, and when he took a closer look, it was a soldier with a beard.

The bearded soldier was shocked, "How can the lord treat me like this? Could it be that the lord is Long Yang's obsession!"

The bearded soldier fainted at that moment.

Nima, you are Long Yang's obsession, it's you who kissed me, okay!Lu Bu's eyes widened, and he also drew away.

When the soldiers around saw this situation, the lord still had such a mood to engage in sex!
My lord, is it really okay for you to do this?
How do you fight like this?

All the soldiers around them were blinded and lost consciousness.


on the other hand.

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei and the others have already got together.

They are ready to retreat.

After all, after Qin Ye's defeat, the enemy will definitely pursue and kill him without any scruples, so they must make preparations first.

Their hearts are now filled with monstrous anger.If it's just a defeat, they may not be as angry as they are now, after all, victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers.

However, what made them even more annoyed was that they had to put up with acting alone after losing the battle.

Who can stand this?

Cao Yuanliu and the others are already on the verge of going berserk.

"Prepare to retreat, Meng De. When I return to the capital, I will kill him!" Yuan Shao said angrily.

Cao Cao nodded. Throughout the ages, no one can maintain a record of complete victory. It seems that Qin Ye is no exception.This young man must have been dazzled by his previous achievements, so he made a self-righteous move here.This time I have lost face and are still holding on, if this is the case, it will definitely not end well.

"Win!" Liu Bei exclaimed suddenly.


The hearts of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao sank to the bottom of the valley.

The two suddenly discovered that Liu Bei was completely excited and joyful.

It is not a good thing for the enemy to win.You should be crying, flustered, and sad.

What does he look like?
He is also sick?
Cao Cao and Yuan Shao suddenly understood that Liu Bei must be mad to have such an expression.In fact, they have already lost, but after losing again this time, they can no longer tolerate someone, and can humiliate someone well.

Therefore, he is happy.

However, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were not as happy as Liu Bei, they were completely furious.They have been holding back for many days, and now they have completely exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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