Chapter 185 Very Well-behaved
"Qin Ye! Now that you've lost, what else do you have to say! After today, the whole world will know what kind of person you are!"

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao turned around and roared at Qin Ye like wounded lions.

"What are you shouting? I know you are excited, but you are also a party, so you can't be more stable."

Facing the roaring Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, Qin Ye was very dissatisfied.In his heart, these two people are the characters of ordinary people, why are they now night owls.


What is stability?Can I eat it?
Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have gone crazy.


He lost, and he pretended?

Can I show some face?

Cao Cao suddenly chuckled, "General Qin is really admirable for his calmness and calmness. If that's the case, General Qin should stay."

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao turned around and left.Seeing the subordinates staring in the direction of the battlefield, they were all stunned like statues.

"Why did you two leave?" Liu Bei asked anxiously.

Are you sick?
Looking at Liu Bei's excited, excited, and puzzled eyes, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao became angry.

Yuan Shao scolded immediately, "Aren't you going? Stay here and wait to die?"

Now that I've lost again, I don't have any soldiers left. If I don't leave, I will definitely be caught by the enemy if I stay here.I am not afraid of death.But being humiliated, what can I do?
In this situation, Liu Bei still asked why he left, still with such an unbelievable expression.

Are you sick too?Was it infected by Qin Ye?

Liu Bei suddenly realized, it seems that he just said that he won, but he didn't say who won.The two thought the enemy had won.

He walked over and said excitedly: "Both, you misunderstood. It wasn't the enemy who won, it was me... We won!"

? ? ?Cao Cao Yuan Shao.

The expressions of the two of them changed, and they hurriedly looked over.

Did not lose, won!
What the hell...

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have become statues like their followers.

Everyone can't understand it.

I thought Qin Ye would be defeated, but unexpectedly, he won.

Such a huge army formation fell apart as soon as it was said to fall apart.

Everyone was stunned.

Nima!What the hell happened just now?
One assault crashed the enemy's formation!
Everyone couldn't believe it, you know, it was a large formation composed of ten thousand people.And the force of the impact is only 1000 people.Moreover, the 1000 people were divided into ten teams to attack.

After a brief silence, everyone exploded.

In the eyes of everyone, 1 people against 1000 people is absolutely easy to crush, but the reality is the opposite result.

Under the assault of 1000 people, 1 people were defeated before they had time to respond to any attack.

This is so subversive of common sense.

Are you dazzled?
Can anyone tell me what's going on there?
Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's eyes widened, and they looked at Qin Ye in disbelief.In fact, before they attacked, they had already simulated countless endings.They think it is impossible to win, if they command, they would not dare to launch such a suicide attack.

Guo Jiaju awarded Tian Feng and their eyes were red.

They are all a generation of military advisers who have gone down in history. They have read military books and have never seen any kind of battle.But this is the first time I have seen such a battle.

Therefore, before this, even if Qin Ye had a brilliant record, they did not believe that Qin Ye could win this time.

And, eager to see Qin Ye fail.

Even if they saw it at this moment, they couldn't believe it.

Speaking of which, in the past dynasties, there were also people who used soldiers like gods, such as Sun Bin and Wu Qi.And even these two people who started from humble beginnings have never had such a record.

This is amazing too.

A battle formation of 1 people was defeated in one assault.

Are we dreaming now?

But the reality is in front of you, this is definitely not a dream.Then the only explanation is the assault method arranged by Qin Ye.

Everyone can now be sure that it was the surprise method arranged by Qin Ye that achieved such an effect.

But... How could this kind of tactics, which looked like a suicide attack, be so tyrannical?

Lu Bu struggled out from the crowd of soldiers.Looking up, the soldiers around had already begun to collapse and were being killed by enemies from all directions.

But in the center where he was, thousands of soldiers were crowded.

Lu Bu was completely dumbfounded.Speaking of which, he has led the army for more than ten years, and he has read a lot of military books, but he can't understand the current situation at all.

In the end what happened! ! !
No matter how powerful a thousand cavalry are, it is impossible to defeat the infantry who have already set up the formation.

This is simply nonsense!

"Lu Bu!"

Guan Yu and the others rushed towards the center where Lu Bu was located from all directions.

They couldn't believe that they had won so easily.


That's the only way to explain it.

In the face of this miracle, the aura of the soldiers has been blessed, and nothing can stop them.

And on the high slope behind.

The horn players around Jia Xu were already ready to blow the horn of victory.Many have puffed cheeks and ready air in their mouths.I never dreamed that what I saw afterwards would be such a result, winning is winning, but Nima is someone else winning.

Each of them swallowed air, blocking and exploding their lungs.


Jia Xu fell to the ground.

The soldiers were heartbroken, they rushed forward and helped Jia Xu up.

Jia Xu spat out a mouthful of old blood.

How could this be?
He couldn't accept this ending at all.

You know, he was ready to order the killing of the 1000 people who rushed over, and he was even more prepared to further hunt down Qin Ye and others.

Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly changed.A thousand cooked ducks flew away, and immediately turned into eagles, and my ten thousand tigers and wolves all turned into ducks in an instant.

"Impossible! This kind of military strength comparison is also a way of confrontation. Even if Sun Wu is resurrected, I have the confidence to win. How could I lose to him? And the loss is too weird. Divide into ten teams, each open a gap, we The formation collapsed on its own."

"My lord, do you still want to continue beating the drums?" the captain of the drum beating team asked.

Drumming?Also beat a wool!

"Then there's no need to blow the horn, right?" said the leader of the horn squad.

Nima, the horn can only be blown by the victor, what do you think?

In front of everyone's eyes, old Jia Xu only felt his face was hot, as if he had been beaten thousands of times.

"My lord, Mingjin, right?" Mingjin squad leader said.

Old Jiaxu's heart and brain vessels exploded, and he passed out.

The situation on the battlefield at this moment is so beyond the common sense of the times that Jia Xu can't understand it at all.

Not only him, Cao Yuanliu and others, as well as everyone, couldn't understand.

"My lord, why did the enemy's formation suddenly collapse?" the young Zhuge Liang asked in awe.

Cao Yuan, Liu and the others all looked furious, without the anger and disdain just now, they all looked very well-behaved.

Hearing Zhuge Liang's question, they pricked up their ears.

(End of this chapter)

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