The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 186 The Surrounded Warriors

Chapter 186 The Surrounded Warriors

Qin Ye didn't expect Cao Yuan and Liu to be so obedient, and said: "This is called the Ripple Offensive. You may not understand the details. Let me use an analogy. Just throwing stones at a point in the pond can make a radius of more than ten meters. Even fluctuating tens of meters. These fluctuating energies continue to overlap and intensify, and the enemy's formation will become chaotic."

Everyone was shocked, it was the first time they had heard such a theory.But everyone understood immediately.

How did he come up with it, is he still human?
Only Qin Ye knew that this was a mechanical principle.It can also be joined in the battle.Of course, it must be the cold weapon era of the ancient Phalanx.In the era of hot weapons, no one would form such a dense array of troops, and they would all be wiped out in one shot.

In ancient times, the most typical one was the Roman phalanx, one pressing down on the other. The fluctuation of 100 people may not be a big deal, but in all directions, the energy gathered by how many fluctuations of 100 people will eventually affect the entire formation.

Of course, this kind of command ability, in this era, is probably only Qin Ye who can command it.

Even if other people know the details and theories before and after, they don't have the supreme insight to actually operate it.This kind of precision is too high, and it is simply impossible for humans to do it.

This is like a competitive game, everyone knows that the hand speed is far faster than the opponent can definitely win, but no one can do it.Qin Ye has cheats, only he can do it.


When Lu Bu returned to the high ground, he saw Jia Xu who had just woken up from a coma.

Jia Xu was so embarrassed when he saw the angry Lv Bu.

"Jia Xu, is this your way of fighting?" Lu Bu growled.At this moment, his heart is full of pain, thinking that he is so famous that he has fallen to such a point.

Jia Xu was speechless, he had no idea how he lost.Therefore, it is impossible to even analyze how Qin Ye won.

"Why did you lose? Why? You speak, you speak!" Lu Bu yelled at Jia Xu.

"I...I don't know..." Jia Xu was about to cry.

God, how did you win, who will tell me?Jia Xu also wanted someone to come out and explain.

Lu Bu almost got drawn, you don't even know how you lost, and you still act as someone else's counselor?
If it weren't for the years of friendship, Lu Bu would have struck him with a halberd, "I thought, Jia Xu, you are a rare counselor, but I didn't expect you to be just an incompetent person. Just relying on you, what do you say?" Eliminate Qin Mengjie. I have never seen someone as brazen as you."

"I..." Jia Xu burst into tears.

General Cao Xing had received advice from Jia Xu, and now he came out to intercede: "My lord, calm down, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs."

How can Lu Bu not know that victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists, but you don't know how you lost, this is not a common thing.

"I've never seen such a strategist. He lost so easily, but he couldn't see why he lost. I think Lu Bu is blind."

Jia Xu is getting old and just wants to find a good place to spend his old age.However, since Qin Ye appeared, he couldn't see clearly what happened to him.Now that Qin Ye defeated his formation so easily, he didn't even know how he lost.

"Qin Ye, this old man is irreconcilable with you..." He felt hopeless for the future, spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and fell into a coma again.

"My lord, what should we do?" Cao Xing asked in surprise after seeing Jia Xu fainted.

Lu Bu originally received [-] soldiers and horses from the Xiliang army, [-] were buried in Meiwu, [-] were buried in Hangu Pass, and the rest are buried in the present.If you think about it carefully, all of this was caused by one person.

At this moment, Lu Bu's hatred is higher than the sky, and his resentment is deeper than the sea.

He took a detour to Chang'an with the remaining [-] soldiers and horses.

With Lu Bu's retreat, a huge hole was torn open in the encirclement.

Inside the encirclement at this time...

Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji and others suspended the coalition forces attacking Cao Yuan and Liu.

After all, the enemy army headed by Zhang Fei, Xia Houdun and Yan Liang has a certain combat effectiveness, and they can't swallow it in one breath, so they need to slow down.

Cao Yuanliu's army was surrounded by several highlands.

The closest distance between the troops of both sides is only a stone's throw away.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground, and the smell of blood filled the place, attracting a large number of crows and vultures to circle in the sky.

Zhang Fei, Xia Houdun and Yan Liang are in such a mess now that they are gathered together.

The only thing to be thankful for is that their lord escaped successfully.

The three of them sat on the ground, their blood-stained faces only had firm belief and a fortitude that was not afraid of death.

In the arduous battle, the three also established a deep friendship.

Suddenly, there was crying.Immediately afterwards, as if contagious, many soldiers began to cry.

Today, for the soldiers trapped here, it is tantamount to besieged on all sides.

"Why are you crying?" Zhang Fei stared at the copper bell and got up, angrily scolded, "I'm not a warrior if I'm afraid of death, so what's there to be afraid of?"

"Pass my order, mobilize the soldiers and horses, and fight the enemy to the death!" Zhang Fei was annoyed by crying.

Xiahou Dun was taken aback. All along, they had been resisting the enemy's attack and had never taken the initiative to attack.There are also some reasons for this, "Yidemo needs to be impulsive, but also needs to be good at defense, waiting for the rescue of the lord and the others."

Zhang Fei immediately looked over with disdainful eyes. In his opinion, Xiahou Dun was not as capable of accepting reality as these crying soldiers.

"Rescue, Mao's rescue. Instead of starving here, why don't you get angry and fuck the mother!"

Everyone saw with their own eyes that when Cao Yuan and Liu rushed out, there were only about a hundred people left around him.At that time, Zhang Fei and the others' hearts were in their throats, but fortunately they finally rushed out.

There are no soldiers and horses outside, so how can there be rescue.It might be possible to raise soldiers and horses from farther away, but Zhang Fei and the others definitely couldn't wait.

Yan Liang got up and said: "Yide, you must know that outside, General Qin still has an elite army under his command."

Xiahou Dun nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Fei's eyes widened, and on his bearded face, it was clearly written, are you kidding me?

on the other hand.

Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji gathered at the foot of a high slope not far away.

Their expressions were completely different from Zhang Fei and the others who were surrounded.

Zhang Ji suggested: "Zhang Fei and others are very brave and cannot attack by force. Now they are surrounded here, with no reinforcements outside and no food inside. Why don't they rest all night and bring the Japanese enemy army hungry and tired? wipe out."

Zhang Xiu, Zhang Ji's nephew next to him, said, "If we surround him for a few more days, it would be better to persuade him to surrender."

There are still [-] enemies in the encirclement. If you want to wipe out all these enemy troops, you will definitely suffer a lot of losses.If it can be avoided, persuade them to surrender instead.Not only will it not lose itself, but it can also be strengthened.

Everyone couldn't help but look at this young man with admiration. This is a young man with ideas.

At this time...

Jia Xu came back with the help of her personal guards.

Along the way, Jia Xu didn't say a word, and the guards didn't dare to say a word.

When everyone saw Jia Xu coming, they admired this counselor very much. It is because of Jia Xu that they have achieved today's victory.

Li Jue hurried over and comforted him, "Mr. Wen He is so tired, it's because of our oversight..."

Guo Si interrupted: "Hurry up and set up a mat for Mr. Wenhe to rest. Sir, please take care of yourself, just sit down and wait for us to finally succeed."

The guards who supported Jia Xu's arrival felt terrified.They really didn't understand why Jia Xu came here instead of running away.After a while, Li Jue, Guo Si and others understood what happened. According to the temperament of these two people, wouldn't it be five horses torn corpses!

(End of this chapter)

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