The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 187 Someone Wants to Pretend

Chapter 187 Someone Wants to Pretend

Jia Xu was warmly received by Li Jue and Guo Si.

People around him looked at him in awe.

Jia Xu's face twitched, and he said, "The old man is guilty."

Li Jue had already seen the hope of succeeding Dong Zhuo, he wanted to respect the corporal, and said anxiously: "What are you talking about, sir. You have been planning for days, and now your health is about to collapse. We are the ones who are guilty."

Li Jue only thought that Jia Xu pleaded guilty because he was unable to work.

Jia Xu signaled the guards not to help her, and said to Li Jue and the others: "Generals, organize your troops to retreat as soon as possible. The enemy has already opened the encirclement, and our army can no longer fight."

"Mr. Wen He is right. We are planning the next attack, and we will organize troops as soon as possible..., huh? What are you talking about, the enemy has opened the encirclement!"

Guo Si thought Jia Xu was talking about organizing an attack, but when he understood, his eyes widened.

Everyone was shocked.

All of them stared wide-eyed and looked over.

How could Jia Xu not know that everyone was confirming with him, and sighed: "That's right."

Everyone staggered and almost fell to the ground.

The news was like a big nuclear bomb, and it exploded in the crowd.

They are fried with all kinds of meat and eight vegetables.

Nima, did we hear correctly, the enemy has opened the encirclement?

With the enemy's [-] troops, you can break through Lu Bu's encirclement. Are you kidding me?

When Jia Xu confirmed it again, everyone gasped.

Li Jue said in amazement: "How did the enemy open the encirclement, and where did the soldiers come from? Could it be that someone else's reinforcements have arrived."

When asked here, the embarrassment of Jia Xu's veil was fleeting, "No."

Guo Bang's lips trembled, "What do you mean, just relying on the thousand soldiers and horses in Qin Mengjie's hands, the encirclement was opened."


Hearing Jia Xu's affirmative answer, everyone fell to the ground in shock.

This situation is simply too scary.

You must know that in the hearts of everyone, Qin Ye is not an issue at all.This comes from the fact that Qin Ye's troops are too small, only 1000 people.There is an army of 1000 people here, will they put [-] people in their eyes?

It's like a pack of wolves thinking about surrounding a bison for a big meal, and they are not interested in a rabbit passing by outside.If the rabbit doesn't leave, just eat it together after the big meal.

But at this time, the most powerful wolf was beaten away by the rabbits outside, which made it impossible to eat the big meal.

Your sister, are you sure you're really a rabbit?Isn't it a tiger or something in disguise?
Damn..., are you sure you're a wolf, not a mouse in wolf's clothing?

Seeing the duck with its beak flying away, who the fuck can bear this stimulation, everyone scratched their hair.

Li Jue's eyes were red, and he didn't look like a virtuous corporal anymore. He grabbed Jia Xu and said angrily: "You have 1 people, but you were defeated by 1000 people. Tell me, what's going on?"

Jia Xu's thin body was almost lifted up by Li Jue, and Guo Si who was on the side was also staring at her.Disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he said lightly: "Lu Bu has already left. If the two generals have anything, you can send someone to ask him. I really don't know."

Nima!Jia Xu's personal guards widened their eyes, and only then did they realize that things could still go on like this.

Li Jue, who grabbed Jia Xu, obviously froze for a moment, and when he let go of Jia Xu, he felt a little embarrassed.

It was obvious that there were Lu Bu's soldiers there, if something happened, it would be wrong to ask Jia Xu.

Li Jue was angry and ashamed, and said, "Mr. Wen He, what should we do now?"

Jia Xu said indifferently: "The encirclement has been opened, and the enemy's morale will definitely be greatly boosted after hearing the news. There is no point in fighting at this moment. It is better to retreat back to Tongguan as soon as possible and make a long-term plan."

"Lu Bu is really incompetent!" Guo Bang cursed.

Everyone is really angry, who is you Lu Bu, and you have an army of 1000 in your hand, and you were defeated by [-] people.What else do you say about being unparalleled in the world, and who is Lu Bu better than others?
They made up their minds that if they catch Lu Bu, they must avenge today's hatred.

Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji and the others began to arrange the retreat.

Jia Xu caught up with Zhang Ji and said, "General Zhang, there is a secluded place, I have something to tell you."

So, not long after, Zhang Ji's uncle and nephew led the soldiers and horses of the headquarters to retreat first, but not in the direction of Chang'an.

Although Li Jue and Guo Si were very angry at Zhang Ji's behavior, they were helpless.

on the other hand.

Zhang Fei, Xiahou Dun, and Yan Liang, who were talking, discovered that the enemy army had begun to retreat.

Yan Liang's face changed, "No, the enemy is going to surround us and wait for us to kill ourselves!"

Xiahou Dun said: "We have no food and grass. The enemy's move is self-evident. The only hope now is rescue from outside."

Zhang Fei said coldly: "As for Qin Mengjie's 1000 people, can you place your final hope on him?"


Xiahou Dun and Yan Liang were speechless.

Sure enough, as Zhang Fei said, this is the last hope of the two of them.But now, it was ruthlessly torn to pieces by Zhang Fei.

"Yide, General Qin is brave and good at fighting, we can't give up hope." When Xiahou Dun said this, he was obviously reluctant.

This is like a trapped person, knowing that there is no hope, but also looking for a hope.Because people cannot live without hope.

Zhang Fei laughed loudly. He had no fear at the moment, and only hoped to fight the enemy to the death. But after a long time, the morale of the soldiers would reach the bottom, not to mention starvation. "I didn't hit you. You said that Qin Mengjie was the enemy of thousands of people. I believed it. You said that Qin Mengjie had a way to come in and save us. It's not that I, Zhang Fei, didn't give you face. I absolutely don't believe it."

"You don't even think about the current situation. If my old Zhang can see Qin Mengjie before he dies, my old Zhang will take his surname."

Zhang Fei continued: "Instead of being caught without strength in a few days, it is better to fight the enemy to the death at this very moment!"

Xiahoudun and Yan Liang looked at each other for a long time, and their eyes gradually became absolute.

They knew what Zhang Fei said was right. If they don't fight now, they might not be able to survive tomorrow, and the soldiers will have no strength in hunger.

"Wish to be with Yide!" At this moment, the two also put life and death aside.

Zhang Fei looked up to the sky and laughed, his boldness infected the soldiers around him.

The soldiers also had a panoramic view of the enemy's movement around them. The enemy's retreat must be to starve them to death.Instead of starving to death, it would be better to fight vigorously, kill one to earn money, and kill two to earn one.

not long time.

Earth-shattering shouts of killing ignited in the encirclement.

Zhang Fei took the lead and charged at the enemy.

After a few minutes.

The Xiliang Army abandoned the encirclement.

Looking at the retreating enemy, Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment.

Xiahou Dun and Yan Liang were in turmoil, their eyes were round, what happened, why did the enemy retreat without fighting?
You know, the enemy has an absolute advantage.And when they launched an attack, they all knew it was a suicide attack.

The enemy has even given up the encirclement, it is simply too unbelievable.

The two Xiahoudun really want to ask the enemy, are you here joking?

The soldiers were also shocked, but they didn't think too much about it.For a time, cheers resounded through the heaven and earth.These soldiers who escaped from death were simply venting.

"Yuan Rang, I, Zhang Fei, won!" Zhang Fei rode his horse up to the two of them and said excitedly.


Xiahoudun and Yan Liang looked at each other, it was really weird to win.But they really won, the two saluted and said: "Yide is mighty, no... unstoppable."

The soldiers shouted Zhang Fei's name, surrounded him, and thanked him one after another.

If Zhang Fei hadn't taken the lead, they could only wait to die.

It is a miracle that he killed the enemy by himself.

"Hahahaha..." Surrounded by the soldiers, Zhang Fei looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Third brother!"

Hearing this familiar call, Zhang Fei raised his eyes and saw a group of soldiers coming.There are two leaders, it is his eldest brother and second brother.

"Big brother, second brother, I win...!" Zhang Fei rode his horse for a while, yelled and passed, and when he came close, his heart moved, he stopped talking, and stopped the horse.

I saw Zhang Fei raised his head 45 degrees to look at the sky, and stroked his beard that was not too long with his big hand.He looked down on the sky and ignored everyone who came, even his eldest brother and second brother.

After half a day.

Zhang Fei turned his eyes and saw everyone congratulating each other, but no one paid attention to him.

Zhang Fei was angry.

"Third brother, what are you doing?" Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei's behavior as if he had known him before, but he was full of puzzlement.

 There is something wrong with Lao Yi, whether everyone understands it or not, I can only update it today.

(End of this chapter)

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