The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 188 I Don't Want To Slap You In The Face

Chapter 188 I Don't Want To Slap You In The Face
Brother, don't you see my posture and expression?Do you still want me to say that I want to pretend to be tough?
Zhang Fei was very annoyed.

You must know that these people are able to survive, it is all his credit.But now, it's okay for these people to kneel down and thank him, but no one pays attention to him.

No likes or comments, it is completely different from Zhang Fei's idea.

So even if Liu Bei asked him, he would not answer.Instead, his complexion became cold, and he still looked up at the sky at 45 degrees.

What is he doing?
Everyone was puzzled.

It looks like it's about to pretend.

But everyone was even more confused.

May I ask this general, you are a rescued defeated general, what can you pretend?

Everyone is full of question marks.

Liu Bei was also confused, so he felt that something might be wrong with the third brother.He has experience, so it's better not to ask too much at this time, so as not to irritate Zhang Fei, it's better to wait for him to untie it by himself.

So Liu Bei turned around, ready to continue greeting Qin Ye and the others.

Everyone also understood Liu Bei's third brother's temper to some extent, so they didn't care about it.

After rescuing the three of Zhang Fei, count the soldiers and horses.

Yuan Shao has more than 1 people left, Cao Cao has [-] people, and Liu Bei has [-] people left.The soldiers and horses of the imperial court suffered the most serious losses, which made Cao Yuanliu very relieved.

For being able to have the current situation, Cao Yuanliu is now able to accept it, and has the joy of surviving after the catastrophe.Even though he was defeated, even though he lost his troops, but at this moment, it was really enough to celebrate.

They are also very clear in their hearts that it is all up to one person to have an acceptable ending.

"My lord!" Zhang Liao and the others fell to the ground in awe.

This battle was really unbelievable.Before they set out, they thought they must die.Unexpectedly, it was a victory.

They are full of self-blame for questioning the protagonist.

Guan Yu, Xia Houyuan, and Wen Chou looked at each other, dismounted from their horses, and paid homage silently with shame on their faces.

"Thank you General for your help."

Xiahou Dun and Yan Liang also worshiped, they are different from Zhang Fei.After coming over and communicating with everyone, you will know the reason for victory.

It was hard for Xiahou Dun and the others to believe that Qin Ye had defeated Lv Bu's ten-thousand-man formation with a thousand troops.

This is really a record that is difficult to achieve even after Sun Wu's rebirth.

Seeing them greeting Qin Ye like this, Cao Yuanliu sighed.Not to mention these people under his command, even they themselves are filled with awe at the moment.

Qin Ye stepped aside and didn't accept all the salutes from the crowd. He said: "Today's victory is all due to the hard work of the generals. It is not the result of me alone. You don't need to salute too much, get up quickly."

Looking at the peaceful Qin Ye, everyone really admired him.There is no trace of pride in such a record.This person is really full of heart and desire, and extraordinary people can hold his own.

I am afraid that this person is the real enemy in my life.Cao Cao said in his heart.

A group of people gathered together and talked.

And not far away, Zhang Fei was still sitting on the horseback.And staring at the crowd surrounded by Qin Ye, his eyes gradually turned red.

Zhang Fei's heart at this moment is indescribable.

Nima, what are you all doing?

Did you not see me?
Looking at the calm and confident Qin Ye, Zhang Fei seemed to realize something.


Zhang Fei coughed suddenly, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked over and saw that Zhang Fei's arrogance just now was gone, replaced by calm and calm.It's just that he turned his head to look at the sky instead of the crowd, which made everyone very puzzled.

In fact, everyone can still see something, and they are thinking in their hearts, what is he pretending to be, and what is there for him to pretend?What is he going to do?
Liu Bei had no choice but to ask again: "Third brother, what are you doing?"

Zhang Fei stared, what am I doing?What am I doing, brother, can't you see?
You paid homage to Qin Ye with great respect.As far as Qin Ye's contribution is concerned, can he compare with me?You still ask me what I am doing, what are you doing?

Zhang Fei clasped his fists to Qin Ye immediately and saluted, "General Qin has made great achievements in battle, my old Zhang congratulates you."

"You don't need to be too polite." Qin Ye said calmly.

Don't you need to be polite?Zhang Fei is annoyed, how dare you tell me that?It's like I owe you something.The present situation is all thanks to my old Zhang.May I ask this young man, you are so calm and calm in front of me, and you let me not be too polite, who gave you the confidence?
Zhang Fei held back his anger, "I, Zhang Fei, also deserve credit."

"En." Qin Ye nodded.

Looking at the indifferent Qin Ye, Zhang Fei was furious.It’s true that you have merit, but mine is greater than yours, so it’s fine if you pretend in front of others, how dare you pretend in front of me, Zhang Fei?
Therefore, Zhang Fei said bluntly: "My contribution is greater than yours."


Everyone was shocked.

Does he know what he's talking about?

His contribution is greater than that of Qin Ye?

What credits does he have?

If it wasn't for Qin Ye's action, he would be a corpse now, and it would be cold to return him.

Qin Ye saw that Zhang Fei was pretending to be aggressive with him, but is it okay for you to pretend to be realistic like this?
Qin Ye was very puzzled why Zhang Fei targeted him like this, and he would not accompany Zhang Fei, so he didn't say much.

The young Zhuge Liang came out shaking his feather fan lightly, "General Zhang, no matter what you think now. But please pay attention to your words. What you say has no meaning, it can only embarrass yourself."

Zhang Fei stared, what?I am ashamed?
I made such a great contribution and saved all of you, but you don’t care about it, you have problems with your conduct, you are the ones who are ashamed, okay?

Zhang Fei almost lost his temper, but suddenly thought, maybe they don't know yet.

So Zhang Fei dismissed it, "It seems that there are some things that you may not understand now, but I will explain it clearly in a while, and you will understand."

Question marks on everyone's heads.

He made it clear?

What did he say clearly?
What else can he say?

Zhang Fei, are you sure you are not here to be funny?
"Xuande, why is your brother like this? Are you sick?" Yuan Shao sarcastically said.He could clearly see that Zhang Fei was pretending.He can bear Qin Ye's pretense, because he has the record and ability after all.But what about you Zhang Fei?Do you dare to pretend to be in front of me?
Liu Bei is already wandering on the road of embarrassing death.

What happened to the third brother?You can cheat your father, but please don't cheat your brother.

"Third Brother, what exactly are you going to say?" Liu Bei asked cautiously.

Zhang Fei looked proudly at everyone, "Brother, didn't you see that I repelled the enemies here and rescued everyone by myself. Could it be that they shouldn't have any ideas? Shouldn't I thank my old Zhang?" ?” He finally couldn’t help but say it directly.

Liu Bei was completely blinded, and then he died of embarrassment.

Second Master's eyes popped out of their sockets in an instant, and he hurriedly turned his head 45 degrees to look at the sky.I was so embarrassed that if there was a crack in the ground, I would definitely get in right away.

Cao Cao and the others looked at each other.

Nima, is there something wrong with this person?

Cao Cao lost his voice and said, "Yide is really a straight man."

After Zhang Fei heard it, he was very angry. When he saw the half-smiles in everyone's eyes, he was furious.

What is your expression?
Zhang Fei held back his anger, "I know it's hard for you to believe, but the facts are right in front of you. General Xiahou and General Yan Liang can testify for me."

After he finished speaking, he looked proudly at everyone.The facts are right in front of you. If you believe it, you have to believe it, and if you don’t believe it, you have to believe it.

 Thanks to Fat Elephant, Guhong Passionate, and book friend 8030 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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