The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 189 Everyone's Psychological Area

Chapter 189 Everyone's Psychological Area

Liu Bei was so embarrassed, he was afraid of brother Zhang Feikeng, but he didn't expect to be afraid of anything.

What is wrong with the third brother? Why do you say that?

Liu Bei patted his calf anxiously.

My third brother, you haven't seen the situation clearly.The enemy retreated because General Qin defeated Lu Bu, not what you think.

It can be said that it has nothing to do with you. If you say that, our brothers will be ridiculed by the world.

He hurriedly said to Qin Ye: "General Qin laughed."

Qin Ye smiled kindly: "It's okay, General Zhang is not afraid of life and death, it's really respectable."

If ordinary people hear Zhang Fei's words, they will definitely lose their temper.But Qin Ye not only didn't get angry, but even praised Zhang Fei extraordinarily.Liu Bei was immediately impressed by this kindness and tolerance, and said gratefully:
"General Qin's mind is really something I have never seen in my life, Liu Bei is ashamed..."

Everyone nodded. This young man is really a respectable person.

Everyone was smiling slightly, which greatly stimulated Zhang Fei's nerves.

Zhang Fei finally couldn't bear it any longer, "Laughing? Why are you laughing? What's so funny? I, Zhang Fei, repelled the enemy and saved everyone. It's just that you are not grateful, and you still laugh at me?"

Nima, Qin Mengjie, you can cooperate, and I can't do such a big contribution?How could you people treat me like this?
"Qin Ye, if you want to compete with me, you have to ask the spear in my hand if I will agree!" Zhang Fei angrily raised the snake spear and pointed at it.



Before everyone got angry, Guan Yu and Liu Bei caught Zhang Fei.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, what are you afraid of? In broad daylight, they dare to turn a deer into a horse and take my credit?" Zhang Fei broke free from Guan Yu's shackles, and shouted to Xiahou Dun and Yan Liang: "You two come out and talk, don't you?" I, Zhang Fei. At that time, you were still waiting for Qin Ye to rescue you, weren't you?"

Xiahou Dun and Yan Liang were embarrassed.

Xiahou Dun hurried out and said: "Yide, you are wrong. It was General Qin who defeated Lu Bu's troops outside and opened up the encirclement. The enemy retreated. You have the wrong idea. Even if you don't kill them, The enemy will also retreat."

Yan Liang explained in detail: "If General Qin hadn't defeated Lu Bu, we would have been killed by the enemy now. Hey..."

Zhang Fei was shocked, he didn't believe it at all at the moment, "Big Brother, Second Brother, this is not true, it was deliberately arranged by them, isn't it?"

Guan Yu shook his head, then turned his head 45 degrees to look at the sky.

Liu Bei complained: "Third brother, stop talking. You will humiliate our brother."

When clang ~.

Zhang Fei's snake spear fell to the ground.


It turned out to be so.

Zhang Fei was so embarrassed that he couldn't explain it in words. It turned out that everything was not what he thought, and everything turned out to be explained otherwise.

Zhang Fei blushed with embarrassment.

Your sister, brother, you didn't say it earlier.Others are cheating fathers, but you are cheating younger brothers.

Zhang Fei suddenly turned around and ran away.

At this moment, his psychological area can no longer be described in words.

For a long time, Zhang Fei heard and saw some things, how yearning he was.I thought that at this moment, I could finally become the protagonist.Enjoy the pleasure, unexpectedly, things are not like that at all.

Pretend, why is it so difficult...

Zhang Fei ran away in tears.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu looked at each other, they didn't chase after him, and running away now is a good way to escape.

And because Zhang Fei came to such a place, it also eased the situation between Qin, Cao, Yuan and Liu.

Cao Cao came out and said, "Today's victory is thanks to General Qin's command. Now that our army has survived the catastrophe, we still need to gather and appease them as soon as possible."

As a result, everyone dispersed temporarily to rectify the soldiers and horses.

The situation on Qin Ye's side is the best, and there is no need to appease him.He summoned Zhang Liao Gaoshun and asked them to select elite soldiers from among the surviving soldiers of the imperial court to add to his camp.

Now the soldiers and horses of the imperial court are still controlled by Yuan Shao, but he has no objection to this matter, and quite supports it.


The army is divided into five divisions, one for Qin, Cao, Yuan and Liu, plus one for the court's soldiers and horses.

In Liu Bei's account.

"Third brother, this matter is over, so don't worry about it." Liu Bei relieved, he no longer takes Zhang Fei's matter seriously.

Zhang Feimeng poured tea.

Guan Yu asked, "Brother, where will we go in the future?"

Liu Bei said: "The other family is powerful now, we just need to adapt to the current situation and make the best use of it."

Guan Yu suddenly admired him, and felt that his elder brother had never given up his confidence.Now for them, confidence is the most important thing.

on the other hand.

Cao Cao's face was cold in the big tent, "I never thought that Qin Mengjie would have such means. This man's military command skills are really terrifying, and he is indeed a lifelong enemy. Fortunately, he has no background, and he must not sit and watch him succeed in the future." "

Guo Jia nodded again and again, feeling that the lord knew everything well, such an opponent would never let him rise.

And Qin Ye was discussing the future with Xun You, Zhuge Liang, and Sima Yi in the tent.

Now the world is in chaos, and the direction of the world is already very clear in front of counselors like Xun You.

The most important thing now is to find a place for Qin Ye to build a foundation.

But it seems that there is no place to choose now. This comes from all over the place and is controlled by princes and local tyrants.

At this time, Gao Shun came in from the outside, "My lord, here is a letter from Miss Cai..."

Everyone looked weird.

Qin Ye signaled that it was getting late, everyone went back first, there were some things that could not be rushed.

Xun You and the others left.

"It must be a love letter." The older boy Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly.

"How do you know?" the young Sima Yi asked.

"Could you use your brain, what can happen if a woman writes a letter to a man? Could it be to suggest a military strategy?" Zhuge Liang rolled his eyes.

"It makes sense." Sima Yi nodded heavily.


A set of bamboo slips was hit on the heads of the two, "Study hard and make progress every day, and remember the words of the lord. If you have nothing to do, think about government and military affairs, and don't think about the lord's private affairs."

"Ah~, it's..." Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang covered their heads, wanting to cry, because the teacher the eldest brother found was too strict.

in the big tent.

Qin Ye opened the letter, and rows of beautiful simplified characters appeared in front of him.Qin Ye felt that it was not easy to see people writing in simplified characters at the end of the Han Dynasty.This is also thanks to his distribution of simplified Chinese characters to the world, and people are vying to learn them.

It will be 78 days since I bid farewell to you....I heard that the battle ahead is quite tortuous, I hope you will take care of your body... I hope you will return in triumph as soon as possible...

The concubine body here is what ancient women called themselves.

Qin Ye took a closer look, and it seemed that there was no substantive content, just wishing himself well.But between the lines, Qin Ye felt that something was missing.

"My lord, the letter from the mistress has arrived!" Gao Shun came in again.

Qin Ye was overjoyed and brought it over.

The concubine guards the empty boudoir, and the beloved joins the army....

The king is at the end of the world, and the concubine is separated...

There seems to be something missing in my life, my concubine is always on tenterhooks...

Diao Chan wrote a lot more in her letters.

Being cared about can always make people feel happy from the heart.When Qin Ye was thinking about Diao Chan, suddenly his heart moved, and he took out Cai Yan's letter.

It seems that if some things from the daughter-in-law's letter are added to Miss Cai's letter, it will be complete.

Qin Ye scratched his head, but still didn't understand.

But he was still very happy, and kept looking upside down.The aura accumulated by the continuous killing for many days gradually dissipated.

And in Yuan Shao's tent.

Yuan Shao was sighing, "After these things happened, how can I face Qin Ye in the future?"

You must know that Qin Ye has a great favor for him. He saved his family before, and now he rescued his soldiers and horses.He felt very ashamed when he remembered that he had targeted Qin Ye before.

Guo Tu was anxious, he must not allow the lord to have such a state of mind.With this mentality, in the future against the enemy, you will be at a disadvantage without a fight.He got up and said: "My lord, now hegemony is imminent. It seems that the love of children cannot be taken care of, let alone a Qin Yehu?"

Everyone nodded.

Only then did Yuan Shao gradually recover, and said: "You don't need to say more, I know." He asked again: "If we fight again in the future, we still need to come up with a feasible strategy to capture Chang'an and welcome His Majesty back, so as to offset Qin Ye's influence .I don’t know, do you have any suggestions?”

"This... this subordinate is considering." Guo Tu casually dropped a sentence, and took the opportunity to sit down.

Ju Shou and Tian Feng looked at each other, and the latter got up.

However, before Tian Feng could speak, a gust of cold wind blew in, and he rushed into the big tent alone.

This person came in a hurry and showed no courtesy at all.

Yuan Shao was slightly angry, but when he saw who was coming, he was shocked and got up, "Xiansi my son, why are you here?"

The visitor was none other than Yuan Shao's eldest son, Yuan Tan.

You must know that Yuan Shao brought troops here, but did not bring his family.Instead, Chunyuqiong, Gao Gan and other confidants were left behind to guard Nanpi.

Bohai County, where Nanpi is located, can be said to be Yuan Shao's only foundation now.

As the eldest son, Yuan Tan was also entrusted with important tasks.

At this time, Yuan Tan is not in Nanpi to control the foundation, what is he rushing here for?
(End of this chapter)

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