Chapter 190
"Why did you come here?" Yuan Shao was quite dissatisfied with his eldest son appearing here.

It's not that Yuan Shao didn't consider that something big must have happened for his son to appear here.

But you have to know that as Yuan Shao's eldest son, even if something big happens, he will still be in charge of the foundation.It is fine to send anyone, but it is not acceptable for him to come.

This is a problem of heir ideology. If something goes wrong, you are the first to run away. How will you inherit the family business and become the lord in the future?

So Yuan Shao was quite dissatisfied, too dissatisfied.

Tian Feng Jushou looked dignified.

Thinking about Fengji.

Guo Tu was in a hurry, got up and said with concern: "My lord, what happened, I asked you to come here in person, and explain to the lord quickly."

Plop, after Yuan Tan knelt down, he burst into tears.

Are you crying?Does crying help?What happened, what the hell are you talking about.This made Yuan Shao anxious, wishing he could get down and give him a slap.

But Yuan Shao still kept quite calm, and said: "My son, don't worry, what happened to make you so urgent, please speak slowly, don't panic."

All heroes and celebrities in Hebei couldn't help but nod their heads.After all, it is the lord, worthy of the queen of the fourth generation and the third lord, who is calm when things happen.As for the Eldest Young Master, after all, he is young, and he has experienced and practiced, so it will be fine.

"Father..." Yuan Tan choked up and said, "After you left, the Black Mountain Army in Taihang Mountain began to make trouble."

Everyone frowned, and they could think of it immediately.It must be that the Black Mountain Army headed by Zhang Yan took the opportunity to make trouble when they learned that Yuan Shao's army had left.

Yuan Tan continued: "I immediately joined forces with Gao Gan, Chun Yuqiong and others to suppress the Black Mountain Army's rebellion and won three games in a row."

Everyone's eyes widened immediately, and there was an uproar.

Guo Tu hurriedly said: "It turns out that the eldest son won a big victory, or won three games in a row, which is really respectable."

Yuan Shao heaved a sigh of relief, so he didn't press on.Instead, he sat down. He was angry and happy now, and he was happy that his son had won a big victory, which was worth celebrating.The angry thing is that you can send someone to report the victory, but you can't help but come to report the victory and claim the credit yourself. With this mentality, how can you make a big deal in the future?
Jushou and Tian Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the eldest son couldn't help but came to ask for credit.Think about it, after all, the lord has three sons, which means a lot of competition pressure.

But have you ever thought about it, you just came here to ask for credit, but the credit is greatly reduced.

Yuan Tan didn't dare to raise his head at all, and Dou Da's tears wet the ground below.It's true that men don't flick their tears easily, just because they haven't reached the sad place.It seems that he has been very injured.

Said: "At this time, Gongsun Zan suddenly attacked our army from behind. The Black Mountain Army also took advantage of the situation to charge and kill, and the entire army was wiped out. Now, Gongsun Zan has controlled the entire Bohai County."

Yuan Shao nodded and said: "So that's the case, the whole army has been wiped out, so... what!"

He thought that Yuan Tan had wiped out the enemy's entire army, but after listening carefully, he realized that it was his own army that had been wiped out.Even Bohai County was captured by Gongsun Zan.

Yuan Shao stood up abruptly, his eyes widened, but his eyes turned black.

Hebei Wenwu was shocked.

It turned out that the previous ones were clichés.

It's like a goddamn reversal!

Yuan Tan didn't dare to raise his head at all, and continued: "In the east of Jizhou, only Liu Bei's Pingyuan County has never been invaded by Gongsun Zan. I had no choice but to take refuge in Luoyang with my family. Now my mother and younger brother have reunited with my grandfather."

Grunt jingle.

Yuan Tan suddenly found that at some point, his father had appeared on the ground in front of him, lying on the ground, staring at him with wide-eyed eyes.

"You..." Yuan Shao rolled his eyes, he fell from the handsome position, and passed out at that time.

And the entire big tent has already exploded.

The sound of falling tables and falling to the ground can be heard everywhere.

Tian Feng Jushou and Yan Liangwen Chou were all blown up in shock.

As for the soldiers standing guard outside the big tent, their weapons dropped to the ground.


We thought you were a big winner, but it turns out that you have lost even your foundation.

How dare you report so out of breath?

You see, to the surprise of the lord, Du Nima drew over.

Tian Feng and Ju Shou thought about the newly obtained information for a while, their faces flushed as if they were drunk, and they fell to the ground directly.

The foundation was gone, and it was taken away by Gongsun Zan, who was the most contradictory.

Hebei's heroes and celebrities are basically weak all over, pointing at Yuan Tan with trembling hands, their expressions are indescribable, and they are speechless.

"Father! It's all my fault!" Yuan Tan hugged the fainted Yuan Shao, and burst into tears.

"Quickly save the lord!"

Everyone rushed forward, and then the military doctor came.

a while.

After some acupuncture and massage, Yuan Shao, who was in his prime, finally woke up.The first time I saw Yuan Tan, I slapped him with a slap.

with a snap.

Yuan Tan immediately knelt on the ground.

"Come on, drag it out and cut it!" With a mouthful of anger, he supported Yuan Shao and jumped up from the mat.

The personal guard hesitated for a moment, and finally caught Yuan Tan.

At this time, Yuan Tan was full of self-blame, tears streaming down his face, and he couldn't resist, weeping: "Son..., death is more than worthwhile."

Guo Tu was in a state of turmoil, knelt down, and begged, "My lord, please calm down. This matter must have been planned by Gongsun Zan for a long time, and the master of the picture went to the foundation. There were no generals in the rear, and no heavy soldiers. That's why Gongsun Zan succeeded. The eldest son has already fought hard to save everyone. Family members, the crime is not worthy of death, please be careful, my lord!"

"My lord, calm down!"

"My lord, calm down!"

Hebei Wenwu knelt down on the ground.

This matter really cannot kill the eldest son.

And Yuan Shao wanted to kill his son because of a moment of anger.Tiger poison doesn't eat its sons, let alone Father Yuan who loves his son the most.What's more, what Guo Tu said was true.The army and generals were brought out by Yuan Shao, not to mention Guo Tu, other people might not be able to stop Gongsun Zan's attack.

And Yuan Shao didn't expect that Gongsun Zan, who was a member of the alliance, would dare to stab a knife like this before the alliance agreement cooled down.That's why he brought out the army, and fortunately, in the game with other princes, he took charge of the court.

Unexpectedly, now that Chao Gang is not in charge, the family business is gone.

"Get out!" Yuan Shao roared angrily.

The guards also breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly took Yuan Tan down.

Yuan Shao was in tears, really sad.

Think of how proud and ambitious he was when he left Nanpi.He thought that he would be able to take charge of the imperial court, achieve the great cause of the great generals of the past dynasties, and bring the family of four generations and three princes to a new peak.

However, she never expected that she would encounter fierce artillery fire from Qin Ye in the imperial court.In the process of chasing Lu Bu and others, he suffered another round of fatal blows.

Before I had time to lick the wound, Nima's house was gone.

Can Yuan Shao stop crying?

hug and cry.

God, why are you doing this to me?What am I doing wrong?
When he came to Luoyang, even a little Qin Mengjie didn't suppress him, and his family disappeared instead.How to face those people in the future, I am really disheartened at this moment, and I feel like hanging myself.

The civil and military affairs of Hebei are in a state of turmoil, and there is only sadness for a while.

At this time, a small school came running.Seeing the situation in the big tent, he didn't dare to enter the tent, so he knelt down at the door of the tent, "My lord, there is a letter from Gongsun Zan."

Tian Feng was the first to wake up, and hurriedly took it and presented it.

Yuan Shao snatched it angrily, took a closer look, and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

(End of this chapter)

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