The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 191 Yuan Shao What are you going to do?

Chapter 191 Yuan Shao What are you going to do?
Gongsun Zan wrote in his letter:
The Black Mountain Army is in chaos, and now the entire central and eastern parts of Jizhou are in chaos.As a member of the imperial court, Gongsun Zan could not just sit back and watch bandits wreak havoc.Out of helplessness, he had no choice but to send troops to control Bohai County, so as not to be broken by the Black Mountain Army.

Now the Black Mountain Army in the eastern part of Jizhou has been put down, but it is still in chaos in the central part of Jizhou.

So Gongsun Zan couldn't retreat either.

However, Gongsun Zan made a promise that if Yuan Shao came back, he would return Bohai County to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao and Hebei Wenwu were furious at that time, leaning on the railing to rest in the rainy rain.




Gongsun Zan, a member of the allied army, certainly couldn't attack Yuan Shao, the leader of the alliance, so blatantly. What was said in this letter was an excuse without thinking carefully.

But this excuse blocked Yuan Shao's moral path.

Everyone is like Ming Jing in their hearts, Gongsun Zan will definitely not return Bohai County.

Although Gongsun Zan had an excuse, in fact, all the princes in the world already knew that this was a blatant embarrassment.

It can be said that at this moment, the world has officially entered the era of warlord separatism.

When Gongsun Zan did it, it was after the news that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had been kidnapped spread throughout the world.

It is conceivable that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was hijacked and went to Chang'an, and the psychology of the Kanto princes changed.Therefore, Gongsun Zan launched an attack on Yuan Shao after the princes from all walks of life retreated under the pretext of retreating.

In fact, Yuan Shao can also find excuses not to come to Luoyang like the princes of the Guandong, but he was deceived by Wang Yun at the time, and he didn't know that the emperor was kidnapped until he came.

Later, if he can recapture Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, he can suppress the princes of the world with supreme strength.

Therefore, Yuan Shao continued to march.

However, he lost to Jia Xu and others.If it wasn't for Qin Ye's action, his entire army would be wiped out now.

Due to all these reasons, Yuan Shao is now in a miserable situation.

Now the emperor is in the hands of thieves, the Han Dynasty has completely withered, and the real troubled times have come.

At this time, it is best to have your own control area and your own land of foundation.

But at this moment, Yuan Shao was homeless.

How to do?
Yuan Shao has become a gambler who lost his last bet, and was completely stunned.

At this time, someone urgently needs to stand up and give Yuan Shao Group advice.

Feng Ji stood up and said excitedly: "My lord, we are not in a desperate situation at this time. You can immediately retreat and return to Luoyang, take control of the court, and order all armies to attack Gongsun Zan!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

This is a good way.

The wealth in Luoyang is still above the Bohai Sea. Although the emperor is gone, all the establishment of the imperial court is still there.Controlling the court is now better than controlling the emperor.Because the big Han has a system, if the emperor is controlled by thieves, the court can be responsible for all the right to speak.

"No!" At this time, Tian Feng stood up and objected.

"Why not?" Yuan Shao asked coldly.

Everyone's eyes also looked at the past.

Before the cold gaze, Tian Feng remained calm and composed, "A court without an emperor is already a heavy burden. Although it may be beneficial to the Lord now, it will definitely be a hindrance in the future."

"Why do you say that?" Feng Ji said dissatisfied.

"A country cannot be without a king for a day." Tian Feng said this, so he didn't say much.

Because there is no way to talk about it anymore, and if you talk about it, your reputation will be bad.It is not good for Tian Feng to spread the news, and it is also not good for Yuan Shao.

We must know that although the world is in chaos now, the orthodox position of the Han Dynasty has not been shaken.

If you change the emperor, others will definitely accuse you of being the second Dong Zhuo, and you will become a thief, and others will not listen to you justifiably.If you don't establish a new emperor, others will also accuse you of trying to steal the country.

This is not to please both ends.

Ju Shou then said: "The princes from all over the country support their own self-respect. Without these people, Fengji's strategy would be a good idea. But now it seems that Gongsun Zan's generation is raging in the wild, and the current court is a burden instead."

Feng Ji's eyes flashed coldly, but he had to admit that Tian Feng Jushou's analysis was more correct, but he still said: "If we don't take Luoyang, we will have no place to stand!"

Yuan Shao looked at Tian Feng.

Tian Feng smiled calmly, "Now that Lu Bu's entire army has been wiped out, Li Jue and Guo Si have fled in a hurry. Bingzhou has become an isolated place, while Xu Rong and others are still confronting Han Fu at Huguan. If our army suddenly crosses the river and sweeps across the northern part of Sili And Bingzhou is as easy as turning the palm of your hand. This is the land of the Lord's inheritance, why not take it?"

What he said, everyone was stunned.

Yuan Shao regained his composure, but he was still worried: "I'm afraid of insufficient troops."

"It doesn't matter, the soldiers and horses of the imperial court can be enriched. Let's go to Bingzhou to continue to fight against the remnants. I think the two elders of the Yuan family are in the court, and the officials can't say anything." Tian Feng said.

Yuan Shao finally showed joy, and went down to bow solemnly, "If there is any success, it will all be thanks to Yuan Hao."

"Don't dare." Tian Feng hastily returned the gift, and said: "This matter needs to be carried out immediately, lest Qin Cao Liu and others get the news."

Therefore, Yuan Shao started to mobilize troops overnight, and incorporated more than 1 remaining people from the imperial court into his own team, so that he had almost [-] soldiers and horses.

Thirty thousand soldiers and horses started to move, and all the food, grass and supplies were packed, and there was a lot of movement.

"What, Yuan Benchu ​​is packing up soldiers and horses?" Qin Ye frowned, cheering up his sleepy consciousness, "Let's go and have a look."

When Qin Ye came to Yuan Shao's camp, he saw Liu Bei and Cao Cao bringing people here.

Obviously these two people also got the news, but looking at the puzzled eyebrows, it seems that they don't understand why Yuan Shao is so troubled in the middle of the night.

Whether it is to continue to advance, or to retreat if you don't want to fight, you don't need to clean up in the middle of the night, right?

With doubts, everyone saw Yuan Shao in the big tent.

"At the beginning, why did you reorganize the army in such a hurry?" Cao Cao said bluntly.

The soldiers came in a hurry and left in a hurry, taking half of the things in the big tent in just one trip.Seeing that Xi Ta had withdrawn, it seemed that Yuan Shao didn't intend to invite Cao Cao and the others to sit down.

Yuan Shao tidied up his armor, and said earnestly: "I discussed with everyone all night, and I felt that if we want to conquer Chang'an, we must wipe out Bingzhou so that we don't have any worries."

"You have also seen that the marching of troops was quite difficult and took too much time. If Xu Rong crossed the Yellow River from Hanoi and entered Luoyang, not only our army would be in danger, but the court would also be in danger." Yuan Shao raised his hands behind his back, worried Looking out of the tent.

Qin Ye and the others looked at each other and felt that what Yuan Shao said was not without reason.

"Then there's no need to be in such a hurry. We'll mobilize troops overnight. Don't ask us to discuss it." Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are still very close friends, so they said directly.

Yuan Shao said solemnly: "It's an urgent matter. I said I was going to notify you. This matter cannot be delayed, so I will immediately enter the army. What's your opinion?"

Qin Ye didn't say a word.

Liu Bei didn't say anything either.

Cao Cao said: "We still need to think long-term, it is better to call everyone..."

Yuan Shao immediately interrupted Cao Cao's words, "How about this, you can discuss slowly. I will go ahead and wait for your decision."

"That's right." Yuan Shao didn't intend to continue the conversation at all. Before leaving the account, he turned around and said, "I've already prepared your food and grass for you, enough to return to Luoyang. That's it, I'll go ahead and say goodbye."

Yuan Shao immediately left the tent and disappeared into the night.

Cao Cao was stunned at that moment.

Nima!What do you mean?
Urgent?You don't have half an hour?
(End of this chapter)

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