Chapter 192

Since Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses have been prepared for a long time, they can walk away now.

Qin Ye, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei couldn't see Yuan Shao for the last time, they only saw the long dragon of torches gradually going away.

And no matter what Qin Ye and the others planned, their soldiers and horses were not cleaned up, so they definitely couldn't just leave.

At this time, Xun You walked behind Qin Ye and said in a low voice: "My lord, no matter what Yuan Shao's plan is, my lord must not follow him. Now that the world is in chaos, since Yuan Shao left like this, it is the lord who left for the sake of it." When you think about it."

Qin Ye nodded inwardly, and said to Cao Cao and Liu Bei: "You two, Yuan Benchu ​​left in such a hurry and didn't explain anything to us at all. As the commander of this trip, he has violated the military regulations by acting like this. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the last general. Following such a coach to fight, I had no choice but to return to Luoyang."


Qin Ye turned around and left, there was no need for him to stay.As for the relationship with Cao Cao and Liu Bei, this time it is already on the stage of fighting for hegemony in the world.

The corner of Liu Bei's mouth twitched. Things had come to this point, which he never expected when he left the plain.

He failed to expand his influence, and failed to gain a foothold in the imperial court.

Now it seems that Yuan Shao has intentionally left everyone behind.If you continue to follow him, apart from being suppressed by him, there will be no other results.

Qin Ye is a living example.

Liu Bei asked himself that he still didn't have Qin Ye's ability.

That being the case, it is better to return to the plains first and continue to wait for the opportunity.

So Liu Bei also made up his mind, "General Cao, then, Bei also bid farewell."

Liu Bei turned around and left.

Cao Cao's group was left on the scene.

Cao Cao's face was gloomy and terrifying, what is Yuan Benchu ​​going to do?
He remembered what Qin Ye said before leaving, since Yuan Shao was so disregarding the overall situation, it was an opportunity not to follow up.Moreover, Cao Cao only had remnant soldiers left in his hands, and his morale was not high, so he was unwilling to fight any longer.

But to return to Luoyang, or to Chenliu?

"Go back to Chenliu." Guo Jiajin said.


"I don't know why Yuan Shao went to Bingzhou. The Yuan family has a great background in Luoyang. If the lord goes to Luoyang, he may suppress him. It's better to return to the old place, recuperate, and wait and see the situation in the world."


So ever.

On the second day, Qin Ye, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei set up camp together and returned to Luoyang.

Three people are more than 1 soldiers and horses.

This conquest of Cao Cao suffered the heaviest loss, with a loss of about 1 people, and Liu Bei only had 1000 people left.

When it came to Qin Ye, after the soldiers and horses were replenished, there was no loss.

On the third day, the three parties entered Hangu Pass.

Finally, news came from Luoyang.

Yuan Shao's Bohai County was occupied by Gongsun Zan, and Yuan Shao and Hebei Wenwu's family came to Luoyang City.



This was the first reaction of Qin Ye, Liu Bei, and Cao Cao when they heard the news.

Now there is no need to think too much, Yuan Shao went to Bingzhou to grab the territory.As for why Yuan Shao left in such a hurry, one reason was that the situation was very urgent for him, and the other reason was that Qin Ye and the others were caught off guard.

Following Gongsun Zan's actions, following Yuan Shao's actions, the world has truly fallen into chaos.Although the Han Dynasty is still orthodox, no one really takes the Han Dynasty seriously anymore, and they are all thinking about their own future.

Qin Ye also began to think about his future.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this. Yuan Benchu ​​actually disregarded righteousness for his own selfishness!" Cao Cao had a cloud of anger in his heart, but he couldn't vent it in front of others.

Back then, he single-handedly promoted the establishment of the alliance against Dong Zhuo in order to punish the country's thieves and help the community.

Now it seems that everyone is selfish.

And if you want to calm the world and end the troubled times, it seems that you can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself.

At that time, the young man in front of him has done many things for the community.

Cao Cao looked at Qin Ye.

Qin Ye looked back, and the invisible eyes of both sides collided with sparks.

At this moment, there is no need to say much to know each other's thoughts.

"Ning to teach me to bear the people of the world, and to quit teaching the people of the world to bear me!"

Cao Cao left this sentence and left with his troops.

Cao Cao left very resolutely, and the ideas in his heart were completely smashed into powder following the attitude of the princes.But the concept of Naha is being reborn from the cocoon.

a few days later.

Outside Luoyang City.

"General Qin, we will meet later." Liu Bei clasped his fists and saluted.

The second master squinted his eyes and also clasped his fists in a salute, but turned his head aside.

Zhang Fei clasped his fists in a salute, and stared at him with a pair of copper bell eyes.

The three Liu Bei brothers did not enter the city, but left directly.

At this time Zhuge Liang said: "My lord, I heard that Yuan Shao's battle in Bingzhou is going very well. He has captured Hedong and other counties, and is marching troops to the Shangdang. It seems that he is going to join forces with Han Fu in Yecheng to wipe out Dong Zhuo's remnant Xu Rong in Hu Close the area."

Then there was news that when Cao Cao passed through Luoyang, all the officials asked Cao Cao to stay, but Cao Cao left on the grounds that his troops and horses needed to be rectified and he had to cross the river to find Benchu.

And Cao Cao did suffer a lot, and the officials had no reason to keep him.

Qin Ye entered Luoyang City.

Huangfusong came out to greet him personally, "General Qin, all officials are waiting for General Qin in the main hall."

Qin Ye brought Xun You, Zhuge Liang, and Sima Yi into the palace.

When entering the hall, the noisy hall fell silent.It can be seen intuitively that the officials look anxious.

"General Qin is back!"

Baiguan breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, since Qin Ye and the others left, Luoyang is almost an undefended capital.All the officials are very nervous, if someone comes with soldiers, they will not be able to resist.

After everyone exchanged greetings.

Wang Yun grabbed Qin Ye and said, "I have an idea that I don't know if it is feasible. It is to summon Liu Biao, Liu Yan and other clan relatives to lead troops to rescue him."

It seems that the officials have no intention of setting up a new monarch. This is because, if you don't think about saving His Majesty, just setting up a new monarch will definitely not work in terms of loyalty.Secondly, the situation in the world is very chaotic today, if the established new monarch cannot convince the public, the situation will be even more chaotic.

If there is a new king who can convince everyone, it is the three uncles of Liu Yan, Liu Biao, and Liu Yu.But these three, the officials are really unwilling to support them for their own future.

Qin Ye didn't know the thoughts of Baiguan, and he was not interested in knowing the current situation.

Instead, he was already unwilling to have anything to do with the court.

"It's up to old Situ and the other adults to decide. Qin Ye is a warrior, he only knows about marching and fighting, but he doesn't understand these things."

These words are very appropriate.

As soon as Qin Ye finished speaking, all the officials abandoned him and surrounded Yuan Kai and Yuan Feng.

Qin Ye originally thought that the officials were trying to cling to the Yuan family, but unexpectedly they were besieging the Yuan family.

The reason was that Yuan Shao suddenly changed his military actions, which did not meet the requirements of Baiguan.

Yuan Kai and Yuan Feng seemed to be devastated. These two did not die as they did in history, but fell into a political crisis.

"We will leave Chang'an within three days, you go back and prepare to go."

After leaving the palace, Qin Ye spoke to everyone.

On the way to Luoyang, Qin Ye and Xun You discussed for many days, and finally found a place where they could establish a foundation.But everything is just a possibility, and it cannot be determined now.But it's time to leave Luoyang. After all, if you don't move forward, nothing is possible.

In fact, Qin Ye also planned to control the Han Dynasty at first, and he did it in Luoyang.But the situation is changing rapidly. In the current situation, without the emperor's court, it is a heavy package, which is no longer allowed in Luoyang.


When Qin Ye returned home, his wife Diao Chan was already waiting outside the house.

The first thing Qin Ye did was to integrate his daughter-in-law into his arms.Feeling the soft body and the familiar fragrance, at this moment, his tense thoughts can be relaxed.

The surrounding servants all blushed, but they were not surprised, and there was nothing strange about it.

"The concubine... I bid farewell."

Qin Ye was puzzled, "You are my wife, I'm back, are you leaving?"

? ? ?Qin Ye raised a question mark.

Diao Chan hurriedly pushed Qin Ye away.

Only then did Qin Ye realize that someone else was speaking.

Miss Cai.

Cai Yan!

Qin Ye was very embarrassed.

Nima, it turned out that someone else said it, and I thought it was my daughter-in-law, so it's embarrassing.

In fact, I don't blame Qin Ye, the people in the mansion, who dare to say what happened to the concubine at this time.

Qin Ye felt that the eldest lady saw Diao Chan hugging her just now.And the sentence just now, saying that the maids are fine, is a bit inappropriate when it comes to the eldest lady.

Sure enough, the eldest lady blushed.

(End of this chapter)

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