The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 193 The Court Was Abandoned

Chapter 193 The Court Was Abandoned

"Miss Cai was here, misunderstood, misunderstood."

As the master, Qin Ye couldn't say anything, and apologized when he opened his mouth.

After all, it was inappropriate to answer her just now as a daughter-in-law.

"It's okay, I'm taking my leave." Cai Yan blushed slightly and said with blessing.

What Qin Ye didn't know was that Cai Yan had completed the coming-of-age ceremony not long ago, so he could walk around and write a letter or something.Before coming of age ceremony, Cai Yong was very strict.

"Sister, why should you be in such a hurry?" Diao Chan persuaded, and happily said to Qin Ye: "It turns out that the simplified characters were created by my husband, how could I not learn them myself. I heard that Cai Yan's sister has a very high attainment in simplified characters, so I went to invite her. Fortunately, my sister Don't dislike my clumsiness, come to Fuchu every day to teach me how to practice."

"So that's how it is." Qin Ye suddenly realized why Cai Yan appeared in his residence.

"Let's go back home and have a chat, well, let's have dinner here tonight." Qin Ye said happily.

"No, it's getting late, I'm leaving." Cai Yan said.

Diao Chan then discovered that this younger sister always avoids her husband's gaze intentionally or unintentionally, it seems that she should be reserved and embarrassed.

Qin Ye smiled and said, "I'll send someone to send a letter to Mr. Cai in a while. We are not outsiders. Your father will definitely give me face and won't blame you."

In fact, there was also a friendship before and after the Huns fell into trouble in Bingzhou.Qin Ye gave Cai Yan a lot of advice on simplified characters.And although Qin Ye doesn't know how to play the piano, he has the supreme insight, so he can keep pointing Cai Yan.

This made Cai Yan's piano skills far surpass Cai Yong.So much so that Cai Yong couldn't bear to learn piano from Qin Ye.

Everyone is still very familiar, Qin Ye is looking forward to seeing this little cutie, but in a trance, he finds that the little cutie is more beautiful than when he first saw it, that is to say, he has grown up.

The relationship between Qin Ye and Cai Yong is also a year-end friendship, and he loves his little niece very much.However, they are also separate, so there is no elder uncle claiming to be.

However, the little cutie left after all.

It's not easy for Qin Ye to persuade him to stay many times, otherwise he will be misunderstood and plotting something wrong.


This night was the most relaxing night for Qin Ye in this period of time.

Only when Diao Chan's warm body is held in his arms can he truly relax.

"Cicada, what are you doing?" Qin Ye found that his daughter-in-law had a string of beads in her hand.

How could he not know that every day, his daughter-in-law was chanting scriptures and praying for him.Immediately comprehended, he said: "There is no need to read today, the Buddha will not blame us."

"How does your husband know?"

"I just have to look at it and know everything."

Diao Chan knew that her husband had a magical method, "Husband, please see if there are any flaws here, and here!"

As a woman, there are many things to care about, so Diao Chan couldn't care about others for a while.

"Sure enough, there are flaws, but it doesn't matter, my husband can cure it!"


So Qin Ye started treatment.

The girl next door is very envious, and I don't know when the master will come to treat me.Then, Xiaoyu and the others must not be as old as me.

The next day, Qin Ye appeared in the official office in good spirits.

With such a spirit, it is only one aspect to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

On the other hand, he's about to have a fresh start.

With a new group, it is really exciting to officially enter the stage of fighting for world hegemony.

Xun You, Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Gao Shun and Tai Shi Ci Huaxiong are all in place.

"My lord, we are ready and we can leave at any time." Everyone was as energetic as Qin Ye.

Although they can't compare with the princes from all over the world now, they don't even have a place to stay.However, there is just such a wave of confidence.

Have no foundation?That's because my lord hasn't made a move yet.

They are all waiting for the arrival of that moment of shocking the world!

"We're leaving tonight, and we'll tell the court people the news tomorrow. The most important thing is the property of the Pu family. Wenyuan Gongming, you go to the shore workshop and wait for the news of joining me."

"Here!" Zhang Liao and Xu Huang went immediately.

Qin Ye doesn't have much background in this era, but he has the huge advantage of traveling through people.After using means many times, a large amount of wealth was gathered.Especially after embezzling Meiwu's wealth, it was the wealth that Dong Zhuo plundered all his life.

Now Qin Ye is really rich.

Now those people in the imperial court thought that Meiwu's wealth had been transferred by Li Jue and the others.If they knew that it was in the hands of Qin Ye, they would all go crazy.

Rich people have people, are you still afraid of Mao?If there is no space, let's grab it.

However, Qin Ye also knew the difficulty of starting from scratch, so he also made careful consideration of where to grab the territory.

In the end, they decided with Xun You to go to the middle of Jizhou.

You know, today the world is divided by princes, and other forces are everywhere.Where there is no power of princes, there must be a lot of local tyrants.For example, in the Central Plains area, there are many princes.But in the area of ​​Jingzhou in the east of the Yangtze River, there is nowhere to go regardless of the faces of the nobles.

If Qin Ye wanted to rise, he would definitely be suppressed by the people around him.He currently only has a thousand soldiers and horses, so he has to choose a place where the forces are relatively weak, so that he can raise his flag and start an incident.

Although there are some places to choose from outside Jizhou, they are far away from the Central Plains.Although remote places are not easy to be attacked, it is difficult to attract talents to join us, and we can only settle down for a while, and it is difficult to develop.

This is not in line with Qin Ye's strategy.

Fortunately, after the Black Mountain Army rebelled, there was a power gap in central Jizhou.The local tyrants there were all slaughtered by the Black Mountain Army.

Moreover, the crusade against the Black Mountain Army is a perfect excuse.

The Flag of Righteousness, protecting the common people, is also in line with Qin Ye's wishes.

However, as for which place to choose in the middle of Jizhou, Qin Ye has not yet considered it.It is still necessary to draw conclusions based on the situation of the crusade against the Black Mountain Army.

In fact, Qin Ye also knew that the Black Mountain army was powerful, and it was not so easy to attack.

But there is the best place to establish a base, so it's hard to say.

On this day, Qin Ye went to see Cai Yong and Zheng Xuan who was still in Luoyang.

He admired these two people very much. These two great writers made him truly feel the integrity of ancient Chinese literati.He also learned a lot from it.

That night, Qin Ye left.

It was not until the next day that the court learned of Qin Ye's departure.

Baiguan was dumbfounded.

"Why did he leave?" Wang Yun asked in surprise.

"It is said that he went to Jizhou to fight against the Black Mountain Army."


Excuses, pure excuses.

Unexpectedly, the famous Qin Mengjie also betrayed the court.

Suddenly, another message came.

"Master Yuan Benchu ​​wiped out Dong Zhuo's remnants of Xu Rong's tribe, and the recovery of Bingzhou is just around the corner."

All officials are overjoyed.

Look, look at Yuan Benchu, this is the loyal minister of the great man.

What about Yuan Feng and Yuan Kui?
Everyone was about to say congratulations, but found that these two people could not be found.

Suddenly, another message came.

"My lords, Yuan Benchu's family members and the family members of his subordinates have left the city. They said they are going to Bingzhou to find Yuan Benchu."

Baiguan was dumbfounded again.



The family members in Hebei were not in Luoyang to welcome Yuan Benchu's triumphant return, but went to Bingzhou to look for him.

Unexpectedly, the Yuan family, which has been famous for more than a hundred years, also betrayed the court...

They can bear Qin Ye leaving without saying goodbye, after all, that young man has risen in recent years.Your Yuan family is an old man of more than a hundred years, Nima's...

Baiguan cried.

Could it be that my Han family has reached such a point?
Many people have passed.

So far, the court without an emperor has become a joke.Baiguan was helpless in Luoyang, not knowing what the future would look like.



Outside Qinye's mansion, a young girl came. "Even if someone says I'm frivolous, I will say it today. If he doesn't accept it, I will have no regrets..."

"Miss, General Qin has been away for a long time. I, the lonely old man, is the only one left in the whole mansion." The old concierge sighed.

"When will General Qin come back?" The girl looked at the empty house in the bleak autumn wind, and her body began to tremble.

"I'm afraid I won't come back again." An old voice came. Although the old concierge was just a concierge, he had seen too many vicissitudes of the wealthy family.

The girl looked at the clouds in the sky and said, "I don't know what year and month I will be able to meet you again." Thinking of learning simplified Chinese characters and piano skills by Qin Ye's side, she shed tears unknowingly.

In this life, no one will be able to listen to my piano and teach me how to interpret it.

Why did you leave in such a hurry that I couldn't see you for the last time.

You have such lofty ideals, I am so small.

You have fought for it all your life, so what should I do.

Even if it's just around you, watching you quietly...

It is difficult to meet and easy to say goodbye, the east wind is weak and the plum blossoms are incomplete.

(End of this chapter)

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